A Question of Survival Characters

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A Question of Survival Characters


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Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Here's a thread for posting finalized Character sheets (With so many characters, having a reference area makes sense). Don't put them here until all points are finalized AND they are ready to be entered into the story. Pictures are optional, please be detailed in description and on powers. One post per character, just for the sake of readability.

Name: James

Age: 27

Height: 6'5

Hair: Black, close cut. Occasional stubble on his face, but rarely reaching a full beard.

Eyes: Steel Grey

Build: Broad and muscular, easily and frequently used for intimidation.

Personality: Cold, calculating and utterly ruthless toward enemies, lukewarm at best toward allies and only really affectionate toward close friends. At the moment, this includes Elizabeth and Victoria, his Girlfriend and his little sister respectively.

Power: James and his sister both manifested during childhood, far earlier than usual. His power centres on manipulation of the various key elements. Earth, fire, air and water. His capacity for raw power is immense and he is also capable of extremely fine, detailed work, but his capacity to do the latter on a large scale or the former on a small one is very much limited. All of his powers and the control he has are proportionate to the control he has over himself. If he loses control of his emotions, he becomes extremely destructive and nigh unstoppable.

Weapons: Sword worn at waist. Manipulated by his own power, the steel is razor sharp down to an almost atomic level and nearly impossible to destroy, chip or dull. His powers giving him an extreme advantage at range, he carries it as much for the dramatic flair as for actual use.

Clothing: Mostly dark. Favours leather jackets, dark jeans and other generic outfits unless he's trying hard to make a statement or draw attention.
Name: Iris

Age: 22

Height: 5'3

Hair: Long, silky black hair

Eyes: dark brown

Physical Description:
Iris is a small woman of mixed racial origins. She has a delicate bone structure, but is surprisingly resilient and healthy. Her back and arms are covers in tattoos, the symbolism of which she will not discuss with anyone. Iris never wears makeup, but she doesn't really need it.


Iris is a walking contradiction in terms of personalities. On one hand she is capable of being friendly, even charming by some people's standards, yet at other times she is prone to brooding. While she doesn't particularly care of people as a whole and has no problem causing people pain, she has a serious prohibition against killing anyone. One of the very few things Iris is actually afraid of is dying, so she tends to avoid situations that will likely end her death.

Iris' can drain the life energy from any living thing in order to grant herself augmented physical and mental abilities. The boost she gains is only temporary and the damage (either mental or physical) can be healed over time. She also has the ability to use this on multiple targets in an area, but the effect to each individual decreases the more people it is used against.In theory, she could kill a person with this, and has in the past. However, she strictly avoids killing anyone, due her mind linking with her past victim upon his death. The images of that still haunt Iris, so she will only weaken her opponents, usually enough so that she can escape.

Special Note:
Iris would never use this power against an ally and they are immune to the multiple target effect.

Iris uses a finely sharpened set of throwing knives. If someone gets close she will resort to hand to hand combat.

Iris almost always goes sleeveless or backless to show off her tattoos. She prefers jeans and will occasionally wear a denim jacket if it's cold. She's almost always wearing black boots with a small heel. She also wears a pair of black fingerless gloves. The only jewelry she wears is a pair of beaded earrings with small feathers in them.
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Name: Elizabeth

Age: 24

Height: 6'

Hair: Long, straight, strawberry blonde, with extra strawberry

Eyes: Sapphire Blue

Build: Reasonably athletic, though far from bulky, she has a long, hourglass figure with well defined muscles and reasonably generous curves. Pale skin lends her a somewhat delicate appearance, aside fron very sharp features that lend themselves easily to either harshness or gentility depending on her mood.

Personality: Far more open than James, she lends her natural acting ability well to manipulation and infiltration. She can lie to nearly anyone, play any character and incorporates her power so seamlessly into her act she scarcely even seems to need it. With people she knows she's charming, open and generous to a fault, but she has grown so good at playing parts that only James and Victoria truely know her.

