Welcome to my RT and thanks for looking!
I've roleplayed off and on for several years, which translates to maybe... 6-8 years combined? I picked it up when I was about 12 or 13 and I'm 27 now. I joined this particular website last spring when I was looking to roleplay again, but stopped due to some health issues that came around in August. The few RPs I had dropped off around that same time as well. I'm happy to say I'm better now and I recently came back to take on RPs again!
I'm a pretty friendly individual, however, I will admit to being extremely introverted and quite shy. So, what am I doing here, looking to start RPs with people? :eek: I like the unpredictability and perspective another person brings to the table, plus, I want to improve my writing and don't want to stagnate. And to clarify, I will talk any time about new or ongoing RPs! It just means I may or may not chat extensively otherwise, or at least not until I warm up to you.
I've roleplayed off and on for several years, which translates to maybe... 6-8 years combined? I picked it up when I was about 12 or 13 and I'm 27 now. I joined this particular website last spring when I was looking to roleplay again, but stopped due to some health issues that came around in August. The few RPs I had dropped off around that same time as well. I'm happy to say I'm better now and I recently came back to take on RPs again!
I'm a pretty friendly individual, however, I will admit to being extremely introverted and quite shy. So, what am I doing here, looking to start RPs with people? :eek: I like the unpredictability and perspective another person brings to the table, plus, I want to improve my writing and don't want to stagnate. And to clarify, I will talk any time about new or ongoing RPs! It just means I may or may not chat extensively otherwise, or at least not until I warm up to you.
- I'm literate, and looking for other literate partners. I hope to post about 1-3 times per week, though I'm most active on the weekends. I don't like to be annoying and I know RL and other things happen, so, as a rule, I'll only give you a nudge if it's been a week or more. Likewise, I ask the same. If you need more time, please just say so.
- 2 or 3+ paragraphs per post, more if especially inspired. While I want to avoid turning it into a chore for either of us, I do expect some substance -- regardless of the length, give me something to work with and I'll be happy. Quality over quantity.
- I'm looking for long-term partners! Once we've gotten our footing and delved into a story, I'm very dedicated; through thick and thin, through the interesting and the more boring moments. And I think communication between us helps, so we're both on the same page, heading in the direction we want in the RP, and brainstorming if either of us gets "stuck."
- I play both male and female characters of various nationalities and backgrounds. I usually use my existing characters that have adaptable genres, ages, histories, and occupations. Sometimes I'll create new ones, where they might become permanent residents of my storehouse. I often bring in side characters throughout the RP as well. I don't really have a use for face claims, particularly since some of my characters are rather unique in appearance, but if you ask, I may just have one or two saved somewhere for a character with similarities.
- MxF, if romance sparks. I am kind of a sucker for slow-build romances. However, this can also be entirely platonic! Which brings me to...
- Smut. I realize this will put a kibosh on many-a-potential-partner, but I prefer minimal, fade-to-black, or none.
- My genres are low or high fantasy, supernatural, paranormal, apocalyptic, and/or sci-fi. Hands down, however, high fantasy is my favorite. Within these genres, time periods can vary anywhere from medieval to modern to futuristic. I can't bring myself to take an interest in writing anything that doesn't contain at least some of these elements. I haven't tried my hand at horror, though I may entwine horror-esque elements into stories at times. And on that note, I do tend to like violence and darker, more serious settings, though I don't mind the surreal at times either.
- Books: The Witcher, The Inkheart Trilogy, The Kingkiller Chronicles.
- Classics: Grimm's Fairy Tales, H.P. Lovecraft, Hans Christian Andersen, A Thousand and One Arabian Nights.
- Mythology: Mostly Greek, Norse, Celtic, and Egyptian, with bits and pieces of others. I own some retellings, encyclopedias, and bestiaries.
- I enjoy world-building with my partners! I usually have more ideas and details under my belt to discuss than what's listed in the brief plot descriptions below. I do like to roughly flesh things out beforehand, so we both know what type of setting we're going into!
[TAKEN] A DEAL WITH DEVILS – Medieval – High Fantasy
With YC's reputation as a bounty hunter, an elven village contracts YC to find MC, a human they have been unable to locate for well over a year. Typical of accepted contracts, YC knows very little about the person he has been instructed to bring back – alive, in this case – nor does he care to, only interested in the information that will help him get the job done. Not quite what they called "pertinent details," the elves didn't deign to inform YC that MC is a Seer, able to see and communicate with the spirits that inhabit the world, and that she has a dark history with these particular elves.
