MxF Action, Magic, and Tension! (Returning to Roleplay After Months of Hiatus!)

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MxF Action, Magic, and Tension! (Returning to Roleplay After Months of Hiatus!)


The Dreamweaver
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Today 1:29 AM
Who I am, and what I like to write.

Welcome to my post! I do ask that you read everything in this post, I'll try to keep it short and sweet for you all. I'm not hard to work with (I'd like to believe, anyway), so don't be nervous to throw ideas out!

I go by Glissy on this website, but you can also call me Tori if you'd like! It's another alias that I go by on the internet. I love meeting and interacting with new people, so I love out of character conversations and would love to chat with you!

My favorite genre to write about is fantasy romance, hands down. I can do other genres other than fantasy, but it is absolutely my favorite, and I love my imagination to be able to run wild without restrictions. After all, we're writing a story! I can live life normally, I love the freedom of being able to write about things that don't exist (or that I can't experience) like magic or the intricacy of a royal court, while also making it feel real. If you have any fantasy ideas, please throw them my way!

What I expect.

Please try to reply in a timely manner. I get that we all get burnt out and sometimes aren't up to writing, and that's okay! If you're burnt out or have a reason for not replying for a while, please let me know in our private messages. I'd just like to be kept in the loop. Otherwise, I'd prefer a partner who gives replies decently frequently. At least twice a week would be my preference. And please put effort into your writing! I value quality over quantity, so if we have a roleplay with shorter reply lengths, I'd like to at least see you try! I also ask that you have proper grammar. It doesn't need to be perfect, typos on both ends will happen and I understand that English is not everyone's first language. But please have a mostly decent grasp on proper grammar.

With everything in this list, I'll extend the same courtesies your way.

My usual reply length and my writing schedule.

I prefer quality over quantity with writing, but I'd also prefer to have a decent amount of material to work with on each response, and I'd like to extend my partner that same courtesy. I, personally, will usually write a minimum of three sizable paragraphs, and the number only rises from there. I give what I receive!

My writing schedule is pretty open. I am working (part-time) and I'm going to college full time, while also balancing a relationship with my family and my boyfriend. You can hopefully expect multiple responses per week, usually at least a response every day unless I am specifically busy, burnt out, or I forgot (it'll happen sometimes, I have really bad ADHD). If I do seem to take an extended period of time to reply, please shoot me a message and remind me! Usually I check the site once a day if I'm not actively roleplaying, so if I'd forgotten, I'll usually catch it by the next day or two and get a response brewing!

Gore and violence tolerance level.

Gore and violence are a big "yes" in roleplays. I like to be able to write without much restriction on gore or violence, as a lot of my characters tend to be at least a little unhinged and violent. I ask that if you roleplay with me, you should be at least a little comfortable with gore and violence. If you have a limit, that's perfectly okay! I do ask that you clarify with me beforehand, so that we both understand each other!

Sexual content and kinks/limits.

I do not mind sexual content in roleplays, in fact, I welcome it! I'd like to improve my descriptions and writing when it comes to sexual content. I do prefer a more story heavy plot, though. Sex would need to drive the plot forward, to have a meaning. Sex for the sake of sex doesn't work for me, unless we're doing a more sexual-themed roleplay. I like a good 80%-20% ratio of sex and story, story being the leading role of the roleplay. As of lately, I've preferred less smut and more teasing, or fade-to-blacks due to lack of interest in sex.

For me, the tension and foreplay leading up to sex is almost, if not better than, the sex itself. Teasing and sexual tension are something I absolutely love to see in a roleplay, and it's one of my heavily sought after aspects in a romantic/sexual roleplay.

As for kinks, I am into most of the hardcore kinks that you can think of. Knife play, most aspects of BDSM, CNC, etc. Anything on that spectrum I'm okay with, but my few limits are anything regarding piss and shit, along with feet. Just run it by me, and we'll be all good! Also please make sure to include your limits and kinks as well when we speak!


I apologize, but I do not write fandoms. It will have to be a damn good proposal and a fandom that I adore for me to do a fandom roleplay. I would definitely enjoy roleplaying in the worlds of certain pieces of fiction, but not as pre-established characters from them 90% of the time.

Pairings and Settings.

As for settings, my preference is the Victorian era, or medieval. Those are my favorite eras to write in, although, once again, I will be open to other alternatives!

Edit: This is my most recent pairing that I've been interested in, a brooding teacher x student roleplay in a more dark academia setting, maybe even fantasy, would be right up my alley and my most wanted pairing as of right now.

A pairing I've really been interested in as of late and dying to play out is a witch x witch hunter pairing, with myself playing the witch. I have a few plot ideas that we could explore with that idea in mind, and you could also bring your own ideas to the table for it!

Another pairing I've been incredibly interested in, is a serial killer and a detective/FBI agent working on their case. I have an extensive plot and idea ready for this one if you'd like to hear it.

I have a few detailed plot ideas for the plots above that I'd prefer to share in DMs. With the pairings below, I can easily try to create a more detailed base for us to work with! Just approach me with at the very least an idea of what kind of pairing you'd like to play with!

I'll update this post as I think of more pairings I'd be interested in. The ones with a star beside it are ones I'm currently interested in for the moment.

Other pairings:
* Prince x Princess (arranged marriage) from warring kingdoms
Assassin x Prince/Princess
King x Queen of opposing kingdoms, once one gets captured to end a war
Witch x Demon
* Kidnapped Princess x Captor


Thank you for reading this far! Please don't hesitate to shoot me a DM, I'd be open to hearing anything! Always looking for things to spice up roleplay and make things more fun.​
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