MxF a state of euphoria.

Currently reading:
MxF a state of euphoria.


but tonight, you belong to me
Local time
Tomorrow 1:05 AM
if you're interested, please pm me. don't comment below.
hello! welcome to my request thread. i'm apricot and i'm finding my way back to this little corner of the internet. i've been roleplaying on and off for a few years now but as of late, i've really gotten back into the swing of things. i'm female, nineteen years old and live in the GMT timezone. my favourite kind of roleplay's are as follows; romance, angst, drama and slice-of-life. i'm a slow-burn romance kind of girl. i'm a sucker for roleplay that revolves around a group of friends so we can explore different characters, plots and relationships. **i only use lowercase when ooc**

things you can expect from me:
2 lengthy paragraphs minimum. i never do one-liners.
→ i only write in third person, past tense.
→ i can write both male and female characters.
→ my preferences are mxf and mxm. i don't have a problem with fxf, but i'm never truly invested enough to see it through. i don't mind a female wanting to write a male role, though.
→ i love creating new characters for each roleplay i'm in. they are not a necessity, but i would appreciate and prefer them.
→ i only use realistic face claims. they're also not a necessity but again, i would appreciate the use of them.
→ i'm not opposed to smut, but i don't want it to be the central theme. i prefer slow-burn romance, so don't expect any smut for a good few pages. the plot to smut ratio would be 80:20.
→ i'm ditch-friendly. telling people you're no longer interested in the roleplay can be awkward.
→ i will only play characters that are 18 and above.

things i expect from you:
→ be relatively active. one or two replies a week would be great.
→ if you want to send me a message expressing your interest, include your favourite film in the pm.
→ don't spam me for a reply. if i haven't replied within a week, give the pm a bump. i'll get back to you as soon as possible.
→ no one-liners. please be willing to put in the same amount of effort i do.
→ be willing to play side characters. i don't want to have to write for all ncp's.
→ third person, past tense.
→ be open to ooc discussion. it helps move the plot along.
→ a good hold on spelling and grammar. a few mistakes are neither here nor there.
→ no god-modding unless it's needed for your reply and you've asked.
→ characters that are 18 and above.

→ detective x murder? suspect
→ detective x serial killer
→ mafia member x mafia boss' daughter
→ mafia member x rival mafia member
→ spy x person being spied on
→ assassin x target
→ corrupt (drugs, murder, etc) police officer x anti-corruption officer
→ best friend x best friend
→ gay x closeted
→ bad boy x good girl
( will add more. )

no: scat, watersports, incest, heavy bdsm, necrophilia, furries, rape, foot fetishes or very detailed gore.
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