An Official Hello

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An Official Hello


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Yesterday 11:31 PM
I've been on this site for awhile now, but I've never got around to posting a separate thread just to tell everyone else about myself. A bit strange for someone like me, seeing as how posting an introduction meant ticking off one of the boxes that seemingly made your account set up complete. Annoyingly, I find myself having to complete all the achievements in every game I play, and so I tried thinking of reasons why I didn't want to do it.

Why haven't I posted an introduction? For one, I found it rather pompous and arrogant. 'Oh look at me everyone, I've arrived, let me post a thread dedicated to talking about myself.' It got me thinking... why do I think that? I don't judge anyone else for posting any sort of introduction post, so why am I treating myself differently? If I truly felt it was arrogant to dedicate an entire thread to talking about myself, but still appreciating other people's posts, that doesn't make much sense now does it? And so I had to do a bit of a deeper dive. Why am I writing at all in the first place? This led to the reason for a lack of an intro being; 'why should anyone care what I have to say anyway, I'm just one person.'

And so you see, here in lies the problem; it was never about being pompous or arrogant. I loved the idea of people introducing themselves, giving people a space to talk about what they like/dislike, maybe a small snippet of what kind of person they are, and what kind of writer they are looking for.

So then I thought I just didn't feel welcome, and everyone on this site knows that isn't the case. It had nothing to do with the website or the other people on it. This small little community of writers and role-players are all very understanding and accepting people.

And so now the conclusion I've come to is that I didn't want to feel welcome. The reason I was looking to join this site in the first place was to remain anonymous and escape my confounding truths, not to join another community of people and risk being hurt. I write to escape reality, I play games to get sucked into another world, and I need to complete every achievement so I get that feeling of self worth.

Normally I hate any sort of media platform so... against my better judgement, I've grown attached to this site. I've seen your pictures, read your statuses, lurked in the chat rooms, read your stories, and it's hard to stay disconnected to something with such positive vibes.

This is just an official hello from a Canadian who loves fantasy stories. I'm looking forward to writing more and reading more work of those who share the same passion. Happy writing Sanctum.
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Hello to you, friend!
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