Character(s) Akasha's List of Characters

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Character(s) Akasha's List of Characters


Queen of the Damned
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Inner Sanctum Nobility Corrupting Influence Confirmed Responsible Adult July Challenge Participant
Local time
Today 9:57 PM
Will be updating all day today and tomorrow. Will be lots of changes on here.

Eye Colour:
Hair Colour:
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars"
Name: Kinsley Thalia
Nicknames: Zarah
Feb 24
Eye Colour:
Hair Colour:
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars:
Royal Household of Lincelia-Uncle Alanage of House Thalia
Strong and sure of herself. Untrusting.
Kinsely was raised to take over the kingdom of Lincelia and was trained in all forms of combat, magical arts and political diplomacy. She was preparing to start taking over the kingdom when her Uncle staged a coup, killing her parents in one quick movement and all the castle servants. Her father had one chance, and he teleported her away to safety. She now has been making her way through the kingdom to a safe area to gather supporters and attempt to take down her evil uncle.

Name: Rosalie Henderson
Nicknames: Alie
Gender/Sex: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 18
Dob: Feb 24
Nationality: American
Height: 5'4
Weight: 101lbs
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Raven Black
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars: Small Tattoo paw print on the back of the neck, small semicolon on the wrist.
Family: Jason Henderson-Father
Mary Henderson- Mother
Occupation: None
Personality: Scared, Hyper and interested in all new things. She looks at the world like she has never seen it before.
Roselaie was born into a warzone. Her father left when she was little, and her mother packed up their things and moved away from a destroyed house. She can recall holes in the walls, broken furniture, blood smears on different items, and garbage everywhere. There was clutter in the corner, mice running her legs at night, empty bottles on the floor, and she had to wear shoes in the house so she wouldn't step on anything broken and cut herself. She spent most of her time in her room with the radio turned up as high as it would go while her father and mother would fight and scream. She would hear crashes against the wall and crying. She never came out and learned once that she didn't need to see what was going on. Then, in the morning, she would see the results. Her mother would have a broken nose, swollen eyes, limping, or covered in bruises. Rosalie would see her father with bloody fists and usually a scowl, but the moment he would see his little blonde daughter walk into the room holding her rabbit stuffy under her arms, he would smile and hold out his arms to her. She remembered crawling into his lap and Putin, her head on his shoulder. Mother had been wrong again, he said and showed her how to behave. She would nod as this made sense to her; when you were wrong, you got hit, but she was Daddies good girl, so she was never hurt. He would always rub her back and tell her how special she was, how she was well behaved and would take her out for ice cream that day. She started to look forward to their nights of fighting because she would be treated to ice cream or maybe a fishing trip the next day. She had started putting things in his way so he would trip when he came home and blame her mother, so the following day, she would be taken out for pancakes with whip cream on them.

That ended abruptly one day. Her mother packed up her items during school. When school was done, she was picked up by her mother and started to drive. It was a long drive, and she could recall sleeping in the car at night and continuing to drive for a week straight. She was cramped when they pulled up the trailer, and her mother wouldn't speak to her. She just said they were going on vacation, and her Daddy wasn't coming this time. She didn't like that, but she understood; a girl's trip, her mother would say. It made sense to her tiny brain, but the longer they stayed in the trailer, the more she would start to question her mother. One day she asked too many questions and her mother responded to the questions with a broken bottle against the back of her head. She never asked her mother where her Daddy was again and never saw her Daddy again.

This continued for two more years until she was ten and police showed up at her door. She had been home alone by now for five days, which was familiar, but she had just started to get hungry and usually by that time, her mother had shown back up, but when she went to open the door, police were standing there. Her mother was killed in a car accident, and she had to go with them. She didn't understand, but she grabbed her stuffed rabbit and walked barefooted with only a pair of shorts into the police car. She didn't have any more clothes; they were old and ratted. This started her many years in and out of foster care systems.

The first one wasn't that bad, she didn't like when her foster father would sneak into her room at night, but she was told it was because she was a good girl. Her real Daddy said she was a good girl and she should stay a good girl, so that must mean this was normal. She accepted it and would feel good after a while, so that should be okay. Even his friends thought she was a good girl, and they would bring her treats and toys to show that she was doing a good job. This lasted till she was fifteen years old, and the police showed up at her house again, she was escorted out, and she saw her foster dad and his friends being taken out. She didn't understand why they were all in cuffs, but she had a blanket wrapped around her body while being led to the police car.

The next house was very different. She had a small room... It was a closet attached to a huge bedroom. The book started to get smaller when she was hungry, paper tasted okay, and it would fill her belly, but she was craving something with more substance that would last longer. Sometimes she was allowed out of the room, but it was only to use the bathroom and even then, she was handed a bucket to use if they were going away for a while. She had a light in the room and a couple of books; her favourite was Lord of the Rings. She had read that book at least twenty times. Her stepfather did bring her out of the closet when he was angry, she had suffered broken bones, and two of her fingers were crooked now since they weren't set correctly. She was used to being hit by then, but he was cruel, and she had scars all along her back from where she was whipped; knife wounds up her inner thighs and she sported a scar from her ear down to her collarbone. She attempted to show her father what a good girl she could be so she could get out of the room, but he wasn't interested. His other male teenagers were, and she showed them that she was good, but she was never allowed out of the closet until the very last day. Finally, the doors were swung open, and she was pushed outside the house; she was given a ratty knapsack and kicked to the curb. She was told it was her eighteenth birthday, and she was out.

