a man trying to figure out what to put as the title

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a man trying to figure out what to put as the title


Local time
Today 9:06 PM
Hey there everybody! Im Damien, and you can call me whatever appeals to you.
I've been roleplaying for maybe a year. I just recently have been getting up to a decent grammar, spelling, and reading condition. I'm working on my speech issues, so I apologize if there are any errors. I usually enable speech to chat, and if I dont know how to say a word, I try and spell it out.
I can be a bit dry, just talking in general. If I ever need to edit a response, I will gladly do so.
Thats about it, I'll add on later as more ideas spill out. Bye!
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Welcome to the Sanctum! I hope your muse behaves and you find awesome people to write with!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome, welcome!
Welcome to the Sanctum! I hope you enjoy it here! ❤️
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