Mediocritys Muse
Doctor Who!

There have been many Doctor Who variations but all of them had one single thing in common and that was that they were all male, although that will surely change as the series continues on strong. However I want to start up a role play that stars a female regeneration, perhaps right after Peter Capaldi 9th season. Where as I know that it isn't his final season but well I figure I can come up with something semi-believable. If that isn't agreeable we could always just start at the end of Matt Smith's run or even David Tennant's run, the beginning isn't really a deal breaker for me. Any who as for the companion I really do not have a stipulation on who she is or how she acts, considering that would be a bit more fun if I were to allow the partner to decide those kinds of aspects of their own character.
The main reason for my wanting to do a Doctor Who role play is mainly because I find the series entertaining and one that I can simply watch over and over again, who wouldn't want to create a role play based on something they adore so? Well that is my premise, if anyone is interested simply hit me up on here or in a pm. I'd love to hear from you! XD
- No less than two paragraphs per-post, more would be simply splendid.
- Semi literate, I know I am not a savant when it comes to typing so I don't expect everyone else to be either.
- Post every two days or so, I'll be around to post pretty much every day most likely.
- Sexual antics will most likely not happen, although later...and I mean way later in the story they might.
- As for Gore and such it will happen but it won't be a frequent thing.
- Not into Rape or writing out explicit torture
- Any other queries simply ask! x73
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