MxM A simple hot dog's request thread

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MxM A simple hot dog's request thread


Smol bean
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Today 2:57 PM
Hello, I am Crispy Hotdog. I don't think of myself as particularly crispy and I'm certainly not a hot dog.

I am looking for some neat little cuties to RP with since I'm stuck inside.

About me:

You can call me Hotdog, I guess? That sounds so silly but I'm always really hesitant to use my real name in an online context such as this. I roleplayed a lot for a long time eons ago (I was reading old forums and apparently I rped for like ten years?). I really dropped off once I graduated from college. It has been a minute since I've rped like this, I play DnD and stuff but that feels wholly different, but I do have a writing degree and write for other stuff so I can still keep up but I am still getting my bearings on some of the terminology and stuff since it's changed a little since I rped last.

I am in my late 20s and I live in California. I'm online a lot. I will try to get back to you once a day, given the circumstances I might be able to do more.

I am unsure if there is anything else to know about me that won't be covered elsewhere.

I do want to say that my ooc way of talking is very different than my writing, so if you were like "I don't want to RP with this person, they say dude too much!" I assure that my actual writing is less chill. Out of character I just love vibin', ya dig?

What I'm looking for:

  • I like older characters. I have no interest in playing anyone in college or anything like that. I prefer my characters to be 30+. If you also had characters 30+ that would be mega cool of you.
  • We should communicate. I like plotting and going back and forth a lot. I also want to communicate because I would like to be friends! Friends are cool.
  • I'm not a huge stickler for length. I think the circumstances of the post really dictate how long a post should be. For example, you can't really give a super long post when your character is in the middle of a conversation with mine. We should be cool as long as we are both trying.
  • I really don't want to do character set up. If you have a pre-made with a profile and picture that's cool, but I am just not into doing that right now.
  • I would prefer if we RPed in 3rd person.
  • Since it's romance oriented I'm fine with sex, I'm also fine with that sex being detailed, however, I am mostly interested in plot. I would say the ratio would be 90:10 of plot:smut. The ratio, of course, can fluctuate but I'm not here just to do sex stuff. In all honesty, I find flirting and romance way more interesting than sex.


Older brother/sister's boyfriend

Character A is an uptight busy businessman who is always doing business. His sister was a real mess but she's finally getting her act together. She's been dating character B for a while (a few years on and off maybe?). Character B is a dead beat and all-around bad influence. Character A really despises Character B and thinks that Character B is holding his sister back. Character B actually really adores Character A and has a huge crush.

I would prefer to play character A, but if I get my fill I have no qualms about being character B.

Neighbors (rural)

Character A suffers from a pretty devastating breakup and decides to move out of the city to someplace more remote. He moves to a small rural town, right next to character B. Character B has a pretty good life in the small town, he's got a wife maybe some kids. Character B initially shows some animosity towards Character A but eventually warms up to him.

I would prefer to play character A, but if I get my fill I have no qualms about being character B.

If I do fan stuff I prefer it to be PCs. Given the things I like I don't think that would be a huge problem.

  • Fallout (I prefer the western setting of the Mojave to the eastern settings of the capital wasteland or whatever)
  • Mass Effect
  • Dragon Age

I will admit it's been AWHILE since I've played Dragon Age or Mass Effect so I might need a refresher on that stuff)

I am also open to plot and pairing ideas. I really just want some heady character-driven RPs. I like there to be a central conflict that needs to be worked through. I generally prefer modern-day slice of life stuff.

Drop me a line if you're interested! I look forward to hearing from you!
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