MxF A little of everything (1x1)

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MxF A little of everything (1x1)


Prize Fighter's Inferno
Local time
Today 11:35 AM
Southern United States
Hello, darlings! I have several ideas rolling around, and hopefully one of you will help me bring them to life! Bellow I'll include a little information about myself and of course information about the roleplays. Cheers!

I am a twenty-three year old female who is wildly passionate about world and character building. I'm a full time student and bartender, so I'm not always on or super quick to respond. When it comes to post length, I always try to write a minimum of two to three solid paragraphs...but when the muses are being kind, I can write more. My main characters are always heterosexual females, but my secondary characters are a wide range of different things; I never have only one character, I usually play multiple at a time. I'm comfortable with adult themes, because for the most part I am an adult. At least I try to be an adult. Lastly, I love getting to know my partners and making friends!

Now that all of that is out of the way, let's get to ideas!

Tiers of the People

The world where this RP takes place is tiered, with one level being built on another. The lower you go...the worse the conditions are. The top tier, known as the Elite Tier, is the only tier where there is fresh air and sunlight. It is the only tier above ground.

+Elite Tier
-Where the Elite live.

+Business Tier
-Restaurants, shopping centers, plastic surgeons, memory doctors, ect.

+Working Tier
-This is the factory level. Those who work here, also live here.

+No Man's Tier
-This is where the Black Merchant's Guild operates and lives out of, also where you will find a majority of the drug dens and brothels. Black market-esque.

+Nameless Tier
-An open market where junk is bought, sold, and traded. Some people live here, mainly those who are part of the Rebellion.

+Garbage Tier
-This is where the garbage from all of the tiers ends up. Lots of people live here. Disease and cannibalism is rampant. Down here, 32 is considered to be old.

+Prison Tier
-Exactly what it sounds like.

This plot is a little more open, but the world is very much set in stone. I would caution you against this plot if you're uneasy when it comes to drug use.

The Hansford Sloggers

I more or less stole this idea from the show Peaky Blinders, and I am not sorry, BUT still want to create something orginalish.

So, I was thinking this roleplay will take place somewhere in England or Scottland shortly after WWI, and follow an up and coming street gang calling themselves the Hansford Sloggers. They're heavily involved with the distilling of illegal spirits and underground boxing. We can be any number of characters, and I hope we will be, but I will be playing a young woman named Sophie Hansford. She is the younger sister of one of the gang's founding members and is back in town(wherever that may be) after traveling around with a gypsy circus as a "fortuneteller."

House of the Rising Son

This idea can take place anywhere between the 70s to present, as it would fit really well in any of these settings; though, I really think this would be fun if set in the 70s...mostly because I really like that time period. This roleplay will follow a male FBI agent(your character) and a female psychiatrist(my character) as they develop a profile and track down a serial killer that's been terrorizing Atlanta, GA. I already have some vague ideas about our serial killer, but I'll save those details for those who are interested.


The year is 2018, the present and Noir is once again traveling around Europe. Noir is a traveling circus, but not everything is as it seems. There are vampries, demons, shape-shifters, contortionists, Fae, and other nasty creatures. They travel around Europe seducing the wealthy and normal, feeding off them. Along the way they'll also pick up a new act or two. What happens when a human is allowed into the fold?

Ideas will always be added, and I'm always open for a Marauder Era RP.
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