A new player enters the fray

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A new player enters the fray


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Today 1:20 PM

i am 25, male, and have played RPGs since around 8 years ago, though mostly in my native tongue, which happens to be German. Since I am up for a new challange and the German RPG community has become rather stale over the years I am here, looking for new characters to meet and new stories to explore.

So lets cut right to the chase:

What am i looking for?
- I play both 2-person and group-RPGs. I prefer the later though, since the chemistry and interactions between multiple characters was always one of the most appealing aspects of roleplay for me.
- Fantasy /Sci-Fi - I play other genre as well, but only if the story really piques my interest.
- I prefer to play original stories and worlds. I only play Fandoms if the story exclusivly borrows the world and lore but not any characters (Star Wars/Witcher/LotR/Warhammer). Playing a cannon character is an absolute no-go for me.

What am I offering?
- I prefer long and detailed posts 1-2 times a week over daily one-liners. My posts average around 300-600 words. I keep my deadlines and post reliably.
- I can play both male and female characters
- I prefer 3rd person, but I am open to 1st person if the situation asks for it
- I am fine with playing straight, gay, bi or lesbian orientations.

Regarding adult content:
- I am generally fine with adult themes and content. I am not interested in playing any fetish or erotic-rpg though. Sex can be part of an RPG but not the center.

Lastly, some little excerpt from one of my RPGs to give you a better idea about how i write:
She used to have a dream. A dream that went so far back, she couldnt even remember when she first began to chase after it. It was almost as if she had the dream implanted into her at birth, edged into the very core of her soul. At first it was nothing more than a vague idea, a feeling of uncertain longing. But with time it had grown sharper around the edges and more defined in the center. Her surroundings had carved it out for her. Her parents at home, her teachers in class, and her friends in those treasured hours spend together. Slowly but steadily the dream had become defined and seemingly attainable. And so, with the energy of the young on her side she had begun to chase after it, just like all her friends had chased after their dreams, that seemed so very similar to her own. But in between those years time had changed. Once time had been a close friend, now it was a dreaded enemy. Her time was all but gone, and so was her dream. Looking back it was kind of funny. Time had seemed plentiful when she was young and the future had been far, far away. Now the future had come, almost overnight she thought, and she hadn't been ready. She was still on the hunt, but not a step closer to her dream. Some of her friends had found theirs and whenever she thought of them envy boiled up inside her and nothing but rage and unkindness filled her mind. She blankly stared at the mirror. Her once good looks had faded, and so had her friends and family. Her body was in decay and just seeing herself disgusted her. Her arms and fingers would barely listen to her commands and she couldn't even go to the toilet on her own anymore. No amount of Make-up and lotions would ever be able to change that. Even her dream had withered, just like her body. It had become hollow and had lost all of its sparkling sheen. Her dream was still a dream, but her life had become the all consuming nightmare surrounding it. Maybe if she had said yes, on that Monday evening 23 years ago, maybe she would have achieved her dream. Or that one time, 19 years ago when she... The questions kept haunting her, taunting all the decisions she ever made, spitting the answers, she had refused to see when it mattered, right back into her face - now that it was all too late. Her memory had become porous and full of holes. And whenever she was in a clear state of mind, she was thankful for it - for she often forgot the source of her sorrows. Only a deeprooted feeling of regret always lingered within her, whatever she did, even when everything else seemed foggy and distant. While she drifted off to sleep she wondered what happiness felt like. Oh, if only she had...

Well, thanks for reading I guess and we will see each other in the Sanctum.

Best regards,
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum! I do hope you enjoy it here! :)
Hello there,

I actually have a question.
I have been scrolling through the rp-request section but from what I see its mainly smut and E-rpgs and I am not really interested in either.
Is there any way to filter by tag or something similar?
It is often not very clear from the title alone if it is supposed to go to the forbidden sanctum or not.
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