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Name: Samantha Volkonof
Nicknames: Sam, Sammy
Gender/Sex: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 23
Dob: June 11
Nationality: Russian
Height: 5'8
Weight: 125lbs
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Sandy Blonde
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars: None
Family: Aleksandr Volkonof- Uncle
Vladamir Volkonof- Father
Ivan Volkonof- Half Brother/Unclaimed
Medical Doctor/ Mafia Princess
Personality: Incredibly smart, she cares for the poor, and she feeds the orphanages. She loves art and she always feels like she can never see enough.
History: To Be Added
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Name: Melissa Greymere
Nicknames: Melly
Gender/Sex: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 21
Dob: May 28
Nationality: American
Height: 5'5
Weight: 125lbs
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Black
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars: She has tattoos covering her entire body and even four cute stars on her face under her eyes. She loved to get tattooed, and she had been getting them non-stop for the past three years.
Family: Wolf Pack Shadow Pack
Father- Daniel Greymere
Many brothers
Occupation: Runs a clothing store that she styles and creates.
Wild, Adrenaline Junky, Smart, Fighter, and always looking for trouble.
Melissa Greymere could easily be one of the gorgeous women in the city of ShadowForest. Still, as she was utterly tattooed from the top of her toes to her neck and some of her head, she wasn't considered eligible. The city might not look away from her family's fortune and covet it for their charities, road repairs, and taxes, but the upper elite still looked away from Melly. She was just …not refined enough to be in higher social circles. Her body was from a goddess, with curves in all the right places, an ass that any man could grab onto and slap from above. Her breasts could barely overflow in a man's hand, her long black hair curling on the bottom to her bright green eyes. She had a lip piercing in her upper lip, one on her eyebrows and five on each ear lobe. She usually wore rugged clothes, not caring to be in fashion and daring anyone to say anything about her. She kept to herself on their side of the city mostly.

Her father, Daniel, was one of the wealthiest men in Shadowfang, who controlled half the police, half the restaurants, half the public servants, and most of the politicians. The other half was owned by the other family, a family that had always been a thorn in her family's side. She didn't remember a day that she didn't hear about something else that they had done. Either they were stealing from us, or we were stealing from them; there was always a battle in the city. It had been this way since the families found this place simultaneously, and they were both so stubborn that neither would move. The war had been going on for her great-great-great-great- gran wolves. It was a tad boring, but it kept the city running with underground drugs, drinking, bars, brothels, and high-end massage clubs. The under-city in this city was the most critical part.

Although Melly had the best thing, she had her store in the middle of the two warring factions. "Leather and Lace by Melly." The By Melly was on her business cards and not on the side of the building that she had. Obviously, her store was leather… and lace, but it was a sex store that she had designed herself. She might not have had sex here as she hasn't bloomed into her wolf stage yet, but she loved designing sexy clothes. All her outfits were leather, sexy and trimmed for the females, lace for bedtime, some dresses, and some other shirts for normal going out. It was hectic because everything she made was handmade, stitched and sold by her. Nothing was the same; she didn't make duplicates and never copied someone else's design.

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Story Closed-Not Started. Character Available in another.

Jennalise Callon
Race: High Elf
Age: 102
Appearance: Long pitch black hair, it's thick and has a natural wave; her hair feels like silk as fingers run through it. She has bright green eyes that radiate with light as she looks around. They are startled by how green they are; not many people would have anything like this. It has always made her stick out; people remember her because of how bright, and green her eyes are. She has ruby red lips and straight white teeth. Her elven ears are smaller than some, but if she wears her hair in a high ponytail, her ears show their pointed tips. Her body is slight and agile; she is the average height for a female, 5'4, usually wearing high-heeled boots with a thick base to keep her grip but also give her the height of men, so it's not a disadvantage in a fight. She has medium size breasts, nothing too grand, and she keeps them covered and wrapped by bandages, so they are not a hindrance in a fight. She has a tiny waist but wider hips, slim legs and muscular arms. She usually has two blades strapped to her waist, tight leather pants that she can move in, wearing a corset around her middle and a tight black shirt over it all. She has a blade in her boot, on her waist, and up her back. She hides knives in her hair if it's done on her head. She usually has a big leather belt on to hold her parafilaria. She has golden plates on her hips, gloves that go to her elbow and a guard for her neck on her shoulder.

Class: Electromancer
Weapons: Her blades are magic; when they are on her person and not in use, they look like a form of a scimitar, with etchings on them. When she is wielding them, they crackle with electricity, her powers flowing through them and using it as a medium to throw, wield, and adjust her magic, including using the swords themselves to slice through her foe. Plus multiple blades around her person. Some visible, many of them not.
Career/Job: She is part of the Fellowship, collecting allies and moving through the kingdom to storm the castle, demanding the Necromancer Prince step down and give control to her and her Fellowship as a council.

