Story Closed-Not Started. Character Available in another.
Name: Elizabeth Anne Boylen
Nicknames: Algea, Eliza
Gender/Sex: Female
Sexuality: Hetero
Age: 20
Dob: April 13, 1510
Nationality: British
Height: 5'4
Weight: 115
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Additional Tattoos, Marking or Scars: Multiple burn marks throughout her body, nothing on the face. Knife wounds and slices up and down her stomach and back. Branding marks on her ass and back of thighs, the left hand has burned, healed skin.
Family: Duke of Norfolk-Distant Cousin
Occupation: Female Serial Killer, Revenge Artist, Pyromaniac
Personality: Eliza is free in how she does what she wants and when she wants to. She doesn't see right from wrong; she has no moral compass to follow or to stop her from doing something. She takes what she wants no matter the consequences and kills who she wants when the mood strikes her. She is surprisingly a chipper female. She always has a smile; she can laugh at anything. Although her smile might show on her lips, her eyes tell a different story. She is fully aware of what is happening but doesn't care. She doesn't have emotions like ordinary folk, she can pretend and enjoy others' emotions, but for herself, she has blocked out most emotions because they are just bothersome. Guilt and jealousy, greed and envy, those give her no interest. She doesn't care for love or even know what it is, she has felt the need for sex, but that's just a natural body need. Her genuine emotions are anger, rage, and injustice, but all towards the world. Even then, it doesn't show on her face; only happiness and joy would show and if she is working on a family to hang up dead, that is when she feels the most significant emotion, pure and untouched excitement.
History: Elizabeth, what a common name for 1500 England. Could any parent be original nowadays or are all babies to be named Elizabeth, Anne or Mary? Every neighbour around me was an Anne or an Elizabeth, of course, they were smart enough and changed it to Lizzie, Liz, Eliza, Beth.. otherwise, the moment you called Elizabeth, you had fifty kids turning their heads to say 'What?'. It was utter chaos, I tell you, utter! That is not the point of this, though; the point of this is to tell you why I am talking to you. Yes, You, the person reading this. I am speaking to you… Hello? Anywho… This is my tale, the Tale of Elizabeth Boleyn, a distant cousin of the Duke of Norfolk but not just distanced, forgotten, exiled, betrayed, abandoned, you get the point. It was 1510, A beautiful year in England, we had a King on the throne and a hag as Queen, I mean a Spaniard as Queen. The wars in England were finally over, peace had reigned for many years, and the citizens were finally comforted. Shops had started to open, and the fear of being raided by the French was gone. Trade routes all over Europe were at the English ports of Dover, bringing in a lot of gold. King Henry was currently happy with his much older bride. She had not given him a son, but she was finally pregnant; from what I can tell looking back, it happened a lot in her years of marriage. This one would be born a stillborn, no heir to the temper-throwing tantrum of a King. No heir meant that the English were a bit worried; they needed an heir to secure the line and confirm that no wars would break out in the name of a pretender. There were many pretenders to the throne. I digress; I was born this year; happy me! I was just a babe named Elizabeth, after the Queen Mother, who died many… many years ago. Well, technically, she was the Queen, and her mother was also Elizabeth, and she was also a Queen. So, lots of Elizabeths.
I was born in a rough spot in England, London of course, Fleet-street to be precise. It was a rough neighbourhood, a complicated town, and my mother wasn't interested in ensuring that her own Elizabeth was well taken care of. So by my fifth year of life, I was on my own. I had my parents and mother whoring in the streets; she swore once that the fucked the King. I highly doubt that she had pox and sores all over her face. We all know he was afraid of sickness due to still no heir. Sorry, I will try not to get sidetracked again. Voices, you know.
Anyways… father was working on the ships, he was home once every six months or so, but that was about it. I knew to call him father and give him a bow, get a kiss on the forehead and then shoved me back into a closet so he could get my mother pregnant again before he sailed the following day. When I was seven, I never saw him again, my mother had not gotten another child, and by this time, she was so well used that no one would pay for her. She would have had to pay people to fuck her by the end. She died when I was around nine, but surprisingly not by the pox or the sweating sickness King Henry 7th brought to England with his French mercenaries. I was alone in the house after that, I couldn't find myself, and I had no interest in taking up my mother's spot on the streets, so I just did what I could to survive. I was doing good until I ran into one of those priest things. You know the ones that believe the devil was in everyone? Those priests believe if you fight them to not fuck em, you are possessed by the devil. Apparently, I was possessed at the age of ten. Shame on me, right? I was sent to the House of the Mad. Thankfully it wasn't the House of Ill Repute.
House of the mad was a huge mansion; it had over one hundred rooms and was filled to the ceiling with people that were, for lack of a better term, insane. We were insane. Either we were orphans and got on the wrong side of someone wealthy, we were possessed by demons or the best one, actually insane. I was the second one; they believed I was possessed by a demon named Algea. The information these priests and nuns here had on demons would make you think they have tea with them weekly to get the latest gossip. Anyways, Algea was the Demon of pain and suffering; I liked pain and suffering, not for myself but for others. Why should everyone be happy when I am not? It makes me happy for them not to be happy, so I cause them suffering, and we all win! They did not see it this way, so after the first exorcism that didn't work, they believed that many more were needed. More intense, more singing and waving hands, weird smells and water splashed over me. This Demon was brutal to get rid of, so they started to practise exorcisms on me from all the new priests. They would come to the House of the Mad and practice different ways to exorcist me; they have tried it all. Some of them were comical. The dancing and drums were entertaining, but the waterboarding and burning were not so much. They did the rack thing. They did regular ones, sometimes marathons for weeks and switched people around, but no one did anything besides make me a touch crazier than I was already.