Challenge Submission An Interview with a Mandrake, the Lion of the Night Court of Blooming Flowers

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Challenge Submission An Interview with a Mandrake, the Lion of the Night Court of Blooming Flowers


A simple writer
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Today 11:58 AM
In the clouds of weather
I wait inside the royal study, my notes, my ink, and my blank stack of parchment. It had taken me several days to secure this time with the subject. One would think a courtesan of the Night Court, even a Dowayne, would not be adverse to some attention, especially from the royal poet but he had evaded all attempts till now. It took a command from the Queen and the Marchioness to get him here to this appointment. I suspect it was more the Machioness putting her foot down than the Queen. This man did not seem to be too intimidated by the Queen, and perhaps if what I have heard about their history was true. Still, his wife had influence over him enough for him to finally appear.

I did not have to wait long for him to arrive. The man was imposing as he was beautiful. Rumor had it his portrait was being hung next to Naamah's in Mandrake House as the embodiment of all of the house and its beliefs in how Naamah gave herself to the King of Persus well over a millennia ago, whose beauty was so stunning, he fell to his knees and begged her to flay him so the pain could balance out the pleasure of her presence. Thus came the motto of House Mandrake "Yield All."

I rose from my chair and gave the man a bow. How could I not? His presence was such it commanded attention and respect. "M'Lord Dowayne, I do appreciate your presence here in helping me compile information on the "Seul le vrai sang" saga. I have refreshments here for you as we talk."

Nathaniel Edward Wintre nó Mandrake né Morhban did shake my hand and moved to the tea table set between them. The consummate courtesan, he made a gesture, "How do you take your tea, m'Lord Poet?" Even a Mandrake always saw to the needs of others, his patrons most of all, first. It might not seem such a way in an assignation with them, but there was a reason why this man was heralded as the most influential courtesan since Phèdre nó Delaunay de Montrève. I inclined my head to him. "With cream m'Lord and three dollops of honey please."

He poured the tea and set it down before me before taking a cup for himself, taking his tea dark with a squeeze of lemon upon it. He sat and sipped at his tea before he responded. "I am here but I do not know what more I can add. My wife, the Queen, the Duc de Morhban, and of course the Queen's brother, Duc Florentin, had more to do with it than myself."

Modesty really did not sit well on a man like himself, and he knew he had far more in shaping the characters of the heroes involved than even he would likely admit. Still, I did indulge the man as I wanted to get his story, the man who with words and presence alone swayed Parliament, even those who had reason to despise him were moved by his words. No minor part in the tale indeed!

"Still, I do thank you. Now I do like to be detailed in my research so many of my questions will seem unrelated, and even probing, but I assure you there is a purpose to them and I do ask your indulgence. It is not like I will publish all I know for all to read. Now some basics. You were not born into the Night Court, but it was all you have known for much of your life, yes?"

Nathaniel set down his tea and looked to contemplate some fruit as he answered. "Yes, my family was from Namarre, and in our province, the third child, be they male or female, was given to the Night Court in honor of she who founded our province. It was not as if I did not know my family. I lived with them till I was eight, and did keep some relations with them over the years, as I did. Still, my first family over the years since I took my vow to Naamah was the Night Court."

Dipping my quill into the ink had become second nature at this point, an unconscious muscle memory response as I began to write in my short hard. As I was writing my mind was also focused upon the questions I had laid out to ask him. "You were not always part of House Mandrake though, correct?"

There was a wry smile upon his features as he spoke. "No, my mother was a former courtesan herself before she wed, and she saw me in her previous house, House Heliotrope." There was a wry chuckle from his lips. "I know well the old jest told by those of House Orchis about how a Heliotrope would love a fence post as a patron, but the Heliotrope would always smile and answer back "If the fence post was worthy of love, they would."

He spread his hands as if in explanation. "House Heliotrope, whose motto is "Thou, and no other", who believed it was love and love alone which Naamah brought to the King of Persus to free Blessed Elua from prison, and so moved by her love, he did. Respect, compassion, empathy, all were taught to us in the house as novices. Each patron we would have would be unique, their own person, and thus worthy of all of those emotions and more, and above all else, our love."

His voice trailed off as if recalling a happier time in his life. I was loath to interrupt his reverly but our time was not unlimited, and some amount of impatience on my part to get all of this man's story. "You did not stay in Heliotrope House however. Near all houses bid on your marque when it came time to dedicate yourself to Naamah as her servant, yet House Mandrake was where you went, why?"

There was a look of mild surprise on his features as he settled back into his chair. "You know, Poet, I do not think anyone has ever asked me the question. They always assumed it was the money House Mandrake paid, but they know little about the inner workings of the Night Court and the marques each house holds. I will not divulge either so please do not ask. It was in the end, my choice. And what a glutton of choice I had!"

