World An Oath of Devotion - World Building and Characters

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World An Oath of Devotion - World Building and Characters


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WIP for AOD World Building @Vacyr

Empire of Cedonia


Emperor Alexander

Empress Rosanna

Oathbreaker Rozarck

Order of Paladins:
  • Oath appears as runes upon the body
  • Oath is tied to vial of holy water obtained from the holy site
  • Paladins must return to the holy site to refill the vial and uphold their oath, otherwise experience the weakening of the runes and loss of powers
  • Breaking ones oath leads to the runes shattering and inflicting a curse
  • Order was destroyed by Empire

Primary GodsNameOffspring
SunAzemLight: Evatah
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❝Protect those who cannot protect themselves❞
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Birthplace: Evalore Stronghold
Faction: Order of the Consecrated Shields of Evalore | Son of Evatah | the Empire
Rank: Knight Captain (order) | Marshall (empire)

Traits: Optimistic, kind, flirtatious
Likes: TBD
Dislikes: TBD
Strengths: TBD
Weaknesses: TBD

Hair: Chestnut brown (with blond highlights in the summertime)
Eyes: Gray/blue (center glows when spellcasting)
Height & Build: 6'2" (187cm) | Inverted triangle, muscular
Source of Power: Radiant pendant with Evalore fountain holy water
Markings: Runes which are tied to the pendant

Adept with one-handed sword and shield
✦ Sphere of Aegis
✦ Source of Evatah (healing)
✦ Blessings

< / >
⠀⠀Evalore. The great fortress high in the mountains where it is said that the gods have first touched down upon this earth to dispense their judgement upon the its people. This holy site had long been the home to wielders of light and defenders of justice throughout the land. A force to be reckoned with which keeps the shadowy forces of evil at bay. Thus they were named Paladins, the knighted protectors of the Order of the Consecrated Shields. A holy and righteous order who gain their divine powers from the ethereal springs deep within the belly of the impenetrable fortress carved from the stone around them. To many, they protect the weak and faithful as they dispense peace and justice. But to others, they are chained crusaders blinded by the light of their oaths.

Alaric Silverflame was born and grew up behind the stronghold walls of Evalore to a prominent family who had been keepers of the light for many generations. Named after his great ancestor High Marshall Alaric Silverflame, he had his work cut out for him from the beginning of his life. Always being compared to the best. His childhood was spent studying tomes, learning to fight and defend, and most importantly perfecting his oath so he could one day become a Shield like those who came before him. With his father's martial prowess and his mother's widsom, Alaric made quite the name for himself having earned his place among the bulwark of protectors.

He spent years on crusades away from home but like all paladins, the longer they are away from the Source the weaker their powers become. It matters not how often or how much they used their magic, the light would naturally dim. Making it so that the weilder grew weaker the longer they were away from Evalore's holy gotto. This requires them to return and refill the vial pendant that they wore around their necks or had embedded in their armor which by the grace of the gods does not break. In doing so, they revow themselves to their oath to be blessed again with strength and widsom.

It was after one of these trips back to Evalore that Alaric's luck finally gave out. The stronghold that could never be taken destroyed in a matter of days by the relentless forces of the growing Empire. Their grasp strangling the nation and stomping out the light of Evalore. Alaric fought valiantly alongside his comrades but it was not enough. They flooded in seemingly from thin air, slaughtering and destroying all in their wake. Evalore left in smoking ruins as Alaric was taken prisoner under the Empire. Not sure why he was spared, Alaric soon realizes that he is no longer in control of his oath. His new master not the light nor justice but the Emperor and Empress themselves. As Alaric's pendant hung from the man's neck, he was given a choice with sharp blades at his throat: serve him or become an oathbreaker and slowly die from the curse of the broken runes.


Burned on by Evatah and Azem magic. Then dyed after to create beauty. Dye is bound to the vial. Markings are the key for access to your personal vial, being the only one to use it for restoration. When he uses spells, they glow, bringing forth the magic into action. Runes are a seal of your promise to Evatah.