Personality: Surprisingly, she has a bubbly personality when she is around people she trusts. She loves to laugh and prank others, but when she is serious, she is stubborn. She will argue and demand to be heard; she will not go quietly into the night. No man or woman can force her to shift her stance if she doesn't want to do something.

She will also lay her life down the line for her loved ones, her family and her kingdom.

Alignment: Neutral Good

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Story Closed-Not Started. Character Available in another.

Mariah Berkshire
Nicknames: None
Gender/Sex: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 26
Height: 5'7
Weight: 130
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars: None
Family: Unknown
Occupation: FBI Agent/Undercover at the Italian Cartel
Mariah Berkshire had spent her entire life chasing bad guys; she used to play cops and robbers in her backyard and was always the cop. She always got the bad guy, and as she grew up, she focused all her skills and energy on becoming the best cop the world had ever seen. She wanted to be that superhero that people talk about, that go-to girl that people knew had to get her to investigate their case. She wanted her name to be a boogeyman of the bad guys and have them tremble in fear when they saw her walk in the door. It was what she had always envisioned her life would go, and each day until police college, she knew it was her destiny. She would land the perfect case, get all the fame, go on radio talk shows and warn all the criminals that she was coming for them. That was how it was supposed to go, it was her dream, and as she hung up her little picture frame in her small gray and soulless cubicle, she knew she wouldn't reach it today or tomorrow. She had been sent to the bowels of the FBI; she had been forgotten about, pushed aside and dumped into a little corner to investigate tax fraud, the lowest of the low. She opened a massive book and slammed it on her unpersonalized desk; dusk fluttered up to her nose, and she wrinkled her brows as she stopped a sneeze from exploding out of her. She opened the massive book of just numbers and dashed to where she had bookmarked it the day before. She saw all the other bookmarks in the ledger, which sank her heart. She had been here for weeks on the same book looking for just one number off so she could hand it over to the big guys to get the guy. It was depressing, robbed of her dreams, and she couldn't find a way out of the hole she had put herself in.

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Name: Taylor Ashely Wales
Nicknames: Ash
Jan 2
Eye Colour:
Hair Colour:
Dark Brown
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars:
Scars up her back like lash marks. Three stabs wound scars on the left hip.
Professional Thief (At least in her mind)
Ash Is a bit straightforward and abrasive sometimes, especially if she has had too much to drink. She is crafty and knows how to get out of fights by fighting back or running and hiding. Ash always gives away the food and money she finds on the streets to less fortunate people. She has dubbed herself a Robin Hood of sorts but more stealing from anyone and anything to give back to her street family. She had worked in the system for so long that she knows out to get out of going to prison when she is caught, but she also knows how to hide her crimes very well. She has gotten a name for herself. If you want something stolen or hidden, go to Ash, she will set you up.
History: Ash was born in thunder bay, Ontario; she had lived here her entire life. When she was a little girl, about nine years old, her mother died in a car accident, and her father had already left the year before. She was placed with a cruel foster family and quickly ran away from them to live on the streets and make it herself. She did; her will, smarts and name slowly grew on the streets of thunder bay, and people started to come to her to fix their problems. Due to her brilliance in all things criminal, she has never been out of work, paid or not paid, a day in her life. She is always attempting to find some way to make money. She has bunkered up in an abandoned house with a new bed and a working kitchen. She is always looking for a new mark, a new house that she would be able to get in or get out of without any difficulty. She usually takes things they would overlook being missing so they wouldn't come after her, or at least they wouldn't attempt to track her down. With these little thieves here and there, she could keep food in her belly and little treats for herself. She is happy with her life; she enjoys her life, and one day she plans to have a house all to herself and never work another day.
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Story Closed-Not Started. Character Available in another.
Name: Felicia Sara Hardy
Nicknames: Black Cat/Kitty
Gender/Sex: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 24
Dob: November 11
Nationality: Flushing Queens, New York, USA
Height: 5'10
Weight: 120
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Platinum Blonde
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars: .
Walter Hardy(father, deceased);
Lydia Hardy (mother)
Occupation: Adventurer, cat burglar, thief, private investigator, bounty hunter, founder of Cat's Eye Investigations, former crime lord, criminal.
Personality: Greedy, vengeful, and cynical, much of Felicia Hardy's life has been shaped by loss and trauma -- leaving her a jaded woman who looks out for herself at the expense of others. Despite scoffing at being a superhero, Felicia has frequently acted as a vigilante anti-hero - largely due to Spiderman's influence on her. She has also, at times, gone straight and used her powers for good as both a vigilante and a private investigator.
Felicia Hardy's father Walter Hardy, was a world-renowned cat burglar who, before his arrest, encouraged her to never settle for second best. For example, if she loved basketball, she should work to become a basketball player and not just a cheerleader.
During her freshman year in college, she had gone to a party and was nearly raped by a drunken student in a bathroom when she was saved by another student named Ryan. Felicia and Ryan became close friends, spending most of their time together until one night, Ryan demanded that it was time for their relationship to become physical. Felicia's protests were in vain. Hating the idea of being a victim, she decided that she would murder her rapist despite the consequences. She put aside her studies and began training in various fighting styles and acrobatics. After months of preparing, she set out for revenge, but before she could find him, Ryan was killed in a drunk driving accident.
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This Character is free to use for Only Otys and Akasha.
Name: Igor Volkonof
Nicknames: Igor, Rock, Dog
Gender/Sex: Male
Sexuality: Not interested
Age: 28
Dob: November 22
Nationality: Moscow, Russia
Height: 6'4
Weight: 250
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Black, Buzz Cut
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars: Many different scars along his body, tattoos as well up and down his back and full sleeves on both arms.
Maria Volkonof (mother)
Occupation: Big stone bodyguard. Muscles of the Russian Mafia, bruiser.