This is currently an active RP: A Deal With Devils
With YC's reputation as a bounty hunter, an elven village contracts YC to find MC, a human they have been unable to locate for well over a year. Typical of accepted contracts, YC knows very little about the person he has been instructed to bring back – alive, in this case – nor does he care to, only interested in the information that will help him get the job done. Not quite what they called "pertinent details," the elves didn't deign to inform YC that MC is a Seer, able to see and communicate with the spirits that inhabit the world, and that she has a dark history with these particular elves.
This is currently an active RP: A Deal With Devils
EARTHBOUND – Industrial Age – High Fantasy
In a time of death and disease, but also a turning point for technology, MC has wandered outside of his country's boundaries – a rare sight for their kind. Much like the gods and goddesses themselves, his closed-minded, dogmatic, and prejudiced country has been left behind in this incoming age of technology, which is being spearheaded by elves. But what is so important that MC would have cause to venture outside of his own country? As it turns out, this strange traveler, who is often seen whispering to himself, has a kind of deity bound to his body in a weakened state – and she has amnesia. What's more, MC isn't satisfied with the answer that the disease ravaging his land is incurable, and for the sake of his mother, he's set out to find the cure.
In a time of death and disease, but also a turning point for technology, MC has wandered outside of his country's boundaries – a rare sight for their kind. Much like the gods and goddesses themselves, his closed-minded, dogmatic, and prejudiced country has been left behind in this incoming age of technology, which is being spearheaded by elves. But what is so important that MC would have cause to venture outside of his own country? As it turns out, this strange traveler, who is often seen whispering to himself, has a kind of deity bound to his body in a weakened state – and she has amnesia. What's more, MC isn't satisfied with the answer that the disease ravaging his land is incurable, and for the sake of his mother, he's set out to find the cure.
IN PLAIN SIGHT – Modern or Futuristic – Low Fantasy
A dying trade, stage magicians have, well, lost their "magic," so to speak. Everyone's seen it all until an eccentric new stage magician rises to fame, no one expecting that they would become enamored with his seemingly impossible performances or that he would become an overnight sensation. But there is more to him than meets the eye, and one reporter is relentless in her quest to learn all she can about the private man. During one encounter with him, which isn't going her way as usual, the meeting goes terribly awry as [insert almost tragic incident here] and his reaction leaves her unsure if she can trust her eyes or her head. Gathering herself after the incident, she becomes even more relentless in getting down to the truth behind his performances.
The idea is that the man is a half-Djinn/Jinn.
I'm cool with either part. Up for further discussion and/or plot edits. This one is rougher than others.
A dying trade, stage magicians have, well, lost their "magic," so to speak. Everyone's seen it all until an eccentric new stage magician rises to fame, no one expecting that they would become enamored with his seemingly impossible performances or that he would become an overnight sensation. But there is more to him than meets the eye, and one reporter is relentless in her quest to learn all she can about the private man. During one encounter with him, which isn't going her way as usual, the meeting goes terribly awry as [insert almost tragic incident here] and his reaction leaves her unsure if she can trust her eyes or her head. Gathering herself after the incident, she becomes even more relentless in getting down to the truth behind his performances.
The idea is that the man is a half-Djinn/Jinn.
I'm cool with either part. Up for further discussion and/or plot edits. This one is rougher than others.
THE REAPER – Futuristic – Sci-Fi/Crime Thriller
"Breaking news coming in to us," a local news channel blares excitedly, a sleepy town with a reputation for difficulty in finding a decent story to publish. That is to say, beyond bingo nights or the doozy of a rumor old Jan had spilled about Michael the other day. An older, holographic screen is perched in the corner of the bar, which appears hazy and its picture glitches, flickering periodically. The chatter from those occupying the room falls to near-silence as all eyes fix to it, yours included. "A couple was found dead in their home tonight. While their identities have not been released yet, preliminary review of the scene indicates that the cause of death was a combination of starvation and dehydration. Reports say, it's almost as if they were in a coma-like state for the past several days. There are also no signs of struggle, drug use or even poison, but they're still running tests to be sure." The reporter, a tall, thin man with side-combed hair, not a hair out of place, pauses to push up the glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, long enough to add suspense to his unseen, expectant audience. It'll be a long time before he's able to report on anything as remotely interesting as two mysterious deaths, and he and the news channel will be sure to exhaust the story in the coming weeks. But maybe, just maybe, this report will be his big break to move up in the world of media. He continues, "As it fits the other notorious crime scenes found in other cities recently, authorities are beginning to treat this as a criminal investigation despite the lack of evidence and victims' connection to one another. Either this is something of a strange cult and people are intentionally harming themselves in this way, or we may just have a serial killer on our hands, folks. Because of the mysterious nature of these deaths and no supporting evidence for either theory at this time, social media is already exploding with assumptions that a serial killer is responsible. There are many notable names at this point, but the most wide-spread pick appears to be... 'The Reaper.'"
