A Quick Hello

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A Quick Hello


Welcome to the Sanctum
Local time
Today 6:56 PM
New York
Greetings all!

I just recently came across the site after some (admittedly extensive) digging for sites dedicated to the ol' throw-n-catch of written RP with talented partners who know how to put a sentence or twenty together. <3

I've been writing for longer than I haven't, though usually it's done with a partner or two. I've likely had more characters than I have bones in my body, and am excited to start writing again now that my schedule has loosened up a bit. Medieval high fantasy is my bread and butter, but modern dark fantasy has a place in my heart - especially with a spice of supernatural mystique.

Looking forward to lurking for a short while before diving in!

Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your time with us!
Welcome welcome! If you like modern dark fantasy, I would highly recommend the Lumen RP currently going on—an active, fun story chock full of fantasy and fairy tale characters. I'm currently playing Robin Hood and (I think?) Puck from A Midsummer Night's Dream. If that sounds like your cup of tea, the link is below:

Welcome to the Madness Santcum! Please enjoy your stay! :)
welcome stormy! i hope you write the stories you're looking for here <3
Thank you, all, for the warm welcome! It'll be nice to stretch my brain again, now that I'm at a less-demanding job. 🥰

Excuse the intrusion, . I simply wanted to offer a little advice to ease your transition to the Sanctum.

So I offer you these,

READ the rules. There really isn't that many to make it worth skipping them for an 60 seconds of time .As there a couple there, that differ to alot of other sites and they sometimes trip ppl up.

Have a little look through the Requests thread, to see what ppl expect to find in a RT ....
Then go wild making your own. Remember its just as important to say what you , do NOT WANT , as waxing lyrical about your passions.

When searching for partner , take the time to search at least 3 pages deep on the Requests thread because the bump rate keeps things moving with a quickness.

Last of all HAVE FUN and enjoy, this is THE most important thing to remember.

Oh and maybe come and visit the bunch of miscreants that reside in chat....they are a very welcoming lot.

I look forward to seeing you out adventuring.

Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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