The story takes place in an alternative reality. In a nutshell, the history of Earth in AE2012 diverges from our timeline back in 2012. September 13th, a space storm bombards the Earth with radiation killing most of humanity and causing movement in the tectonic plates, reshaping the face of the planet somewhat. The few of us that are left, have no idea how many of us there really are and how the world has changed. There is no electricity, no matter what we do, electronic devices just won't work.
The storm also changed us. Ever since the storm, some of us have been able to channel our malice or benevolence as supernatural energy. Manifestations of our genuine emotions, feelings and thoughts have become a power we can use as weapons, tools or in many other ways.
The Story
The main character finds out about a possible settlement far away. Whatever their intentions or reasonings are, they decide to start the long journey. Maybe they will survive, maybe they won't, but a direction and a goal is as good as any in the broken world they live in.
Looking for:
- A main character who is the center of all action
- A few supporting characters who enter the story at different points, who may or may not stay for the whole journey.
This is how the game will work:
I will play as the Narrator, set the scenes, play the environment, write creatures, NPCs etc.
The story begins with the main character, alone somewhere in the world, at a place of their choosing.
As the character ventures on they encounter other people (NPC and PC alike), challenges and so on.
In its simplicity the game will be a journey from point A to point B where the story ends.
We play the story in scenes/chapters so there is some time/distance jumping.
To apply, read through the world info here. Any questions you may have, ask away! You will find directions for character creation in the world thread and in the spoiler box below. Because the characters who encounter each other are complete strangers, let's try to maintain the element of surprise for those that want it and post the applications in spoiler boxes. Once approved, you may post the character here.
Looking forward to playing with you all!
AE2012 can be approached in many ways. You can, for instance, play simply as an avatar of yourself as you are and just act as you think you would. Alternatively, and more traditionally, you can create an original character who is a completely separate and independent entity.
You may go as shallow or as deep as the game you play requires. The deeper you dive and the more details you can think, the more fulfilling your experience will be. This information also helps you as you play your character.
You may go as shallow or as deep as the game you play requires. The deeper you dive and the more details you can think, the more fulfilling your experience will be. This information also helps you as you play your character.
- Give your character a name.
- Describe the generic physical attributes of the character like sex, age, facial features, height, weight, body shape and so on.
- Assign personality traits to your character, habits and mannerisms, triggers, faults and weaknesses. Also strengths, drives, motivations and aspirations.
- Assign one primary skill or talent to your character. This skill is what your character knows best and in part defines them. The skill level is that of a professional.
- Assign one secondary skill or talent to your character. The skill level should be that of a hobbyist or enthusiast.
- Choose whether your character has darkness or light in their heart. Describe it, what is the root of it, where it comes from. Life shapes a person and their lived experience defines much of their persona.
- Describe how the darkness or light manifests, how much in control of it the character is and what triggers it uncontrollably. What damage or strain, physical or mental the manifestation causes to your character. Using a power is never a simple choice, there is always a cost to pay.
- In addition to their clothes, what does your character carry with them at the beginning of the game? What equipment they have and in what condition that equipment it. Describe how proficient your character is at using weapons or tools if they carry any. This is very important!
- Non
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- Advanced
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