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Any A Muti para fantasy RP

Wonderweiss Granz

Prince of Payne
Local time
Today 8:01 PM
I've tried to make this prompt work many many times, I really really love it, and I want it to finally go somewhere. its a prompt that needs creative minds and interesting characters familiar with medieval type fantasy role play.

This is the prompt I gave my self.
"You wake up in the woods. eventually you realize something about you is off, you have contracted something...(use your imagination) you could eventually find a cabin. there can be people in it or no people at all. start from when you first wake up and go until you are dead or found"

Its a simple story start, but it gave me a lot of wiggle room and I tried my best to fill every space. The starting post I have finished writing has Wonder waking up, near death, in the middle of an ashy forest. he doesn't remember much, he's in a lot of pain, and is liable to pass out at any moment, sealing his fate.

All i want for the fallowing post is for someone to find him and help him. you can be any gender, any species, any class. all you have to do is help him. And as the story progresses, if it goes well, I'll need add other players fill the various scenes I have roughly drawn in my head. I'm down for almost anything as long as it fits in the story and doesn't break immersion.

((If you want to get frisky with Wonder at some point during the story, you have to be male. Wonder is homosexual. even if you are male, it will only happen if I think I fits the plot, Wonder is a flirt, so that's why I think it could happen.))

Id like for you to be a coherent writer, who can supply their posts with multiple paragraphs, or even just one big one. who can add a lot of new interesting detail to my boys unknown journey. Daily Replies, or every other day would be great. if we work well together, adjustments can be made.

I love talking through stories with others, and I love getting to know interesting people. I wanna make friends two, not just writing partners.'

I want this story to be closely tied to Wonders back ground so I highly reccomend that you check out his character sheet here :

It only contains a small paragraph of his background and id love to reveal more of it with a good group of supportive like minded individuals.

Here's the stories beginning.

One person has agreed to be my partner for this one. I'll let yall know if i need to add a body.
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hey, new here
how do I join, just wondering. I love rping and I just wanted to join one
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