Personality: Igor is one of the friendliest, happiest men you would ever see coming from Russia. He has a smile on his face and is always happy. Unless, of course, you hurt someone he loves or he is told to hurt someone you love. He is a halfwit, constantly being abused and used by his family, but he still has a smile. He was taught to sit at the door and wait for it. He loves to cook, and he loves to swim. He is a fish when he sees water. He is protective of his favourite cousin Sammy and will follow her like a lost puppy. He is scary to look at, but anyone that knows who he is knows he is a giant teddy bear.

History: Igor never went to school, he was raised in the Moscow Russian Mafia, and that was when they realized that he was slow, very slow. He could smash things like the hulk, charge and bull rush people, but he also might get sidetracked by a butterfly and chase it in a field. He followed Sam to work, and she let him work in the hospital kitchens. The people loved him there and would give him the stuff to do, and he excelled at it all. He could cook up a fantastic dinner but not be able to tell you what he did or what it was. It would melt in your mouth and make you think of heaven, but he wouldn't understand it as all he loves to do is cook. He would then be brought up to the children's ward and get down on his hands and knees to play with the barbies with the girls or the lego with the boys. He loved to play board games, and all the children would bring their toys, rushing to the door when Igor came through it. He was much loved on Samantha's rounds, but he did this without his family knowing, as they would shame him, beat him up, and insult him for doing what he did. When he is with Sam, he can be who he should be, a gentle giant with the love of everyone.