I have a separate request thread for this one as there is a lot more content to post. For the juicy details on this one, go HERE
"Breaking news coming in to us," a local news channel blares excitedly, a sleepy town with a reputation for difficulty in finding a decent story to publish. That is to say, beyond bingo nights or the doozy of a rumor old Jan had spilled about Michael the other day. An older, holographic screen is perched in the corner of the bar, which appears hazy and its picture glitches, flickering periodically. The chatter from those occupying the room falls to near-silence as all eyes fix to it, yours included. "A couple was found dead in their home tonight. While their identities have not been released yet, preliminary review of the scene indicates that the cause of death was a combination of starvation and dehydration. Reports say, it's almost as if they were in a coma-like state for the past several days. There are also no signs of struggle, drug use or even poison, but they're still running tests to be sure." The reporter, a tall, thin man with side-combed hair, not a hair out of place, pauses to push up the glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, long enough to add suspense to his unseen, expectant audience. It'll be a long time before he's able to report on anything as remotely interesting as two mysterious deaths, and he and the news channel will be sure to exhaust the story in the coming weeks. But maybe, just maybe, this report will be his big break to move up in the world of media. He continues, "As it fits the other notorious crime scenes found in other cities recently, authorities are beginning to treat this as a criminal investigation despite the lack of evidence and victims' connection to one another. Either this is something of a strange cult and people are intentionally harming themselves in this way, or we may just have a serial killer on our hands, folks. Because of the mysterious nature of these deaths and no supporting evidence for either theory at this time, social media is already exploding with assumptions that a serial killer is responsible. There are many notable names at this point, but the most wide-spread pick appears to be... 'The Reaper.'"
I have a separate request thread for this one as there is a lot more content to post. For the juicy details on this one, go HERE
Eccentric and reclusive, Faurlo is an elf that chooses to live out his days apart from other communities. He leads a simple way of life and thinks other elves "tinker" too much, an old soul preferring to stick to traditional forms of magic (minor/earth-based). The self-proclaimed protector of the beasts residing in "his" forest, he's also known as the "Demon of Wolfswell" and an obstacle to those that seek fame and fortune from their hunts.
But as their paths cross, your character, who is either on some epic quest/adventure or is someone of import (i.e. royal?), suddenly upends his way of life and poor ol' Faurlo gets involuntarily dragged along with them. I'm thinking they meet in the forest, or on one of his rare trips to town.
But as their paths cross, your character, who is either on some epic quest/adventure or is someone of import (i.e. royal?), suddenly upends his way of life and poor ol' Faurlo gets involuntarily dragged along with them. I'm thinking they meet in the forest, or on one of his rare trips to town.
So, this one is for my character, Mazulla. Yes, my namesake; I liked it and now it's been my signature for years. But you might be surprised to know: I have never written her before. And I'd like to change that.
Mazulla could be a current or former soldier and/or assassin. She hails from a militaristic society and has the ability to assume a "shadow" form -- a ritual performed and supposedly granted by their deity as a rite of passage into their military. They have the ability to travel from one place to the next through the use of dark portals; however, it's limited to places they can clearly see from memory. While in this form, their fingers develop into "claws" that are as equally sharp as any blade.
Perhaps MC and YC hail from the same society? MC is in the military but YC is not and they get into some kind of shenanigans? YC is a target from some other country entirely, or maybe MC is the target? MC is a former soldier/assassin turned mercenary, and she and YC voluntarily or reluctantly work together? Lots of possibilities here, but needs some fleshing out.
Mazulla could be a current or former soldier and/or assassin. She hails from a militaristic society and has the ability to assume a "shadow" form -- a ritual performed and supposedly granted by their deity as a rite of passage into their military. They have the ability to travel from one place to the next through the use of dark portals; however, it's limited to places they can clearly see from memory. While in this form, their fingers develop into "claws" that are as equally sharp as any blade.
Perhaps MC and YC hail from the same society? MC is in the military but YC is not and they get into some kind of shenanigans? YC is a target from some other country entirely, or maybe MC is the target? MC is a former soldier/assassin turned mercenary, and she and YC voluntarily or reluctantly work together? Lots of possibilities here, but needs some fleshing out.
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