Any A Toast! To That Which May Come

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Any A Toast! To That Which May Come


of Recognitive Service
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Welcome to the Sanctum Inner Sanctum Nobility 100 Posts!
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Hi, RTs.... Again. As of yet, none of my RPs on the Sanctum have come to any real fruition, due to real life doing its thing and getting in the way.

So, here's a small sort of post that is just to mainly update my RT.

I can offer:
1; A slightly rusty, but dedicated roleplaying partner. (If something I do is wrong by you, PM me and I will more than likely be happy to change things up)
2; An accommodating atmosphere for my partner
3; Ideas, characterisation, and (where appropriate) highly detailed posts regarding my character and the world around them.

What I'm asking for:
1; A partner who is willing to build a world WITH me, no to just put me in a world they have all planned out. I like the process of organically building a story with my partner and don't want that to be shut down.
2; Transparency. If you want a story to bring up points, or you think it'd be a good idea to go in a general direction, PM me. If there's a problem, PM me. I'm an understanding guy, but being left hanging and wondering what's going on isn't fun.

Preferred genera:
Low Fantasy
Mid Fantasy
High Fantasy

I usually play female characters to improve my writing with them, but am fine playing males. I'm happy to play romantic/sexual sub-plots, but I don't really like them being the entire point of an RP.

I've got some ideas, and will list them under some spoiler tags below;

A ingenious scientific inventor was, nearly a decade ago, given a research grant to invent and manufacture a combative AI prototype and a humanoid robotic body to accommodate it. The story begins at the final pitch presentation to investors to gain further revenue to extend and expand his project.
In a world where magic has recently become established science, its study is a major effort to find its boundaries, its effects and its utility. Only a select few on Earth can use its power, and they have become centre pieces for the study of Arcanology. The story begins as an arcanologist introduces themselves to their new subject. Whether they are willingly participating in this study is down to the one playing that role.
Hey there,

I'm interested in all of your points here and would be willing to cooperatively world build with you. Hit me up and we can discuss it further!
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