He has been bought by the Italian Mafia and is now part of Maximillian Poletti's family; he has been taken under their wing and is helping protect his cousin Sammy from his Russian family. Sammy is the only one that he would have become a traitor. Sammy is the only Russian who has ever been nice to him, feeds him, takes him places and lets him be himself. First, he would die for her, and now he would die for her soon-to-be husband, who has opened up his arms and shown him that he doesn't have to be that half wit in front of the door, but he can join the family and be a member.
Name: Merrick Early
Nicknames: Witch of the Woods
Feb 9th
Eye Colour:
Hair Colour:
Flaming Red
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars"
Witch of the Woods, Witch, Druid, Shapeshifter
Personality: TBD
History TBD
Name: Real name unknown-Grimm
Nicknames: Colt
Gender/Sex: Male
Sexuality: Hetero
Age: 32
Dob: Jan 24
Nationality: American
Height: 6'2
Weight: 210
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Black
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars: A scar on the upper lip makes his lip look poutier. Two bullet wounds on his chest were healed and white. Their right hand is missing his pinky finger.
Family: Austin Grimm- Brother
Occupation: Cowboy, outlaw, train robber, degenerate
Personality: Colt is a fun-loving guy; he normally wears a smile, unlike his Brother. He is easy to get to know but harder to trust. There is only one person he trusts, and that is Austin. He takes what he wants when he wants it, he is stubborn, but he always has a sly smirk on his face. His eyes show that he knows more than he lets on, and he is always looking for the next adrenaline high. He is an outlaw for a reason; he just wants to have some fun with his brother, he doesn't take it too seriously, and most of the time, he finds ways just to piss off his younger brother.
History: Colt is two years older than his brother; they were and are inseparable, and nothing will ever get between them. Not robbers, their gangs, shootouts and especially not females. The only way a female will be between them is if they are both banging her simultaneously, which is very well known by the brothers. They like to share; no whore at the town's saloon gets one at a time, they get them both, and they line up for them. Since Colt was a baby, he was always out adventuring. As a teenager, he was already gone from home, searching for the next big thrill, with his brother beside him to keep him grounded. While Colt will do all sorts of robberies, train, coach, banks and so on, he does it for the high. For that rush of almost being caught, of escaping. He does it to see the looks on the people's faces as he takes their belongings. He is always coming up with some daring plan and the most complex but sure way to rob, but it always has more dangers than needed and usually ends with a high-speed chase or a shootout. Colt would love the shootout, but speeding down the patchy desert on a flying horse that no one can catch is a thrill. Colt has finally made himself a gang, he is, of course, the leader of it, but his brother is a close second. They have taken over a farm where they have built fistfuls of cash from their loot, train horses that they have stolen, and have a safe and well-defended place in case the authority eventually comes after them. It's nothing much to call home, but it is home for the two brothers.
Name: Real name unknown-Grimm
Nicknames: Austin
Gender/Sex: Male
Sexuality: Hetero
Age: 30
Dob: Feb 24
Nationality: American
Height: 6'4
Weight: 240
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars: Usually rough-shaven. He has whip marks all over his back and the back of his thighs. Hands are calloused. Multiple… multiple gunshot wounds on his legs, arms, stomach and chest.
Family: Colt Grimm- Brother
Occupation: Cowboy, outlaw, train robber, degenerate
Personality: Austin is the polar opposite of Colt; he is grumpy and barely ever smiles. He glares most of the time and is pretty quiet around his brother. He would rather sit and plan everything perfectly than go in guns blazing. Austin thinks things through all the time and has a very short temper. He has no issues killing males or females. He uses whores often and hard. He normally has to pay extra when he comes in and when he is not with his brother. His brother is the only one that can calm his temper and settle him down.
: Austin is the second child born to horrible parents. He was often the one that was abused and beaten by his father and scorned by his mother. The only one that truly loved him was his older brother. Growing up, he had a rough childhood, and no matter what Colt and he got into, Austin always got the punishment for both of them; he asked for it. No one would hurt his older brother. Colt was a god in his eyes and still has his back to this moment. He has stepped into many paths of bullets for his brother, he has cleaned up Colt's messes and never given him a hard time. Austin would do anything for Colt, but Colt feels the same about him. Austin is not a partier but likes to sit and drink and whore. He has followed his brother around America, but when they found their home… he wanted to stay, Colt stayed, and they built up a gang together. Some of them come…. Some of them die, and no one ever leaves walking. Colt has an affinity for animals, the horses love him, and he can easily train them to do magical things. He is also the strongest of the crew and the bruiser. When his temper goes, no one should be around him. Ever.
Story Closed-Not Started. Character Available in another.
Name: Elizabeth Anne Boylen
Nicknames: Algea, Eliza
Gender/Sex: Female
Sexuality: Hetero
Age: 20
Dob: April 13, 1510
Nationality: British
Height: 5'4
Weight: 115
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars: Multiple burn marks throughout her body, nothing on the face. Knife wounds and slices up and down her stomach and back. Branding marks on her ass and back of thighs, the left hand has burned, healed skin.
Family: Duke of Norfolk-Distant Cousin
Occupation: Female Serial Killer, Revenge Artist, Pyromaniac
Personality: Eliza is free in how she does what she wants and when she wants to. She doesn't see right from wrong; she has no moral compass to follow or to stop her from doing something. She takes what she wants no matter the consequences and kills who she wants when the mood strikes her. She is surprisingly a chipper female. She always has a smile; she can laugh at anything. Although her smile might show on her lips, her eyes tell a different story. She is fully aware of what is happening but doesn't care. She doesn't have emotions like ordinary folk, she can pretend and enjoy others' emotions, but for herself, she has blocked out most emotions because they are just bothersome. Guilt and jealousy, greed and envy, those give her no interest. She doesn't care for love or even know what it is, she has felt the need for sex, but that's just a natural body need. Her genuine emotions are anger, rage, and injustice, but all towards the world. Even then, it doesn't show on her face; only happiness and joy would show and if she is working on a family to hang up dead, that is when she feels the most significant emotion, pure and untouched excitement.
History: Elizabeth, what a common name for 1500 England. Could any parent be original nowadays or are all babies to be named Elizabeth, Anne or Mary? Every neighbour around me was an Anne or an Elizabeth, of course, they were smart enough and changed it to Lizzie, Liz, Eliza, Beth.. otherwise, the moment you called Elizabeth, you had fifty kids turning their heads to say 'What?'. It was utter chaos, I tell you, utter! That is not the point of this, though; the point of this is to tell you why I am talking to you. Yes, You, the person reading this. I am speaking to you… Hello? Anywho… This is my tale, the Tale of Elizabeth Boleyn, a distant cousin of the Duke of Norfolk but not just distanced, forgotten, exiled, betrayed, abandoned, you get the point. It was 1510, A beautiful year in England, we had a King on the throne and a hag as Queen, I mean a Spaniard as Queen. The wars in England were finally over, peace had reigned for many years, and the citizens were finally comforted. Shops had started to open, and the fear of being raided by the French was gone. Trade routes all over Europe were at the English ports of Dover, bringing in a lot of gold. King Henry was currently happy with his much older bride. She had not given him a son, but she was finally pregnant; from what I can tell looking back, it happened a lot in her years of marriage. This one would be born a stillborn, no heir to the temper-throwing tantrum of a King. No heir meant that the English were a bit worried; they needed an heir to secure the line and confirm that no wars would break out in the name of a pretender. There were many pretenders to the throne. I digress; I was born this year; happy me! I was just a babe named Elizabeth, after the Queen Mother, who died many… many years ago. Well, technically, she was the Queen, and her mother was also Elizabeth, and she was also a Queen. So, lots of Elizabeths.
I was born in a rough spot in England, London of course, Fleet-street to be precise. It was a rough neighbourhood, a complicated town, and my mother wasn't interested in ensuring that her own Elizabeth was well taken care of. So by my fifth year of life, I was on my own. I had my parents and mother whoring in the streets; she swore once that the fucked the King. I highly doubt that she had pox and sores all over her face. We all know he was afraid of sickness due to still no heir. Sorry, I will try not to get sidetracked again. Voices, you know.
Anyways… father was working on the ships, he was home once every six months or so, but that was about it. I knew to call him father and give him a bow, get a kiss on the forehead and then shoved me back into a closet so he could get my mother pregnant again before he sailed the following day. When I was seven, I never saw him again, my mother had not gotten another child, and by this time, she was so well used that no one would pay for her. She would have had to pay people to fuck her by the end. She died when I was around nine, but surprisingly not by the pox or the sweating sickness King Henry 7th brought to England with his French mercenaries. I was alone in the house after that, I couldn't find myself, and I had no interest in taking up my mother's spot on the streets, so I just did what I could to survive. I was doing good until I ran into one of those priest things. You know the ones that believe the devil was in everyone? Those priests believe if you fight them to not fuck em, you are possessed by the devil. Apparently, I was possessed at the age of ten. Shame on me, right? I was sent to the House of the Mad. Thankfully it wasn't the House of Ill Repute.
House of the mad was a huge mansion; it had over one hundred rooms and was filled to the ceiling with people that were, for lack of a better term, insane. We were insane. Either we were orphans and got on the wrong side of someone wealthy, we were possessed by demons or the best one, actually insane. I was the second one; they believed I was possessed by a demon named Algea. The information these priests and nuns here had on demons would make you think they have tea with them weekly to get the latest gossip. Anyways, Algea was the Demon of pain and suffering; I liked pain and suffering, not for myself but for others. Why should everyone be happy when I am not? It makes me happy for them not to be happy, so I cause them suffering, and we all win! They did not see it this way, so after the first exorcism that didn't work, they believed that many more were needed. More intense, more singing and waving hands, weird smells and water splashed over me. This Demon was brutal to get rid of, so they started to practise exorcisms on me from all the new priests. They would come to the House of the Mad and practice different ways to exorcist me; they have tried it all. Some of them were comical. The dancing and drums were entertaining, but the waterboarding and burning were not so much. They did the rack thing. They did regular ones, sometimes marathons for weeks and switched people around, but no one did anything besides make me a touch crazier than I was already.
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Name: Sir Anthony St. Ives
Nicknames: Jack the Ripper
Gender/Sex: Male
Sexuality: Hetero
Age: 32
Dob: 1860, April 12. Current 1888
Nationality: British
Height: 6'3
Weight: 210
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Brown
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars: Scars along his chest, one long scar starting at his earlobe, down the neck, across the shoulder and ending at the shoulder blade.
Family: As far as we know, none
Occupation: Forensic Scientist
Personality: Anthony is a social butterfly; he can blend into any situation, hierarchy, and caste system. He can make himself visible or blend into his surroundings very quickly. He usually has a smile and is quick-witted with sarcastic humour. It is rare to see him angry or for anyone to have spoken about him being angry, but when he is, the light dies in the room. His eyes held a horror in them, and the devil gave him a smile on his face. He is not someone you want to see angry, especially alone.
History: Anthony has come to London, Whitechapel, to be specific, as he was offered a job by one of his written mentors. He wanted to meet Anthony in person and help him advance his career. They have spent many years writing back and forth to share their findings, ask for advice, and get clues. They have a relationship almost like father and son; Anthony looks up to his mentor Thomas Cromley, a very well-known forensic scientist in the community. Anthony has already studied at Cambridge and Oxford and is called "Sir" as he is a medical doctor and a scientist. He received the highest grades in his school, many awards and scholarships, and his name is starting to circulate if you have a complex case to bring to him. He is friends with Scotland Yard and has worked with them multiple times on serial killers and murders. He is known to be wealthy and unattached; no female has ever been linked to him, and he has made sure of that. He doesn't shy away from females, but he has been seen to look down on them, to brush their opinions away as the female mind is delicate, and in his work, they are too sensitive to understand. It is easier for him not to be attached so he can focus on his studies, his work and his hobbies on the side. The hobbies themselves are very different from anyone else's, at least he thinks because he doesn't ask people what their hobbies are and doesn't explain his. His hobbies are dark, darker than most, but he cannot go long without indulging in some private time. The longer he goes without experiencing his private time with his hobbies, the crankier, fidgeter that he will get.