Powers: She has a dual ability she refers to as Soothing and Rioting. The first dulls an emotion, the second enhances one. She can't create emotion that isn't there, but even a spark of trust, sympathy, attraction, suspicion, fear or anything else can be turned into an inferno depending on her needs and she can alternatively soothe awaysuch tthings, allowing her to act her way past places that should be impregnable. It's limited in that extreme, emotionless discipline in a task dulls her effectiveness, while people with powers require significant focus to work on. Those with mental powers or who require extreme discipline to control their abilities can detect her touching their minds. She can sense emotions without manipulation, making her almost impossible to lie to unless a person is strong enough for her to fear touching their mind. She also describes it as a very intimate experience and thus avoids all by the most mild alterations unless she absolutely needs more.

Weapons: She frequently conceals knives all over her person, preferring to manipulate her way close and kill in silence. She's quite strong and knows the pressure points to hit to make someone vulnerable... mentally and physically.

Clothing: All other things being equal, she prefers jeans, t-shirts and a jacket. However she is equally comfortable in fancy dresses and heels or even loose fitting clothing to dress like a scrawny man. Makeup and hair dye are her constant companions.
Name: Victoria

Age: 19

Height: 5' 10"

Hair: Fully red and wavy, in spite of frequent attempts to make it stay straight.

Eyes: Silver

Build: A scrawnier version of Elizabeth (Who is half big sister, half deity to her and a constant source of attempted emulation), she knows how to carry herself, being both athletic and full grown, if lithe. Pale, heavily freckled skin and dimpled cheeks give her a baby face and she's grown quite adept at makeup trying to compensate. She's not entirely full figured, but is endowed enough to leave no ambiguity regarding gender at any distance. She's not as refined in her acting as Elizabeth, but her own abilities give a unique advantage in disguise. Her arms, unlike the rest of her, are extremely well defined in muscles, owing to her weapon of choice.

Personality: Playful and not naturally deceptive, she earns people's trust by the appearance she has nothing to hide—unusually, because she genuinely doesn't. She's something of a contradiction, being on the one hand mostly the product of raising by two people less than 10 years older and constantly in danger, while also being sheltered by them to the extent that she's able to kill people without ever actually seeing the worst of them. She's also flushed full of insecurities and while she to manifested as a child and mastered her powers young, she's still relatively reserved in using them.

Powers: Victoria is able to create a time bubble around herself, with speed inside running either much faster or much slower than usual. These can be up to the size of a medium sized room and can compress minutes for her into seconds for an outside observer or turn minutes for her into hours passing outside. She's learned to use this to become something of a quick change artist, able to do major changes to makeup and wardrobe almost instantly. She can also try to isolate opponents, allowing her to dispatch them one at a time before others can hope to interfere or use her time in her bubble to aim and fire several shots in perfect security. The main limits are size, the limiting of the bubble to forming directly around her and a slight delay that prevents her from dropping one and instantly making another, as well as being unable to alter the time dynamic inside the bubble once it's created (make it slower or faster).

Note: once a bubble breaks, time normalizes. So if she spent several minutes of her time changing, once she lets it go, there will be a few seconds of "flickering" where everything she did would be TECHNICALLY visible (If impossible to make out). All sound is likewise compressed and comes out extremely high pitched

Weapons: She favours a (heavily modified) bow and arrows, as they can be easily aimed from inside her bubbles, with a pair of long knives if things get in close. She's ideally equipped for scouting and stealth infiltration, as her bubbles let her make and hide bodies in near total silence.

Clothing: She's more of a girly girl than she would care to admit, liking somewhat loose fitting dresses when she can get away with them or at least jeans and a blouse when she can't. She almost always wears at least short heels and tends to favour blues and purples more than the blacks and browns of her brother and not-quite-sister.
Alicia Hayes (The brains)





-Medium length
-Dark brown with natural high and low lights
-Half curled, normally worn tied back in a messy bun


-Small stature
-Lithe, feminine physique
-Minimal athletic tone

Gravity - Alicia can create points in space where she can manipulate the level of gravity. This has many purposes and uses. Such as, but not limited to, flying and creating gravity points where she choses. She can also manipulate local gravity to her benefit.

