Adopted A Werewolf and YC, Off On a Whirlwind Adventure!

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Adopted A Werewolf and YC, Off On a Whirlwind Adventure!


Androgynous Dragon
Confirmed Responsible Adult Happy Birthday!! March Challenge Participant June Challenge Participant
Local time
Today 8:02 AM
The Hinterlands
So, this is a thread I had planned months ago. Got the starter up, and then things happened and the partner I'd planned with had to take an indefinite hiatus from the site.
Found here: click!

The starter is just sort of... chilling. I figured I would try to repurpose it into something. Keeping details brief, this story involves my character, a werewolf who is... ah... not exactly an upstanding member of society. He is trying to keep a low profile, due to being a werewolf, among humans. May be using stolen credit cards to purchase things. Maybe in depth due to a gambling addiction. Kind of a scoundrel.

Your character is... whoever you want them to be, honestly. MxM or MxF is fine. They could be a demon, vampire, another werewolf... a simple human trying to live their best life. They either witness my character committing a murder or stumble across the aftermath. And things happen from there.

I straight up do not remember what the original plan for this thread was so...

Details on what happens can be discussed via DM. Or we can just wing it. I'm open to either.

As for preferences, my RT is linked in my signature, but I'll give an 'abridged/tl;dr' here:
  • I work a fulltime job, and have limited free time. Daily replies are not possible, but I try to shoot for weekly. Sometimes more than once a week.
  • I typically write anywhere from 300 to 700 words
  • I'm cool with exploring some pretty dark themes
  • I like violence (blood, gore, torture)
  • I'm not really big into smut, kinks, or fetishes
  • While I'm not into smut, I'm fine with romance and, if romance happens, I don't shy away from intimate scenes.
  • Please communicate with me and don't leave me hanging.
Additional things: Be willing to help build the story with me. Don't be hesitant to throw in some curve balls here and there; I will roll with whatever punches get thrown. I just want to write an engaging werewolf story.

That's all. If you're interested, DM me :)
Was not expecting hits this fast XD I guess this has officially been adopted.
Hello! I'm super interested in this !
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