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Name: Nerina Canary
Nicknames: The Red Rose
Gender/Sex: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 25
Dob: Dec 25
Nationality: Sea Goddess
Height: 5'7
Weight: 130lbs
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Black
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars: Tattoos covering almost all her arms, black ink with some red in it, roses along her back like lace work with beading. Scar along her neck like someone attempted to slash her throat, and scars all along her arms from swords and daggers. Three stab wounds in her stomach that are white scars.
Family: None-Yet
Occupation: Pirate! Tavern Keeper
Personality: Nerina is ruthless, never takes no for an answer, and will fight to the death if necessary. She is a Captain; she gives the commands and doesn't follow any. She is stubborn and hard-headed, as well as a perfectionist. Nerina has never had to answer to anyone in her life, and she never will; at least, she believes so. She is a strong woman that only needs a man when she wants a bed partner. She doesn't keep them around long, or at least she never will be tied down as the Sea is her husband. She is married to it, and it calls to her daily.
Nerina didn't have a last name, or she had never told anyone her last name, so the Caribbean knew her as Nerina the Red Rose. Nerina, in elvish, means Sea Nymph, so it must have been prophesied about her because she became a sea nymph just like her parents named her. Nerina was the pirate of the Salted Rose, the pirate ship that sailed the blue waters of the Caribbean, pillaging and causing chaos wherever she landed. The ship was feared whenever it was seen on the horizon headed to a port; the bright red sails made it very well known, it made it seen from all distances and gave the town or other ships a chance to make their decision. Nerina loved watching and waiting to see what decision they would make. It was one of her favourite times, standing on the ship and watching the city to see if it brought out its ships or did it shutter its windows. Does the ship pull up its anchors and drop the sails to try and escape them or do they push out their cannons and prepare for attack? It was thrilling the moment that Nerina felt the blood pumping in her veins, the rush of the upcoming battle, the glory for their conquest and, of course, the awesome loot that flowed in. She will soon have to get a third hideout if she continues robbing others this often and this good. The Salted Rose had been sailing the Caribbean for many years and growing its reputation. They have, of course, had the British after them a couple of times, but they were never able to go back and report the findings because the British ships never sailed again once meeting the Salted Rose.
Not much was known about Nerina before she took on her role as a pirate. She almost sprang out of nowhere but came from a poor beginning. She couldn't tell people that she was a long-lost princess or that she came from a very noble High Elven lineage; she couldn't even tell people where her home truly was. So why care about all of that? She decided long ago that she wouldn't be one of those elves that paraded their lineage and were proud of how stuck up they were. She was going to be her person, and she wouldn't introduce herself as Nerina of the High Elven Order, Daughter of… blah blah blah, way too boring for her. She wanted to be Nerina, known for being whatever she wanted to be and never tagged to someone else's family or what they expected of her. Nerina didn't want to stay in her elven hometown for her entire life like most of her people. She wanted to see the world, meet people and different races, and sail the open waters with the wind in her hair and a pile of gold on her ship. Nerina didn't just want it all; she wanted everything; she wanted to be the most famous elven pirate of all time, more than Blackbeard. She had been trying to distance herself from those types of pirates. It's taken her many years, but her name was starting to spread, her reputation had already spread, and now, thankfully, she had a name for herself.
Nerina was a beautiful elven woman with long flowing black hair and a body that showed muscles, scars and sun tan. She was golden brown from her days in the Caribbean, and her blue eyes almost matched the ocean she sailed on. She tended to wear fewer clothes than normal; it was hot in the sun, but she also liked to move around, and her fighting style was all about flexibility, not strength. She had to be quicker and more agile than anyone else; otherwise, she would have been killed many years ago. Now, she was covered in an array of scars up and down her body, and she held two swords on her hips, multiple guns, and of course, daggers to protect herself. She never needed anyone to protect her, and she never wanted to; if someone stood in front of her to defend her honour, they usually had a blade in their back, and she was pushing the dead body into the ocean to confront her enemies. She never hid behind anyone; she protected her ship, her bounty, and her crew; her crew were her family and had been with her as long as she could remember and in many different types of employment. They were elves, after all. She had been with this crew for over two hundred years, some newer than the others, but a couple had been with her since she started.
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Name: Lucrezia Mayfair Medici
Nicknames: Crezia
Bisexual/leaning Straight
Feb 21
Nationality: TBD
Eye Colour:
Hair Colour:
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars: Perfect in all places

