Always on the Hunt

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Always on the Hunt


Fallen Angel
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So it's been a while since I've really been on here I'm not going to go into a super detailed description of my rules and expectations... Mainly because it's a bit of a pain. So I'll be brief.

I don't like a lot of focus on smut. I like romance, I'll do a smitty scene from time to time, but I don't and won't focus heavily on it.

I don't mind if you take control of my character for little things, but if you need them to do something specific on a bigger level either tell me or ask permission. I'm usually cool with it.

I like world building, I like creative collaboration, I don't like feeling like I'm carrying the rp.

No perfect characters, part of what makes people great are there flaws and insecurities.

I only do fantasy, preferably in medieval settings (though I'm willing to branch out in a reasonable way.) I love powerful characters, most of mine are. But powers need limits, everyone should have limits even god-like characters.

I'm super active most of the time as I don't have much of a life. I don't expect anyone to have this same level of activity, but I would appreciate at least a post a day or every other day. If you are going to be gone for more then a few days, just let me know. That's all I ask. I do check on my partners, just let me know somethings going on, you don't have to go into detail, it's not my business. Just want to know you're not ghosting me. And if you get bored let me know, we can try to fix that. Or if you just don't want to do it anymore that's fine, just tell me.

Ok I think I touched on the important parts. Now to the ideas. I have two specifically, if you don't like them, that's cool, I'm always interested in my partners ideas. Or we can come up with something new.

First idea, this one involves creations from my world but doesn't have to take place in my world. I've been building my world for years and it can be a lot to take in once I start explaining it. Anywho...
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Little is known about Primals, what they are or how they came to be. Few have ever survived an encounter with the beings, but upon colliding with each other, they tore several wholes in the fabric between worlds a unleashed the end of every world that was affected by the tares.

But this incident did more then just create portals between worlds. It unleashed the 4 beastial titans (based on the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse.) It also sent one soul hurling through space and into a foreign world far from her home to be reborn. She can't remember more then her name, but she knows there's something she needs to do.

Primals are amorphous beings that aren't fully sentient, like they are basically pure raw power in a gaseous form that can change shape at will. They wander through the universe simply existing. Each primal represents a intangible idea, things like corruption, purity, love, hate, etc. And if a sentiment being were to come into contact with one of these beings they become "infected" with that concept. (It's kinda why I've nicknamed Telvarra the Cursed World)

Now the tears in the universe were created by only a few of these beings randomly colliding. But that's how powerful these things are. And briefly on the subject of celestials, every planet in this universe has 2 or more celestials who shaped the planet and gave it life. Some are more active then others in maintaining their worlds (another reason Telvarra is considered cursed because the original celestials more or less abandoned it. But that's another long story for another time.)

So this rp is about 4 celestials who became so full of darkness, greed, hate, or whatever other negative force drives them, that they had to be sealed on a dying planet because they wanted to end all life in the universe. Basically they want to destroy every planet. As I mentioned each one is based on one of the horsemen of the apocalypse, so pestilence, famine, war and death. They have been nicknamed beastial titans because each of them has an enormous beast form. Though it's up for discussion whether they just have the giant beast forms or whether they have a humanoid form as well. Also what these beast forms will be. I really like the idea of one being a dragon and one being a wolf. But iwe can figure that out of you choose this idea.

The other part to this rp is the soul that gets sent to another world. This is because I want to use a specific character in this, and it's really hard to use her because she's super OP. Her names Synn, she is mentioned frequently in Telvarra's history because she plays a major role in it's survival so far. But she did die, which happens in the other rp idea I have, but I'm not going to get into that right now.

A fragment of her soul was saved by Nyx, Telvarra's goddess of death (who is actually a celestial along with her sister Althea, goddess of life. They're the children of Persephone and Deimose. Two of Telvarra's celestials) anywho, so Nyx saved a fragment of Synn's soul because she was pretty sure she would be needed again one day so she wanted to be able to resurrect her when the time came. But when the Primals collided and tore holes in the universe it sent that fragment through a portal and into another world where she ends up being reborn, though she will have no memory of who she is other then her name when she is reborn. She just has this guy feeling there is somewhere else she needs to be and she has something very important do. Part of this to is her journey to regain her memories, her magic, her purpose and get home to try and save her world. So it's not like we're gonna dive head first into this epic battle to save the universe.

Also we will need to figure out exactly how to kill a celestial as they have never played such a major role in any of my rps before so I never had to figure that out.

So that's the first idea. Feel free to ask any question or make any suggestions I am open to constructive criticism, new ideas and answering all questions I can. If I don't have an answer then we can figure it out together ^^
The second idea I have I call "Sins and Virtues" this one I have based in my world, but we could adapt it to a new world.

Seven of the most evil, destructive and powerful beings who ever walked Telvarra's surface are back to wreak havoc once more. They've been brought back from the afterlife by someone only known as The Puppet Master.

To stop them, one person has made it their mission to gather six of the most powerful and legendary heroes of their world to stop them.

There is way more to this idea, but I don't really want to get into it unless somebody actually wants to do it. It's a daunting task as their are 14 main characters to this which seems to deter a lot of people. And I understand why, so this is for someone who can play 6 or 7 main characters in an rp.

