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Staff member
Inner Sanctum Nobility
♔ Champion ♔
Here's a thread for posting finalized Character sheets (With so many characters, having a reference area makes sense). Don't put them here until all points are finalized AND they are ready to be entered into the story. Pictures are optional, please be detailed in description and on powers. One post per character, just for the sake of readability.
Name: James
Age: 27
Height: 6'5
Hair: Black, close cut. Occasional stubble on his face, but rarely reaching a full beard.
Eyes: Steel Grey
Build: Broad and muscular, easily and frequently used for intimidation.
Personality: Cold, calculating and utterly ruthless toward enemies, lukewarm at best toward allies and only really affectionate toward close friends. At the moment, this includes Elizabeth and Victoria, his Girlfriend and his little sister respectively.
Power: James and his sister both manifested during childhood, far earlier than usual. His power centres on manipulation of the various key elements. Earth, fire, air and water. His capacity for raw power is immense and he is also capable of extremely fine, detailed work, but his capacity to do the latter on a large scale or the former on a small one is very much limited. All of his powers and the control he has are proportionate to the control he has over himself. If he loses control of his emotions, he becomes extremely destructive and nigh unstoppable.
Weapons: Sword worn at waist. Manipulated by his own power, the steel is razor sharp down to an almost atomic level and nearly impossible to destroy, chip or dull. His powers giving him an extreme advantage at range, he carries it as much for the dramatic flair as for actual use.
Clothing: Mostly dark. Favours leather jackets, dark jeans and other generic outfits unless he's trying hard to make a statement or draw attention.
Here's a thread for posting finalized Character sheets (With so many characters, having a reference area makes sense). Don't put them here until all points are finalized AND they are ready to be entered into the story. Pictures are optional, please be detailed in description and on powers. One post per character, just for the sake of readability.
Name: James
Age: 27
Height: 6'5
Hair: Black, close cut. Occasional stubble on his face, but rarely reaching a full beard.
Eyes: Steel Grey
Build: Broad and muscular, easily and frequently used for intimidation.
Personality: Cold, calculating and utterly ruthless toward enemies, lukewarm at best toward allies and only really affectionate toward close friends. At the moment, this includes Elizabeth and Victoria, his Girlfriend and his little sister respectively.
Power: James and his sister both manifested during childhood, far earlier than usual. His power centres on manipulation of the various key elements. Earth, fire, air and water. His capacity for raw power is immense and he is also capable of extremely fine, detailed work, but his capacity to do the latter on a large scale or the former on a small one is very much limited. All of his powers and the control he has are proportionate to the control he has over himself. If he loses control of his emotions, he becomes extremely destructive and nigh unstoppable.
Weapons: Sword worn at waist. Manipulated by his own power, the steel is razor sharp down to an almost atomic level and nearly impossible to destroy, chip or dull. His powers giving him an extreme advantage at range, he carries it as much for the dramatic flair as for actual use.
Clothing: Mostly dark. Favours leather jackets, dark jeans and other generic outfits unless he's trying hard to make a statement or draw attention.