A Little Bit About Me

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A Little Bit About Me


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Yesterday 9:15 PM
How's it goin? I'm new to this website and am very excited to find some new people to roleplay with! I generally like to write in my free time and love roleplay. I initially started doing it to get a proper feel for my characters for my writing. To see how they'd react in scenarios, and to better understand how I wanted them to be and what their personalities should be like in my story. Soon, I began roleplaying just for the fun of it. I absolutely enjoy it, and prefer to write new stories and characters as opposed to ones from books or movies or tv (although that is pretty fun too). I've been roleplaying for only a few years here and there, and hope to find some people to continue my passion with! Welp, that's a small bit about me! Hope to chat with ya soon!
Thanks! It's great to be here! I've only been here for under an hour and I know I'm going to be here very often! This place is amazing!
Welcome! Also....LOVE THE AVI! :D
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