  • Left arm: "Protect those who cannot protect themselves, even thy enemy, for darkness is the mere absence of light. So long I stand, no innocents shall fall to the path of evil within my command.
  • Right arm: Blade of authority, bring judgement upon darkness and blessings upon the righteous. Face fear to find inner strength. There is truth in clarity, preserve the light.
  • TBD: Willfully be true, kind, and forthright for it harvests your internal light. True power comes from within.
Series of trials to test your attributes which determine your specific sets of oaths (protection, healing, etc). Mind and body tested as the participant proves their worthiness by being accepted by the Source.
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✧༺Iasmina, Daughter of Aishe༻✧
❝Divine Truth❞


Age: 25
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Vardo upon the Summer Solstice
Faction: Calatori


Traits: TBD
Likes: TBD
Dislikes: TBD
Strengths: TBD
Weaknesses: TBD


Hair: Midnight black, with deep blues under moonlight
Eyes: Bright blue
Height & Build: 5'4" (162cm) | Hourglass
Source of Power: Divine magic
Skills: Precognition, Retrocognition, Empathy

Adept with magic

< / >
⠀⠀The Calatori people are called by many names. Seekers. Wayfarers. Vagabonds. Thieves. Mystics. Oracles. Performers. Nothing ever quite sticks for long, perhaps due to their ever-fluctuating nature, disappearing as quickly as they appear. Nomads since the Day of Creation, the Calatori travel the continents in routes that seem to be constantly changing, ebbing and flowing with the cycles of the moon, the seasons, and the tides. They settle in place for a week or two at a time, trading wares and stories, offering glimpses into fate, and the unseen, before drifting on. Almost like a dream, they leave behind nary a trace but their memory, letting them fade and turn muddy with the morning light.

Whether you may believe it or not, think it truth or lies to sell, the Calatori are said to keep a gift amongst them. In the story of creation, it is foretold that a Calatori child born within the solstice, upon which the Sun God Azem embraces his wife the Moon God Nhama, will be blessed by their reunion. Marked with eyes that reflect the skies of the Gods, they will see the divine threads upon the tapestry of fates.

It was within the Summer solstice that Iasmina, daughter to Aishe and Mihail, was born. With hair as dark as Nhama's night and eyes as bright as Azem's sky, Iasmina was gifted. Yet, unlike those of her ancestors, who could read the story of fates through cards, or were whispered the future through dreams, Iasmina's gift manifested through touch.

And it was overwhelming.

From an early age, she felt the truth hidden behind words. Felt the actual intention covered by lies. She could see the story in objects, and the future in palms. Sensitive, she was called. So, for much of her childhood, she spent it hidden, alone, in the corner of her parent's Vardo, digging into books, and anything she could read. Books and words allowed her to fall into a different story, away from the cacophony of fate all around her that often engulfed and drowned her. Instead, she learned of the world outside her home, of so many things, eagerly consuming whatever literature her family could retrieve for her.

For she was loved. Her people were warm and kind, and her home never needed to be tied to a piece of land, to a city, or country. Home was her family. And, in turn, Iasmina loved them.

As she grew older, she learned better control of her gift, and grew a better tolerance. For her people's survival, she entered the craft of fortune-telling, reading palms and the lines of fate held in their cracks. She brewed potions and poultices, sold for gold coins or traded for crafts her people needed. As far as Iasmina was concerned, life was wonderful. It was warm, filled with kindness, and laughter, dancing and merriment.

But it all came to a sudden stop, when the camp was raided.

Unlike many that believed the Calatori gift for soothesaying was a mere fleece for coin, an evening of entertainment, the burgeoning Empire knew of its magic and truth. In a small village where the Calatori settled for a few days of respite, Iasmina unknowingly read the palm of the Empire's General, and thus, sealed in her own fate.

As dusk settled upon the encampment and under Nhama's eye, they were raided by the Empire's soldiers. The Vardos were broken open and set alight, men were beaten, and women and children pulled from their beds by their hair. Iasmina was captured amongst the smell of smoke and blood, and the screams of her people.

The tears of her mother, her weathered hands reaching desperately for her, was the last sight she saw of the Calatori. Of her family. Of her home.

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Other named NPCs of note (WIP):

General Thesalus - killed after grabbing Iasmina in court, cousin of Alexander but considered a brother to him.

Adris - Court Apothecary

NPCs tied to Iasmina:

  • Aishe, mother
  • Mihail, father
  • Doina, teacher
  • Inej, poison taster/friend
NPCs tied to Alaric:
  • Zemoriah - Evatah healer who taught Alaric, "golden hands"
  • Grandmaster Alaric Silverflame - Alaric's descendent and namesake. Aegis line of protectors. Thought if Alaric held his name, he would be a great protector like his ancestor.
  • Rhydian - Retribution paladin
  • Tristador - Aegis paladin
  • [TBD] - Mother
  • [TBD] - Father
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