MxF Adventure Story?!

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MxF Adventure Story?!

Lana Wilson

Local time
Today 3:30 PM
Hello there, thank you so much for hopefully reading this! I'll keep this as short as I can!

I'm looking to do a Roleplay where my character, Lana is a supernatural being hunter. Vampires, werewolves, you name it. She has been training since teenage years. On a hunt one day perhaps she could bump into your character. I'm thinking maybe another hunter, but one of them gets really hurt which would lead the characters to get to one of their bases to stay safe and things can unravel from there. Maybe they pair up or begin hunting together.
PLOT TWIST maybe your character has been a vampire etc all a long and wanted in on how humans hunt and so used my character to find out.
Slowly they could begin to feel for each other, why not let's bring a romantic side out?!

How will my character react to you being one of the supernatural? Let's find out!

I don't do smut unfortunately, I'm all about the story and the action, I can write romantically though!

PM me if you are interested :D

Lana x
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