Challenge Submission All Legs

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Challenge Submission All Legs


They Look Like Monsters to You?
♔ Champion ♔
Corrupting Influence Challenge Champion October Challenge Participant
Local time
Today 7:39 PM
We all know someone like Bob.

When it comes to women, he objectifies their body, specifically parts.

In this case, legs.

Bob is a "leg guy."

A woman in anything but baggy pants can't walk her way past the dude without him making some sort of comment either to himself or some poor unfortunate soul that happens to be with him at that moment.

"Did you see that leggy chick in the skirt?"

"God, did you see those gams?"

He was terribly crude directly towards women as well. His favorite being;

"Do those legs go all the way up?"

Bob didn't do so well with women.

It was around the winter holidays that year that a joke was going around among the man's coworkers if they should give him a replica of that leg lamp from A Christmas Story.

…only for everyone to realize they almost didn't want to know what might happen to that lamp.

Instead, Bob got a different kind of lamp in the office white elephant exchange. It looked antique, and was severely tarnished. Junk. But because it wasn't unlike the rest of the weird or crappy gifts that had been given, it was laughed off and brought home.

But the more Bob looked at the lamp, the more it started to appeal to him.

"Might not be a bad knick-knack to have up on a shelf." He said to himself as he stared at it. "Just needs some polish and it might look real nice."

So that's what he did.

But it was mid-polish to bring the lamp back to a shining gold that it started to vibrate and strange smoke started to spew from one end.

Before Bob's very eyes, a vapor-like elemental entity started to emerge from the smoke. It was a deep teal in color, in some angles it looked almost like an oil slick, in others it was impossibly bright, almost like a gemstone. While it did slowly appear to be somewhat humanoid in form, it was almost gaseous, obviously not fully corporeal. Four arms folded over a chest adorned with riches unlike the simple man had ever seen before, and soon its face started to form.

The being's eyes were a steaming gold, and its hair, if that's what it was, flowed around their form as if a miasma.

"Holy shit!" Bob gawked, lamp in hand. "You're a goddamn genie?!"

The being until then, had merely looked to the human curiously. Now they almost grimaced, offended. "I am a djinn, foolish mortal. I am both blessed and damned, depending on which god you inquire from. However, you have given me temporary freedom from my prison. So, provide to me your wishes three."

Bob couldn't believe his luck. From a tacky, ugly piece of junk to now having some kind of mythical creature in his house, and not to mention three wishes? His mind started to race. Maybe even after he got his wishes he could sell the lamp to maximize the profits. That would free up a wish! It was perfect.

He decided in those moments that he'd think about and save the more logical wishes for later. There was only one thing on his mind right now.

"Alright. My first wish? I want a woman. But not just any kind of woman. A woman with the best legs in the universe, you get me? All legs. Legs for days. The kind that they'd use to model stockings and heels 'n shit. I don't care if she's a redhead or blue eyes or even what her skin color is. All that matters is the legs."

The djinn just stared at the man, but there appeared to be a soft curl to their lips. A sly, devious smile. "And you confirm that is your first wish?"

"Yeah, that's what I wish."

"So it shall be."

But nothing happened.

Bob blinked. "Well?"

"She's on her way here now. If you listen closely enough, you may even hear her coming." The djinn said, canting their head, their ethereal body almost fluttering with the action.

But Bob was obviously a very simple man. To him, he thought that meant he would hear the telltale struts of high heels against the ground. "Hotdamn!" He exclaimed as he made his way towards his front door. He wanted to see those legs catwalk up his driveway.

As the man made his way close to his door, however, he did hear something. A strange… distant thunder sort of sound. But it didn't sound like natural thunder. It was too constant. It reminded him of when people used those thunder sticks at stadiums. No… that wasn't quite it, either.

The sound came to him then, though. When people stomped their feet at stadiums to make as much noise as possible.

Brow furrowing, he opened his door. The sound was so loud it was almost oppressive, making him flinch.

There, he could see his new woman approaching.

However… "woman" was something that could be argued. Bob's eyes widened in horror as some sort of unearthly, fleshy skittering horror made its way towards his house.

It was legs. Nothing… but legs. A terrible eldritch abomination of what seemed like infinite pairs of human legs.

It was only as tall as a woman he was imagining with high heels on. 5'6", maybe even 5'8". But it was ever so wide, due to having so many pairs of the lower human limbs. While the way it hurriedly shambled down the road almost resembled some kind of spider that could even give other spiders nightmares, it was as though it was a never ending cycle of humanoid legs. Once one pair stepped down with its feet on the ground and moved, another pair came from above it to replace the other in a cycle; almost like a swimming feather star.

Each pair of legs were different; skin tones in every possible example - and each wearing a different pair of varying high-heeled shoe. Some bore bare skin, some wore stockings or leggings, others fishnets and even thigh highs with garters - though where or what they clipped onto in the center of the creature was anyone's horrific guess. The combination of so many heels hitting the concrete and asphalt at different times was the source of the noise. But not only that: at seeming to somehow notice Bob standing in his doorway, a shrieking started made of just as many voices as pairs of limbs. The legs started to run harder, faster; more and more legs cycling and hauling towards the man at inhuman speed.

Realizing that he wanted nothing to do with monstrosity heading his way, Bob ran back in and slammed his door, locking it as best as he could. But it was no use. It was easily kicked down with the force of hundreds of feet, and the legs started to pry themselves through the doorway, using each and every pair as leverage to force itself in like a spider coming out of its tunnel nest.

"This isn't what I meant! You know that isn't what I meant!" Bob screamed at the djinn, and they merely smiled at him calmly, albeit amused.

"Isn't it?" The entity taunted him, and abruptly a pair of legs with stiletto ballet boots thrusted out and hooked back in, knocking the human down by swiping his legs out from under him and pinning his leg in the crux of its own. The man started to scream as suddenly the legs rained down over him, trampling and stomping down with a vicious ferocity in a chorus of sickening crunches of bone and wet, stabbed, and slopping flesh bleeding out.

Within seconds, the screaming of the man stopped, and soon a trail of blood followed the abomination on its way back out of the house as it dragged away whatever was left of Bob, leaving countless blood-soaked shoeprints in its wake.

The djinn gently wisped its way to follow the creature it created, hovering in the doorway.

"Thank you, ladies."

The mass of now-bloody legs paused, and as though coy, tucked in some of its legs and crossed them as though doing a curtsy.

"Next time then?"

One pair of the horror's legs slid off a heel and waved a foot at the djinn in goodbye. Once the shoe was back on, the creature was off, shambling back from whence it came.
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