He moved and began to arrange the fruit and pastries out before him, ten in all. "All of the Houses of the Night Court save three. Those were House Alyssum, Gentian, and of course, Valerian. Nothing would ever make me bashful I fear, and by the same token I failed one of the tests of the spiced candies House Valerian handed to adepts the week before we pledged ourselves. As for House Gentian, they said I lacked some deep spirituality in me required for their House. I did not argue. The rest of the Houses, all of them made their arguments of who I should dedicate myself to. All of them knew I would bring riches unimagined to their house so they did their best to be persuasive, all save one."

He picked up a fruit then, one known for its first bitter taste, the subtle sweetness only coming after it had been savored. "The spiced candies given out by the Valerian adepts serve two purposes. One was to identify the novices who relished the spice as the true treat of the candy, for it would be they who would be more inclined to endure Naamah's sharper pleasures. The other was to see which adepts took joy at seeing those who the candy. I did like the candy to be sure. I have always enjoyed sharp spices, but the day they were handed out, I could not ignore my pleasure at seeing the minor suffering of others. For those like me, it identified us as possible adepts for House Mandrake."

A sip of tea next to wash away the sharp taste of the fruit he bit into before staying with the train of thought he had, recalling the day which was a pivotal step in his destiny. "Mistress Bridgette, the mistress of training for House Mandrake, saw me on the day, and it was her words which swayed me. She told me simply "To deny yourself would be to deny Naamah, and be a disservice to the patrons I would serve in Naamah's honor." Nothing more. I went with her, and when I dedicated myself to Naamah, I did so at the small altar inside the halls of House Mandrake."

There was a pause, I held up a hand as if to ask for a moment. I did not need long to catch up upon his words. My speed for writing was how my Mistress apprenticed me more than two decades gone. There was a stray question in my mind as I could not help but detect a note of regret in his tone. Faint, but it was there. "Did you regret leaving Heliotrope, the home you had known for the five years you were fostered there? It could not have been easy?"

Again a pause and he tilted his up as he considered the question, one I suspected much like the one before, was rarely asked of him. "I must admit I did. It is in our nature to resist change, especially as a young child near the cusp of becoming a young adult. I had forged bonds there, friendships and more. Still, Mistress Brigette was right and in the end, while "Thou, and non other" is a part of me, at the very core of me was "Yield all." I, however, am somewhat a radical in my views of the Night Court, and Naamah."

He turned his head to look upon me now, a faint smile upon his lips. "I believe all what the houses believe in Naamah, she was with all patrons during some point of her travels with Blessed Elua. She was Alyssum with one, Camelia with others, one day a Dahlia, another day an Orchis. It was not all exclusive thus there is no one way to honor Naamah, hence why the Night Court as no one person could ever be her equal and be all, and there never is a such thing as a singular desire. I myself could not, but I believe I succeeded more than any other in the past, which is why I let my reputation among the Night Court stand for itself."

The pages of parchment were full of my elegant scrawl as I set one aside, a light dusting of extremely fine sand to help the ink dry. "What guise do you believe she took with the King of Perses if she was all at once?"

Oh he flashed me a sharp smile and a piercing gaze which seemed to read me to my core and I am reminded again of what an extraordinary person the Dowayne was. "Mandrake, of course."

I could not help but chuckle at his response and pressed on with my other question. "You have the honor of the highest virgin price since Alquin nó Delaunay. Fifteen thousand ducats it was said. The Queen won the auction on the night you made your Debut, was it not?"

Nathaniel's lips thinned as he considered the question. "It goes against the tenets of the Night Court, and Mandrake in particular, to comment or gossip about our patrons. However, the Queen decided she would be open about her assignations and it is a matter of record. She did win my Debut, and paid the price she did. Many commented on how out of character it seemed, but she has Kusheline blood. Her mother was the aunt to the Duc de Morhban, and of course my wife. She was always one to enjoy...risks."

As much as knowing more about this side of the Queen which was only rumor and innuendo, as tempting as it was, I knew it was a question this man would not answer. He would not get angry at me, such was not his way, but knowing more about his remarkable story would come to an end. I did not wish for it to stop as curiosity was always at my core and I wanted to delve deeper into him, know more about this man, and this couple who helped save my nation.

Getting close to the heart of the matter, I dipped my quill into my ink jar again, putting conscious effort into it, as to be sure I would have enough to start the tale which would surely fascinate and awe me. "Speaking of your wife, it was not too long after you met her for the first time, yes? When was it, do you recall?"

His smile was utterly serene then, and there was no doubt now as to the sheer pleasure, contentment, and indeed love, this man had for the encounter. His voice had a different tone. It was not detached, for there was too much emotion in it for to be such. No, it was as if I was not even there in the room and he was speaking instead to someone else far away, separated by difference. It was not too hard for me to imagine who it was he was speaking to at the moment.

"It was but three weeks before the Longest Night, and Mistress Brigette brought me to a fete, to celebrate the Age of Majority for some noble I did not catch the name. I had been specifically requested by the Dauphine. I thought it was for her, but I was wrong. The gold of her hair, the amber of her eyes, the color of her dress, and above all else, it was Her, the woman who would become my Bold Raven, my wife, Aurore..."
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