World Aetheria: The Database [Sci-Fi x Fantasy]

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World Aetheria: The Database [Sci-Fi x Fantasy]


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VISION: Science Fiction meets High Fantasy Magic in an 1800's style gold-rush era setting full of intrigue. Aetheria consists of seven star systems. The Alliance -- the main political force behind Aetheria -- desires access to the magical resources of the worlds in this universe, as well as political, magical, and economic control. There are those who resist that desire to control, who undermine The Alliance from within its confines.

Table of Contents:
  • The Magic System
  • The Alliance
  • The Economy and Resources
  • Science and Technology
  • The Vast and Beyond
  • Details of Aetheria's Alliance Planets and Species
  • Additional Planets & Species
  • Other Notes
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The Magic System

The Source (AKA "aetheria" or "essence") is a subspace network of magical energy that also is present within all organic and inorganic substances within Aetheria, and perhaps beyond. The Source requires a reagent for use, or otherwise it will pull from the individual user's body, eventually leading to their death. The reagent used is dependent upon the resources of the world in question -- each has developed their own methods for haze extraction from aetheric resources indigenous to their world. About 25% of all peoples on all worlds have some latent Source talent.

The Alliance seeks to control all Source use, fearing the Source could be used to elevate the power of any one world, nation, or peoples, thus upsetting the balance in Aetheria. An Alliance organization called The Alliance Aethermagus Collective -- "The Collective" colloquially -- actively hunts down those with Source talents who have yet to register and be subject to the organization's education and regulation.

The Source is pulled from reagent matter through a refinement process, then made into "haze." Rift Drives -- the FtL propulsion system of all ships within Aetheria -- operate with a mage navigator who interacts with the haze (usually via a magi-tech device) to open a Rift in the Source Network, both at departure point and at the arrival point. No one has ever been able to Rift travel beyond The Vast -- the region of space outside Aetheria. But, using sublight speed, they have been able to send out expeditions for exploration and evaluation.

Haze powers everything in Aetheria, and thus, is a highly-prized primary resource. It is responsible for lighting, heating/cooling, power, and many other functions.

MAGIC crystal.jpg
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The Aetheria Alliance

Aetheria is the name for a set of seven stars and their planets, all containing different forms of life. The Alliance controls these seven systems, slowly gaining more and more territory and controlling the major portions of commerce between worlds, as well as the use of the Source. The most recent rebellion from the Independents (independent worlds or politics) was quashed only a bit over a year ago, and the Independent Network Agency (INA) spy organization was forcefully and "officially" disbanded about a year ago.

Government -- The Aetheria Alliance Council and the Grand Chancellor

Each Alliance member civilization has a local leader who is assigned an "Ambassador" position within The Alliance Ministry. This Ambassador works as part of the local triumvirate of representatives, which also includes a "General" from the Aetheria Alliance Armed Forces (AAAF) assigned by High Command to an area, and a "Grand Aethermagus" from the Aethermagus Collective. This triumvirate represents the civilization's interest in Congress and are all equal members of the Council. The Grand Chancellor is responsible as a Grand Judge and leads Council Congresses.

Other Major Alliance Organizations:
  • Aetheria Alliance Universities -- Magic, Law, and Liberal Arts school system with campuses on each planet. Every Collective aethermagus must be a graduate of the University.
  • The Alliance Aethermagus Collective -- Organization that regulates and controls the use of magic. Licenses for legal aethermagi must come from them.
  • The Atheria Alliance Armed Forces (The AAAF) & High Command -- The Aetheria Alliance's military and law enforcement organization.
  • The Aethertech Institutes -- Science (including Medical) and Technology system of schools;
    • Dwarf-Star Technologies -- Science and Technology Company responsible for the development of androids, located on Thoriah Prime.
  • The Consortium Guild -- Guilds of Consorts/Companions/Courtesans trained in Na'Amah's Arts, located on Souleda.
  • Thieves/Assassin Organizations -- Clans or bands of thieves, pirates, assassins, scavengers, and so forth.
  • Corporate Aether-mining Companies -- Corporations that obtain and refine Aether resources.
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The Economy and Resources

The Economy of The Aetheria Alliance is largely dependent on the production of "haze" from Aether Resources.