Level headed and calm under pressure, Alicia is the strong silent type, albeit not in a physical way. She is mentally sound and intelligent, more likely to play it safe then to go out guns blazing. Her ability requires control and focus, something that her stay in the compound has taught her. Control of her focus. This only adds to her perfectionist personality. Everything has to be balanced, the scales can never tip in either direction. She has a tender side and is sincerely kind to most all she meets but holds a special place for her twin sister. Despite being the same age, Alicia seems more mature and thoughtful. Mother hen to her sibling and extremely protective of her.

Her best weapon is her mind. She is a strategist and problem solver, quick witted and intelligent. Though she is never without a hidden weapon, usually a well concealed blade.

Bright colors and modest coverage. Girlish in a way that doesn't play on childish. Her friendly and bubbly personality definitely show through her clothing without the frills and bows. Elegant and classy, almost.


Ashley Hayes (The brawns)





-Long length
-Dark brown with natural high and low lights
-Loose, open curls, normally worn down


-Small stature
-Curvy, feminine physique
-Moderate athletic tone, mostly on her arms and legs

Momentum - She is able to create and direct momentum in an object, reducing walls to piles of rubble and turning any object, including other people, into lethal projectiles. This requires control and focus, if she loses a handle on her emotions and let's her focus slip, the end result could be disastrous and possibly fatal to those around her.

Cold and standoffish, Ashley is the polar opposite of her sibling, her twin. She loathes crowds and is quite bitter and antisocial toward new faces. She has an explosive temper, easily irritated and quick to snap, often with devastating results. Her one emotional weakness is her sister who she relies heavily on to keep her gift in check and control her untamed rage. She doesn't speak often and when she does it is normally with sharp wit or a sarcastic quip. Despite her less than desirable attitude she is a rather timid and shy woman with a dog like obedience to authority.

Ashley is trained in archery and hand to hand, possessing a customized compound bow and an arsenal of hidden knives. Ashley herself is her most dangerous weapon. Her gift allows her to become a human cannon, turning anything in range into a deadly projectile with enough force.

Dark, muted colors, dresses for comfort and convenience, mostly skin tight athletic wear that allows a full range of natural fluid motion.
Name: Leathan O'Dir

Age: 24

Gender: Male



Hair: Long black. Sometimes he leaves his hair down, but most of the time he has it braided or tied back into a ponytail.
Eyes: Black
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 251 lbs

Inspiration into the making of this character:

The kelpie comes from Scottish lore dating back as early as the 18th century. The kelpie can be lumped in along with a slew of other water spirits and nymphs similar to the lore of Loch Ness. The kelpie by tradition is a beautiful horse that walks along the shores of lakes, swamps, or rivers. Sometimes he can appear as a human. In either form he is so undeniably beautiful that those who see him are enchanted by him and are overcome with the desire to embrace him in some way. Once skin contact is made, he may ensnare the human being and proceed to drag him or her into the depths of the water. This part of the lore is open to interpretation as to how he can ensnare a human. Sometimes he eats them, other times he bites them, sometimes he even melts and goops his way into the water.

  • Absorption. Because of the kelpie's gooey ability, he can absorb some attacks without taking much harm, giving his team the advantage of keeping the enemy still for a few moments. He is not immune to all attacks, though, and can certainly be cut or wounded.
  • Nightmare: calling on the gooey element of his natural ability, I'd like to say he can be a very disorienting character to come face to face with in a battle. Being stuck to a black, melting, death blob could probably be unnerving to some individuals.
  • Strength and Speed: because his power is that of the kelpies, he has the strength and speed of a horse. A swift kick or punch from him could easily break some bones and cause some serious pain.

Position on team: part dps, part tank.

Age: 23

Height: 5'4"

Hair: Short pink-dyed bangs though her natural hair color is black, with the back either tied in a ponytail or let free down a bit past her shoulder in either the front or back.

