*adjusts glasses* Ahem. Hello, there.

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*adjusts glasses* Ahem. Hello, there.

Dream Yumei

I dance because it's fun!
Welcome to the Sanctum 100 Posts! 100 Likes!
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Today 8:52 PM
North Dakota

I am Dream Yumei, but most people call me just Dream or Yumei. Which ever is found more suitable to your liking, as long as it is one of those, I am cool with it. I'm usually not too good with these introductory posts, so please bare with me if I start to prattle on.

I enjoy mostly high fantasy role-plays, elves, shifters, magic, low to zero modernization or tech, medieval settings, the list could go on, but I'm sure you get the point now. I occasionally get a hankering for a modern style role-play, but not very often.

My length of posts are typically from 4 to 6 paragraphs. I'm not a post novel writer by any means, but I've been told my posts are well written (from a previous site that I am not going to mention the name of) and help move the story along.

I like books, anime, video games, and other things I mentioned on my profile. So yeah, here I am, looking for a new place to call my role-playing home.
When the world ends, and society crumbles, and all of humankind is forced back onto those few pieces of common ground, the terra firma of human experience, 50% of that land will be "being bad at introductions."

... welcome to where the socially awkward things roam ^_^
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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