Aether Essence – "Mined" from various organic and inorganic substances throughout Aetheria. This is then processed into "haze" which is used for fuel and power, weapons, technology, and so forth. Haze is then stored in quartz-like crystals which serve as "batteries." These power everything in "modern" technology.

Haze Origin Resource(s)
Aetherium Ore
Aetherium Oil​
Aetherium Ore
Aetherium Oil​
Aethersap from Aethertree Forests
Aetherium Ore​
Aetherfungi known as the Spectral Mushroom
Aetherium Ore​
Aetherium Ore​
Aetherial Spores from the Aetherfungi known as the Essence Mushroom
Aetherial Lichen (Essence Lichen)
Aetherial Algae (Essence Algae)​
Aetherium Oil
Blood of the Aethersaur​
Vah Shir'ra​
Aetherial Kitroot (plant root)
Aetherium Ore​
Aetherial Algae (Dragon's Breath)
Aetherial Lichen (Dragon's Shroud)​

Other Trade and Economic Resources:

- androids from Thoriah Prime​
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Science and Technology
  • Weapons - weapons in Aetheria include ceremonial/traditional weaponry, hazic-powered blasters, rifles, and other "gun-style" weapons, hazic-powered explosives, missiles, and incendiary devices, projectile weaponry
  • Armor - Body armor, ship armor, and personal gloves with haze-powered shielding; protects against magic, physical damage, and some varieties of hazic weaponry
  • Androids - invented by Thoriah Prime, androids are basic A.I. mechanical beings used largely to assist with labor
  • Ships - powered by haze, built of Aetherium metals (processed ore); most outfitted with weapons technology
  • Medical - advanced technology exists to be used amongst the medical community
  • Drugs - medicinal and recreational drugs exist, haze is also a powerful, and illegal, recreational drug
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The Vast and Beyond

Rumors of "The Ravagers" -
Said to be a biomechanical hivemind race of human-cyborg torsos with mechanical spider-like legs; viewed as "monsters" -- the rumor is that none who encounter them return to tell the tale. Very little is known about them amongst the general public.

Exploration, Resource Accumulation, and Eventual Colonization of Outside-Aetheria Planets - The Alliance has just begun to explore outside of Aetheria now that Civil War has settled into an uneasy peace. The Alliance is always looking to expand and accumulate additional haze resources. Systems and planets do exist in "The Vast" (region of space surrounding the Aetheria Systems) and beyond, but little to nothing is known about them at this time (again, amongst the general populace).
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Aetheria's Alliance Planets and Species

The AER System


Government: Erudia values logic and science, and believes in overcoming and/or the suppression of strong emotions. Governed by a Senate with an elected Grand Chancellor.

Religion: Erudians are a largely atheistic society. They do believe in meditation rituals used to sharpen or hone the mind.

Achievements: Erudia initiated the creation of The Alliance of the Seven Systems once they achieved FtL travel using reagents of the Source, a Rift Drive, and a Navigator (mage). They began by approaching Souleda, their sister planet within their own system, and slowly expanded to include other systems and planets within the Seven.

People: They possess a human-like appearance and lifespan. Erudians possess skin tones in a variety of shades of brown, with brown, amber, green, or violet eyes and hair in shades of black, midnight blue, dark purple, or brown. They wear their pinky nails long and lacquered in colors and pierced with jewelry that indicate their areas of expertise. Scholarly pursuits are of the most value to society. They are a technologically advanced culture.

Environment: Desert climate with several sprawling biodomes connected across the planet.

Notes: The Alliance Mage Collective is based on Erudia.

Planet: Souleda

Government: The planet of Souleda is run by a Council of the Guild Leaders. Guild Leaders are elected by their Guild and serve a term of ten years, with the option to be re-elected once for another ten years.

