Lore N. Fables
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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In most worlds, there are always more than one telling of religions. Cultural, species/races, and technology can play a big role in the belief systems of societies. Since most of the religion/myth's have been written by @Andraus and I am having a most difficult time keeping up with all of that lore, so with what I had already written but then had to abandon, I am creating a separate religion/lore system for the Elvhen and Dwarven, regardless if it's already been written. Hence a new thread. It is part of the same world, yes, but it is a different cultural system that dwells within, with different beliefs. One I might be able to keep up with.
The Gods and Goddess' will be the first ones to be posted, I am still undecided on whether or not they should get their own reply box or all in one...
I'm posting what I've got, though the majority of it needs to be edited something awful, so I will spare the eyes for the time being. So, here's a few of the Gods and Goddess, both Elf, Dwarf and Tiefling alike, but there will be more to come along with their stories or something as to why they're considered what they are... It won't be as detailed as the other, but that's because I am writing this so I'm sure something is bound to have some sort of nonsense included at a later date.
Civa – Goddess of Knowledge

Dimena- Goddess of

Iltia - Goddess of the Hunt

Venthys - Goddess Fertility/Love

Dradia - Goddess of the Afterlife/Underworld

Therdarr- God of Thunder/Storms

Phyldros – God of Flames/ "Sun God"
Neris – God of the Underwold/Afterlife
Phenos – God "Father of the Gods"
The Gods and Goddess' will be the first ones to be posted, I am still undecided on whether or not they should get their own reply box or all in one...
I'm posting what I've got, though the majority of it needs to be edited something awful, so I will spare the eyes for the time being. So, here's a few of the Gods and Goddess, both Elf, Dwarf and Tiefling alike, but there will be more to come along with their stories or something as to why they're considered what they are... It won't be as detailed as the other, but that's because I am writing this so I'm sure something is bound to have some sort of nonsense included at a later date.
Civa – Goddess of Knowledge

Dimena- Goddess of

Iltia - Goddess of the Hunt

Venthys - Goddess Fertility/Love

Dradia - Goddess of the Afterlife/Underworld

Therdarr- God of Thunder/Storms

Phyldros – God of Flames/ "Sun God"
Neris – God of the Underwold/Afterlife
Phenos – God "Father of the Gods"