A spectrum of themes. Seeking creative literate partners. NEW IDEA- TOPSY TURVY WORLD

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A spectrum of themes. Seeking creative literate partners. NEW IDEA- TOPSY TURVY WORLD


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I am going to try something different with this RT as I haven't been having much luck on other sites of late. So being new here I figured I would try a different approach.

Rather than list a series of plots I will instead list a series of themes/genres that I would like to explore and perhaps with the right partner they could be built on.

Firstly, my dislikes so you don't waste too much time reading something that may not suit you.

IDEA : Topsy Turvy World - This is a world where women are now dominant and men are like 1950's housewives/women. I have some variations but if you would like to discuss let me know.

Please PM me for chat if you are interested.

One liner responses.
Smut montages.
When nothing happens in a RP.
Cliche/One dimensional characters.
Fandoms, no offence but I don't play any games, watch any new films or TV shows, I would not be good at this genre.
Crazy monsters, anthros, furries etc.

Story line.
Interesting characters.
Character development.
Looking at plots/themes etc from different angles.
Moral dilemmas and characters who are challenged in some way by what they are doing.
MxF and FxF

Themes I would like to explore (Not necessarily all within this RP idea, just generally)
Dry humping.
Older woman x Younger Male.
Older man x Younger Female.
One character training the other in something.
Non penetrative sex.
Foreplay only.
Incest; accidental and otherwise.
Sugar baby.
Prostitute x Client.
"Normal" woman being offered money for sex.
Male prostitute/male being offered money for sex by woman.

Will add more as I go along..
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hi I would love to roleplay with you, if that's ok
Heyo! I was wondering if your Topsy Turvy RP is still happening? I think that idea is so cool and would love to play it out with you.
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