The central plot revolves around the two women who lose their belongings while skinny dipping in a pond in the woods. Naked and stranded, they attempt to hitchhike and eventually encounter a luxurious limousine. Inside the limo, they meet Sir Reginald, an elderly nobleman who invites them to his mansion for shelter and a warm meal.
I do enjoy a big amount of story and twists. The hypocritical secrecy in a scene is especially something I enjoy. It's the tension and the unique feel I strive to implement in the stories we build. Despite this setting being quite simply a bold Porn setting, there are many scenes that come into it aswell:
I'm usually writing 600-1000 words, sometimes 2000 on occasions, I would like to have a partner who also writes and replies with plenty of words to satisfy the need for that smut rush.
I do enjoy a big amount of story and twists. The hypocritical secrecy in a scene is especially something I enjoy. It's the tension and the unique feel I strive to implement in the stories we build. Despite this setting being quite simply a bold Porn setting, there are many scenes that come into it aswell:
- Throughout their stay in the mansion, various opportunities arise for the women to engage in passionate encounters with the staff, including gardeners, butlers, cooks, and cleaning personnel. However, Sir Reginald strictly forbids any sexual activity within the mansion, promising severe consequences for those who break the rules. Of course these are the sexy kind of punishment
- Of course the girls would stay in the mansion for a while and with each fuck they provide to the men, they become more dominant and more rough. We can plot together who/what all these men would be like or you can leave it to me.
- The story will most likely have exhibitionistic scenes where one might get caught, I roll a dice?, or they might be watched, or follow and watch each other take one dick after another or have romantic relationships with the men in the house, or between one another (two girls naked in a mansion full of men? Oh yeah they will have fun sharing a room together!)
- I love good character development and would like to see how the two girls will grow closer with each shared moment. They might be best friends or strangers who had just met because there belongings had been stolen (did the old rich man did this on purpose?...hmmmmm...)
I'm usually writing 600-1000 words, sometimes 2000 on occasions, I would like to have a partner who also writes and replies with plenty of words to satisfy the need for that smut rush.
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