Grandfather: King Gerald Medici
Father- Lord Arthur Mayfair Medici-3rd Son of King Gerald- 4th in line for Throne.​
Mother- Lady Anne Mayfair Medici​
Uncle- Lord Bartholomew Clarence Medici- 2nd Son of King Gerald- 3rd in line for the throne​
Uncle- Duke Stefan Clarence Medici- 1st Son of King Gerald- Heir to thone​
Cousin- Lord Charles Clarence Medici- Son of Duke Stefan Clarence Medici- 2nd in line for throne​

Occupation: Princess-
5th in Line to the throne. She has a political seat in court and on the privy council but holds little power due to her femininity.
Personality: Crezia is stubborn, she can also be known as a wild child, but she has been working on changing that image. She has a one-set mine and is malicious and devious to get what she wants.

Crezia is the lady of the court, one of the leaders in fashion, decorum, and presentation and an eligible wife for many men wanting political favour. As the only Granddaughter of the current king, she has been able to bend his ear a bit and get herself power in the court. Its barely anything and most thing its just a pretty seat that she uses but she has determination to get her laws and views across. Crezia is a penny pincher and usually voting towards war then against even if it costs money. She has always been against religion being enforced. There is also a rumour that she processes magical abilities, nothing has ever been confirmed but how else would a female rise to the council of the King even if he is family?
Name: Amelia Cairn
Feb 21
Eye Colour:
Hair Colour:
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars:
None- Or none that she will admit
University Student, Potion Masters/ Combat Mage Masters
Personality: She is normally a happy and bubbly personality, but she can become serious when school is involved and utterly obsessed with finding out all the answers. She is brilliant and takes her time to study a problem, she's also quick witted.

