Am I allowed to say hello?

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Am I allowed to say hello?

Radio Man

250 Likes! Happy Birthday!! Happy Birthday!! Welcome to the Sanctum
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Today 8:06 PM
I... I feel like I might be so... I'm gonna try it. Hello everybody in this little inner sanctum. I've been trying to get back into doing rp's for a couple of years now. Had some good experiences and stories, even if most of them were left unfinished. I found this place while scrolling through some of the highest rated rp sights and figured what the hell and get comfy here too. Hopefully I can get most of my stuff moved into here to let you all know what open stories I want to do. To give a general idea about some of the things I write, they can range from original stories or ones based on a certain game, show, book, or movie universe. They can have romantic themes, more adventurous themes, horror themes, all while trying to have somewhat of a fun tone to them. That don't mean I'm just gonna be goofy 100% during the writing process, when the situation calls for it I while try my darndest to get stuff to be coherent and serious as possible. I can certainly do my best to make sure both me and the people I'm writing with are all having a good time and have enough freedom to do what they feel comfortable with and have fun. So if you feel like you would want to work on a fun story with me or just shoot the shit and talk about whatever the hell ya want to talk about, don't hesitate to hit me up. I don't think I'm gonna be going anytime soon anyways.
Welcome to the site! You already know about chat, so I'll just wish you luck finding those special partners to share your ideas with. I'm sure you will have lots of luck and success, this site is really full of amazing people.
Welcome to I.S. Radio Man
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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