Amber Blyledge here! Time Lord and Traveler!

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Amber Blyledge here! Time Lord and Traveler!


Time Lord, Keeper of Darkness
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Today 10:56 PM
Hey! So, I've RPd on this site called Howrse (This is not an advert) as kendra23679 for many years. But all of my friends eventually left. After the leader of our group left, I became "Leader", but I have no leadership skills, only IU knowledge. So, our group matured and eventually left. I recently left, well, got my account deleted for not being active enough. So, there's that. Some info about my main characters, to help you understand me.

Sapphire is one of my oldest Characters. She was more of the spy type. Usually appeared in Wolf RPs as I had very little clue of what I was doing at the time and wolves were the only thing I could understand.

Then came Dragona Prime, in my Transformers phase.
Dragona was a triple changer female, a little smaller than, say Ironhide. Speaking of Ironhide, they were sparkmates, although that never developed in actual RP, mainly just my pervy fanfictions. I also had NO idea how to write back then, so it's bad cringey. One of her forms was a metallic Dragon, not too big. Her other form was a black Lamborghini Reventon… with flames... Heh...
So yea, she also had a sword called the Sword of Sparks. Ya know, one of those legendary artifacts, blah blah. It was a sword with a blue blade, and had the option of electricity, Fire, ice, and something I can't remember at this point. At the cost of Energon, and a possible dead transformer. In dragon form, the sword kind of... melded with Dragona or something like that and she could use the elements as breath weapons.
The Sword of Sparks sought out it's wielder by the choice of the Sparks, or souls of the dead transformers that had been absorbed by the sword when they fell, and found the chosen. When the Wielder died, whether by old age, or injury, the sword would absorb the Spark of the fallen transformer, adding another sparkle of gold to the blue blade. It looks like a starfield. I have a list somewhere about it's previous wielders, as well as a sad MS Paint picture of it. I think it's on a dead harddrive though.

THEN... Came Amber Blyledge, and her partner character Bad Wolf.
Amber Was a Time Lord from Gallifrey, blah blah, second incarnation, Old Blood house called Blyledge, First regen added a heart, didn't know the Doctor, Did know Rassilon and was glad he was dead.

Wolf was her TARDIS, Type 51 Mark 4, so he had something called a CPMI Cybernetic Persoallity Matrix Interface, meaning he could talk and fly himself. He had a major fear of Fire and anybody in any sort of Uniform. Guards, police, maintenance, you name it. He also was Hyperloomed when there was supposed to be a War TARDIS, and things went kind of screwy. He was kind of insane, and his fear of guards came from being abused to try and control him. He has no weapons other than being able to zap people that are inside him. It should be nonfatal to almost everybody, but accidents happen. Other side effects include marginally larger engine size and power output, as well as a stronger link to Amber.

Then there are the true OCs. Ruth Anora and Senjou, her demon.
Don't know much about them yet, but they are playable. Ruth is part of an organization called The Keepers of Darkness, an all original Horror/ adventure title that I have completely made up. Senjou is My... uh, Her demon. They team up and do things.

A few other Characters I am a major fan of : My characters because I can't find them on PC | The Kingdom of Nowhere Amino
Ages can be easily changed to fit guidelines here, and pics aren't mine...

I am a fan of DW, Pokémon, D&D (I only know te creatures though), Transformers, And a whole bunch of other crap. I am not a very descriptive RPer though, so dialog is a major part of what I have.
Hey there, many welcomes to the sanctum.

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