Amelia Cairn had been ecstatic that she got into Shadowfalls University; she always thought that she was going to go places, but there was so much holding her back that she never had true faith she could get what she wanted. She was a bright, brilliant witch for her age that seemed to be able to pinpoint with accuracy potions and have a knack for even making new ones to put on the market. She excelled in all her classes; battle magic, occult knowledge, history, and potions were her best and favourite class. It helped that the professor was gorgeous, but he was also knowledgeable. She had not found a question that he didn't know or couldn't get the answer for her. She felt confident going to him with questions, but the more she learned, the less help she needed in the grade. It wasn't until she passed her first year with flying colours that she was offered to move up another couple of grades in some of her classes to go further in-depth about the process of magic and potions.

Name: Katriel Evergrown
Nicknames: Kat
Sexuality: Unknown
Has never told anyone
High Elf
Eye Colour:
Hair Colour:
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars:
She has scars on her back, long claw marks that start at her shoulders and end at her ass.
None left. She is alone.
Queen of Hotiral
Strong and powerful, never lets anyone see her inner thoughts.

Katriel Evergrown, High Elf and Queen of Hotiral, were over two hundred and a few years old; she doesn't want to tell the exact number of years. Katriel has dark brown hair and startling blue eyes that, when they connect with someone else's, will burn the soul from the body. Her beautiful and innocent face hides a darker woman who has complete control of her Kingdom and her people. She rules with an iron fist and demands perfection from the lowest class. Her Kingdom had ironclad laws, and any form of disobedience would lead to torture or death. Katriel always preferred the tortured part, not just because it was fun, but most commonly, the person died during the torture when it was completed. It was two birds with one stone, and in the end, she got what she wanted anyways. Her streets were clean, and her people never disobeyed or protested about her as it would also lead to their imminent death, accidental, of course. Katriel was raised the same way, and her upbringing was even cruller than how she controls the Kingdom now. The people were happy with the change and uplifted their lives because Katriels sire was even worse. Her sire would be known to torture and kill the criminal and their entire family and sometimes their neighbours. He made it very simple and was clear-cut with the punishments, sometimes holding his small daughter with an iron fist to his side. If Katriel closed her eyes, the people in front of her would be killed slower… they would suffer under her father's cruel hands. She always believed she would be better than her parent's ruling, she was kinder and had lowered some of the laws. Especially the laws that females were not allowed to be educated were such backwards information. She kept the good things that her parents did; for example, she kept a mandatory subscription to the kingdom's knights. Katriels ruling mimicked her father's, and she didn't lessen her grip at all on the people; she just made it more possible for them to be a little bit happier than they were before.

In this, she knew she had succeeded, and her Kingdom was rich and flowing with the latest arts, entertainment, foods and trades. Her wall borders were fully managed and utterly impenetrable from other Kingdoms. It had been many years of peace, over fifty years of no movement to the north. The north was her most heavily guarded section of the wall; an entire garrison was ready to defend. Katriel thought that the day would eventually come when she would hear the cries from that side of the wall, so to prevent it from her kingdom, she could only prepare them in her way. She kept them obedient for their safety and trained them in warfare; all must pass the training to reside on this side of the wall. She never let up with her continuation of the military, the most robust in the world besides the Lich Kingdom of Etolia. An enemy too vile, plaguing the Evergrowns for thousands of years, she still wanted to take it over. She wanted to end the fear that kept her awake at night, she knew that protecting her people would be challenging, but she would not relent. They believed she was evil, but if they would indeed think of her master plan, it was for their excellence; she was more educated and knowledgeable than them all.

Name: Alexis Black
Eye Colour:
Hair Colour:
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars:
Father and Mother
University Student-Medical School
Bubbly, light, innocent but also curious.

Alexis was an average university student compared to some; when they saw her, most people were shocked by how much hair she had. Since the movie Brave came out, that was her persona that she had taken over; her parents, of course, had no clue that she watched Disney's movies as those were from the devil. Alexis's parents never let her do much at all; they were such strong Christians, devout and fully focused on the Lord's words, that they took everything literally. She could never wear pants, which was ungodly for a female to wear; she even had to beg to go to university and stay in a dorm room. She was only allowed to do that, and she got a full scholarship in psychology. She told her parents that it was religion-based education and that she wanted to enter the nunnery afterwards. That was the only way they permitted her to do what she was doing; in reality, she was studying to be a psychiatrist when she finished school. She had always wanted to discover why people do what they do and why her parents were so single-minded, but she probably took it because it was different. She didn't know what she wanted to be, but medical school was always a good fallback. She had the grades and the smarts for it, so why not reach for the stars and see where it takes her? Hopefully, it takes her far away from her parents and their religious zealot.
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