Religion: The dominant religion is called The Path of Na'Amah -- a patron goddess whose only instruction is to "Love as thou wilt." This religion gave rise to the acceptance, moreover the socially-elevated admiration, of the Courtesan's Guild, who serve their goddess by providing sexual and/or sensual services for patrons. Na'Amah had a pantheon of disciples who are responsible for paths beyond the Courtesans.

Achievements: Worked with Erudia to develop the most commonly accepted Rift Drive for FtL travel and Rift stability. Both the Alliance Military's central base and The Source University is located on Souleda.

People: They possess a human-like appearance and lifespan. They are as varied in skin tone and features as humans. Guild affiliations are tattooed upon their bodies.

Environment: Temperate, Earth-like.

The AURIEL System

Planet: Sylvanus [[High and Wood Elves]]

Government: Matriarchal Monarchy – High Queen and Her Consorts – government is controlled by the High Sylvans. The Wood Sylvans have a Tribal Leader – The Oracle – but is also heavily Matriarchal.

Religion: The Holy Light SIde of the Source – A philosophy with three main tenets. Dominant religion of the High Sylvans. Balance in the Source – A philosophy that the Source must exist in ultimate balance in order to achieve equilibrium. Dominant religion amongst the Wood Sylvans.

Achievements: First "Otherworld" Star System to join the Erudian-Souledan proposed Alliance.

People:. High Sylvans live on floating islands in the skies above the surface. Wood Sylvans live upon the heavily forested temperate planet's surface. High Sylvans are very pale of skin, hair, and eyes. Wood Sylvans have slightly darker skin, hair, and eyes to match their environment.

Environment: Temperate climate. High Sylvans live on floating islands in the skies above the surface. Wood Sylvans live upon the heavily forested temperate planet's surface.

Planet: Dusken [[Dark Elves]]

Government: Matriarchal Theocracy – controlled by a High Priestess and Her Consorts, first of which is the High General of their military.

Religion: The Dark Side of the Source – A philosophy that brands suffering, chaos, and pain as necessary to survival and success.

Achievements: They used to live underground upon Sylvanus, but many years before migrated to Dusken in order to escape subjugation by the High Sylvans.

People:. Dark of skin, but light of hair and eyes. They live in a rich biome under the surface of the largely-desolate Dusken.

Environment: While Dusken's surface is desolate (not unlike Earth's moon), the underground is a very rich environment.


The EMEN System

Planet: Thoriah [[Dwarf-People and Gnome-People]]

Government: Thoriah Underground is ruled by a Council of the Tribal Elders -- Elders from each of the Thoriah Clans rule together. There is a High Chieftain, who serves as Thoriah's Ambassador. Faemen have a Prime Techno-Magus who is elected to the position by a Parliament.

Religion: Thorians worship the ancestral spirits of their ancestors, particularly their warriors. They believe in The Great Halls of the Warriors where Valkyrie go when they die, a sort of "heaven."

Achievements: The Thorians have one of the best navies in the Systems. They have a particularly strong military and a lot of the most revolutionary technology. They are a rival for the Erudians and Souledans in particular, and were adopted into the Alliance following the Auriel System.

People: Thoriah Underground is populated by the Thorians -- a dwarf-like group of people whose culture is based around mining, warring, ship-building, and metal-smithing. Thoriah Prime is the name for the surface, which is populated by vast technology-centric cities of the Faemen -- a gnome-like people whose culture is based on technology, engineering, and science.

Environment: Thoriah Prime has been perfectly terraformed since the emergence of the Faemen from their cousins, the Thorians, and since grown into technologically-advanced cities of automation and steamworks. Thoriah Underground is a vast network of great halls hewn from the stones of the very rocky surface, and from the natural caves that were there eons ago. They have a strong fleet of naval ships.


The SHIR'RA System

Planet: Vah Shir'ra [[Feline People]]

Government: Ruled by a "Shah" and his harem "Pride." Patriarchal society, with an emphasis on tenacity, survival skills, and hunting.