That's what I put for the second idea, and yes I realize it's terribly vague. But this one will be more challenging then the first because of the shear number of MCs needed to make it work. There are 7 villains and 7 heroes in this. Which to keep things balanced means I need you to play at least 6 of them.

To further elaborate since the initial description doesn't tell you much, we'll start with the 7 deadly sins (if you have a better title for them I'm all ears, wasn't able to come up with anything unique or creative there.)

The sins are all people from Telvarra's history, most of which have had a hand in trying to destroy or dominate the world. Though there are a 2 or 3 that's are in there for a different reason, but I'll talk about that in a moment. Also, before I delve deeper into this I would like to add, I do not expect you to play as any of my pre made characters that were meant for these roles, you would create your own characters to fit the role and we would sub them in place of who I made.

Now moving on, I am not a fan of all of the standard sins, namely sloth and gluttony. Sloth because while I kinda get what it stands for and why it's in there, I don't like it. Never have. And gluttony just feels redundant with greed. So I replaced them with deceit and obsession which in my opinion are bigger offenses and different from the other 5. So the 7 sins are: Pride, Wrath, Envy, Greed, Lust, Deciet and Obsession. As I mentioned, most of these sins are people who tried to in one way or another destroy/dominate the world. But there are 2 in there who are more victims of circumstance which fit them into their roles. I like these ideas and would like to keep the concepts a part of the rp even if the characters themselves aren't used.

The first is wrath, wrath is supposed to be a demi god who sacrificed himself to stop the characters who embody greed and obsession and was trapped with them inside a soul gem for thousands of years. What makes him wrath is while his soul was trapped in the soul gem the other 2 souls trapped in there with him tortured and tore his soul apart over and over again until he was driven insane by his own rage. He no longer had a humanoid form but instead takes the form of a mindless beast which one of the other sins will have to control in a sense.

The other is Lust, while lust was part of a plot to raise the character of Greed, manipulated by the character of Obsession, he himself was not bad. He had lost the person he loved in a truly gruesome way which lead him to use forbidden magic (necromancy or necro magic as I call it) to try and bring them back. This however went horribly wrong and he ended up summoning Obsession instead. He embodies Lust because love was his down fall, he almost unleashed two of the most powerful and evil gods who ever inhabited Telvarra. Now he is more or less Obsession's slave. He is also incredibly powerful otherwise he wouldn't have been resurrected.

Now the Puppets Master is not a sin, this is simply the person who resurrected the sins and is using them to achieve their own goals, this means they must be a powerful necromancer. The reason they do this is to get into Etheria (land of the gods) Why they want to get their is up for discussion.

Etheria is basically a floating island.. well it's about the size of a small continent but I'm gonna call it an island because it sounds better. There is only one way to get to Etheria because of a magical forcefield that was put in place to protect it from anyone who might think to try and fly up there or attack. The entrance is a hidden gate located on the tallest peak in Telvarra (Emberlyn Mountain located on the continent of Aislynn, which I do have a map of) this gate leads to a sort of pathway that takes you to Etheria called the Path of the Immortals. The name comes from the fact that only gods, guardians and drakins have ever traveled this path and they are all immortal beings.

But the gate has been locked for over 300,000 years, since the end of the last war between the gods. There are two "keys" needed to unlock it they are known as the Celestial Keys or the Celestial Swords. This is because the keys are actually two swords, living weapons. One was forged with part of Althea's soul, the other from part of Nyx's. But they each hid their key when they were captured during tone of the wars.

The sins believe of they can find the keys and get to Etheria they will regain a part of themselves they lost when they died.

Next up we have the 7 Holy Virtues (I am not a fan of that title, so I'm open to suggestions... Just couldn't figure out anything better.) Originally there were supposed to be 10 virtues but I've since realized almost no one would be willing to help play 17 characters. So I dropped it down to 7. Anywho, the virtues are: Patience, Loyalty, Wisdom, Perseverance, Courage, Honesty and Compassion.

The virtues are all supposed to be heroes of legend from Telvarra's history, the person who is seeking out the others is one of the virtues which is why it says 6 instead of 7. Though they don't have to be and it can be an extra person who is searching for them (kinda like Elizabeth from The Seven Deadly Sins anime) The virtues should all be extremely powerful immortals (just to clarify something there are only 3 races born with immortality, gods guardians and drakins, but there are heroes I'm Telvarra's history who were granted immortality, usually for helping to save the world. So it's not limited to those 3 races alone)

Part of my idea for this to is everyone is in some way inter connected to others. So some of the sins are connected to each other, some of the virtues are connected to each other and some of the sins are connected to virtues. I could give you an example with the characters I have premade for each role, but I'll only do that if you want to do this idea and want that example because it will get a little complicated.

But a little more on the virtues, so they are all heroes from Telvarra, but they are also somewhat scattered. Their might be a couple of them paired off or near each other, but for the most part they should be fairly scattered. So there would be a journey to gather everyone to fight the sins.

That's the idea in a nutshell. And as before feel free to ask questions or make suggestions.
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