MxF A Pool of Potential Plots

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MxF A Pool of Potential Plots

Baxter Peters

Considering Writing Again
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Plot Ideas

Bloody Sugar Baby

The premise is simple. A young woman, down on her luck, decides to try being a sugar baby to get the bills paid. She meets with a potential 'daddy', an older, wealthy, distinguished fellow whom just happens to be a vampire. He has no intention of hiding who or what he is. He wants to come to an arrangement with the woman for her time, company, and blood.

My Telekinetic Lover

Something was wrong. People trying to cop a feel on the train was nothing new, but this... this was something else. You felt it, you know you did. The hand caressed your backside, bold as anything, but your slap only caught air. There was no one there. No one close enough to have touched you. But that was just the beginning. The ghostly touches continued, grew more bold, more daring. It took time for you to notice him. He was tall, handsome, well dressed. His eyes were icy blue and he watched you. He seemed to know there was something going on with you. Was he doing something? Why did he smile when the ghostly touch became very intimate indeed? What will you do about it?

Karma's a Bitch

You were so popular in high school. Prom Queen, head cheerleader, dating the quarterback, wealthy parents, cool friends. You had power. You could make or break people with a word. That power was intoxicated, and you wielded it indiscriminately. If only it had stayed.

It's a decade later. You're drowning in debt and your parents are too wrapped up in their own troubles to help. You need a job. You're not really qualified for this one, but still managed to land an interview. It's got good pay, good benefits, and could really help you out.

You show up at the interview ready to make a great impression, only to find a rude surprise. Your interviewer, your potential boss, went to your high school. He was a quiet nerd, and a frequent target of your ire. Maybe he doesn't remember?

My New Pet

A young man adopts a rescue from the local shelter. Could be a cat, dog, whatever really. What he doesn't realize is that his new pet isn't... normal. It's a shapeshifter that was stuck at the pound for whatever reason. Perhaps they were a cursed human. Perhaps they're a lycanthrope who was captured by the pound. Perhaps it's a witches/wizard's familiar who's master has died and needs to make a pact with someone new or be sent back to the pit. Those are details that we can hash out together. I'd also reverse this plot. Perhaps a lady adopts a pet. Perhaps just to love, perhaps because she lives alone and would feel safer with a dog in the house? Regardless, I'd play owner or animal for this scenario.


If any of these plots seem like something you'd enjoy writing with me, send me a private message and we'll work on details. You're also welcome to steal these plots and write them with a partner of your choosing. I'm not precious about my ideas, and don't pretend they're incredibly original.
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Picture Prompts



New Plot:

After retiring nearly a decade ago, an assassin is living a quiet live outside of a small Nevada town when a strange woman visits him, looking for his help. Having been referred to him by someone from his past, the woman needs someone killed and wants to know how to do it herself. Set in the John Wick universe, with the Continental, Gold Coins, Strange assassin subcultures and all.
After watching Into the Spider-Verse, I'm jazzed to do something superheroic. Could be fandom, could be our own universe.

Now, there's a couple different ways this could work.

1. I could write a superhero against a character you want to write. I write male and female characters and I like superheroes who are at a Spider-Man sort of power tier. They're awesome, but mortal. Nightcrawler and Spider-Man are two canons I really have fun writing. I'd also like to try my hand at a Spider-Woman. (Gwen, Jessica, or the other who's name is eluding me at the moment.)

2. I could sort of 'GM' a superhero story for your character. You write the superhero, and I write the villains, foils, love interests, supporting cast. I'd present you with situations and see how you roll with it. We'd discuss ahead of time the sort of things you'd like to see and I'd be looking to hit classic superhero beats. Could be a lot of fun.

If you're interested in working on something superheroic, drop me a line.
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