Religion: Worship "Ra" -- their Sun -- as their primary deity. ((Egyptian-like religion)).

Achievements: They are well-known merchants and traders.

People: Feline-like with coats in the colors and patterns of the big cats of Earth.

Environment: Their home planet is experiencing an Ice Age. Many Val Shir'ra are now refugees of the Alliance.


The ZEVZ'DA System

Planet: Uve'Da

Government: Theocracy -- The Great Prophets -- a council of priests and priestesses who host Da that have lived the longest.

Religion: They believe in the Source -- which they refer to as Essence -- as guiding them as a force of Fate. They use "tarot" (Essence Cards, Essence Deck) to make sense of that journey. They believe in the Collective Experience, and each Uve'Da records his, her, or their journey for posterity in a personal book, which is then added to The Great Accords.

Achievements: Produce a form of haze via the spores of mushrooms. They have a unique crystal-like ship fleet with spore technology. They accept and embrace learning of The Essence (Source).

People: The Da -- a symbiote who can be any gender, or genderless, and the Uve -- a host species. They look somewhat similar to a tiefling from DnD (but their skin can be shades of black, blue, red, or violet), with an arthropod-like being attached to their brainstem and spine (with the segmented, armored tail being visible along the nape of the neck and upper back). They have a BDSM-based socially constructed culture, and their ultimate goal is to seek wisdom through experiences, which are then recorded for posterity in a sacred set of books, which are then passed down through the generations. I call them the "Uve'Da." The Uve is the host; the "Da" is the symbiote. The Uve must first prove him/herself worthy of hosting a Da through a rite of passage in adolescence, wherein they go on a journey with their journeybook, then bring back their experience and the wisdom gained from it to share with their people. They essentially worship the wisdom of their ancestors. Also, during this rite of passage, they decide whether to align themselves as "Dominant," "Submissive," or "Switch," (using 'alien' terminology in lieu of common BDSM terms). They tattoo their entire bodies in a swirl of color depending upon that choice, as part of the ritual, so that it is readily apparent to anyone part of their society. And it is very difficult to change ones alignment (therefore, it is considered acceptable to delay the rite of passage until the subject is fairly certain of their alignment).

Environment: Very blue-appearing swamp-like world covered in giant forests of fungi. Temperate or tropical climate.


The THI'ZICC System

Planet: X'Zisk [[Lizard-People]]

Government: The Grand Dragon Master -- A theocratic government with a grand priest leader, chosen by all of the sects (Flights) of the Temple of the Dragon.

Religion: Monastery-like Temple of the Dragon -- they worship The Divine Dragonflights.

Achievements: They have a relationship with a space species known as The Vast Eels. Vast Eels are born in the Thi;Zicc System, and they are living ships.

People: Samarai-like monks that belong to a particular Flight of the Temple of the Dragon. They are lizard-people and come in many varieties and colors.

Environment: Very green, verdant swamp-like environment with tons of swampy riverlands and marshes.


The ROK System

Planet: Uruk [[Orc-People and Goblin-People]]

Government: The Uruk are controlled by The Master Hunter. The Goblins are controlled by The Corporate Executive.

Religion: The Goblins are atheistic, but do put heavy emphasis on cleverness in business dealings. The Uruk believe in The Great Hunt -- an endless afterlife of hunting with major figures from their culture.

Achievements: The Uruk have mastered dinosaurs on their planet, and use them as a resource for both the gathering of resources and in trade. They also hunt upon other worlds, and merchandise this, too.

People: Uruk are very orc-like in appearance, with tusks, pointed ears, and faintly green, brown, or red-tinged skin. Goblins are miniature versions of the Uruk, but are technologically advanced.

Environment: Uruk prefer to live in the midst of their jungles, a very volcanic environment rife with danger from indigenous dinosaur-like creatures. Goblins live in cities in the safest areas of the planet, complete with technology and defenses.


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