MxF Adventures looking for cast members.

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MxF Adventures looking for cast members.


Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Today 5:21 PM
That Inner Sanctum has now been home to me for a short whole. In this time I have started several role plays, but I find that I have at the moment time for a few more.

The type of role play I am interested in is character driven. Exploring the effect of unusual situations on normal people. Finding out what makes our characters tick being a goal.

I like to mix in romance in my roleplay but that is not a must. In terms of smut, I don't hide away from it, but I am not interested to make it the main focus of a story, also any soft or hard boundaries need to be agreed upon before our characters get hot and steamy.

I prefer to write from a male perspective and of heterosexual pairings however I am open to suggestions, especially with secondary NPC characters.

As of post length, I usually will write between three and five paragraphs sometimes more sometimes less based on where we are in the story and expect my writing partner to do the same. While RP is a great escape from life, life is still there. There will be days I can pen multiple replies, but there could also be a week in between. I will make an effort to let you know when a response may be a while and expect the same in return.

If you are interested in any of the things below, please PM me.

Some themes I have been thinking about

Telepathy develops and the moral and social implications that have. One of our characters is the first in our society to develop this, it becomes contagious but only for a small group at first.

Bard magic. Music and voice have magical properties. The plot will be a coming into this power by our characters.


Pairings (Can be any era or genre)

Landlord x Tenant
Arranged marriage (closed)
Young god/goddess x mortal


Science Fiction
Slice of Life
Trashy romance


Fan fiction
Existing worlds I would be interested in but would prefer to play with original characters.

- Elder Scrolls
- Dune (Frank Herbert)
- Discworld (Terry Pratchett)
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if you're open to other ideas, I have one to do with medieval fantasy, dealing with either a demon hunter X blood angel, or criminal X bounty hunter
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