Eyes: Cerulean eyes that are usually equipped with tech-enhanced contacts for vision and other useful informational usage.

Build: Slim figure due to her somewhat planned diet that she made to minimize her costs and eating time. She likes to keep her figure in form when she somehow manages to find free time.

Personality: Cautious and almost overly so, she tends to not like to leave possibilities unplanned for. Is friendly regardless of how she often appear to zone out others while working, with her expression usually quite stern and serious when she worked.
Calm and appearing to almost be bored in most scenarios, though very openly expresses her annoyance should they occur.
Multitask and tend to be considering a lot of things at once.
Is somewhat awkward when it comes to casual social encounters or even normal chatter, with her looks being the only assistance to get her easily through the times she needed to go out for information.

Power: Overlord, the ability to seemingly talk to machines such as security systems, ATMs, and computers. This ability has a 15ft effective range.

Weapons: She prefers non-violent approaches where necessary, letting computers do the dirty work.
For those times where he can't avoid an actual fight, Elya has a tech-enhanced pistol which won't fire unless he tells it to.
Usually this is loaded with tranquilizer rounds rather than bullets, but can also shoot: taser rounds, infrared tracer rounds, actual bullets, and GPS tracker chips.

Clothing: She prefers wearing a shirt and a somewhat loose t-shirt that comes down to above her stomach, leaving her midsection open. When she's outside however, she often wears a full suit.
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Age: 27

Height: 6'0"

Eyes: Obsidian

Build: Muscular and athletic from his background in the military.

Personality: A stoic and analytical figure, Reyn served as both a Special Operative and a Tactician during his career with the government. He possessed a calm demeanor and a naturally low smooth voice that brings order amidst chaos. However, the betrayal that landed him in the lab to be exploited for his powers turned him cold, his eyes losing the warmth that he often showed in his past. His voice did not change however, but he trusts others less than ever. He now keeps his quiet, speaking only when he is needed to and never speaking unless he saw the absolute need.

Power: Reyn discovered his power during a tragic incident involving an explosion due to stray fire in a gang fight during his early adulthood. He had unintentionally created a barrier out of energy around himself, blocking himself from the blast of the explosion and the falling debris. He had since developed it when taken in by the military, able to create more intricate objects though with higher costs that comes with complexity. These objects range from basic items to weapons out of pure energy (though it appears to be dark like his eyes and has the same texture as the normal version), though he can't create anything that he doesn't understand the design for. He had also improved his energy pool (stamina) through the training, though nothing seem to have improved the duration that the objects last.

Weapons: Reyn is proficient in many weapons, including a rifle, sword, and knives due to his time in the military. However, his favorite weapon is the chain scythe due to its exotic and dangerous appearance.

Clothing: Prefers dark clothing to blend in at night and for its look in the day time. Tends to wear suits with light armor under them.
Name: Marlene (Mars) Farthing

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Height: 5'0"

Weight: 120

Hair: Light brown down to her shoulder blades, normally kept in a braid.

Eyes: Dark brown

Build: Short and slim but with curves in the right places.

Powers: Memory Swipe- If someone has any memories related to her, Marlene can steal either the memories related to her or all memories, depending on her concentration and intent. Swipes are like file transfers, where smaller ones are immediate transfers, while larger ones take time and can affect her reaction time and problem solving. Exceptionally big swipes (complete memory swipes) can take all of her mental capacity to transfer and process, the duration of which renders her rather stupid and illogical.

Personality: Very easy-going on the surface, Marlene has the kind of presence that makes others feel at ease. This easy-going face is what she prefers to show people, refusing to let her guard down for others after accidentally wiping her family's memories of her after powers manifested. Aside from when she's processing a big swipe, she always thinks things through carefully and measures her words and actions in advance.

Weapons: She always keeps a small case of sharpened needles in her pocket. The needles are coated with a potent poison that works quickly after the needle has broken the skin.

Clothing: She wears clothing with soft colors and a flowy feeling to them to help put others at ease, though she's careful to avoid clothing that could actually be caught on something or by someone in the case of flight.
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