MxF An "Out of the Box" Romance plot idea

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MxF An "Out of the Box" Romance plot idea


I remain the man I was. Rajivari.
Local time
Today 7:38 PM
Ok. Sonce I've decided to soread my wings and try a full out Romance RP. (As mentioned in my other thread) I've decided to go one step further.

I've got a plot that will have me playing the female character in the Romance roll and a female RP partner who will play the Male character.

Pretty much a totally new Idea and I have done very little of this ever but I feel like doing something new and think it could be fun.

To add a little drama to it I've come up with an interesting plot.

The Making of a Hero

A young boy prepares to go to college after graduating highschool. He has his whole life planned and ahead of him. He has a girl froend, a career path, college lined up, everything.

All vanishes, however, with a grave illness that hits him suddenly. The doctors have no idea what is wrong with him until a former military nurse inspects him and calls in the feds.

Meanwhile it seems as though the young man is changing... He no longer is a young man. His male figure is slowly morphing to a female's body. No one can explain it until the CIA shows up and, after forcing him to sign dozens of non disclosure forms, explain to him that back in the year he was born the CIA had rogie members performing unsanctioned experiments on changing the gender of newborn infants.

To put things short... This boy who is now a women, was born a girl. Apparently some of the subjects of the experiments revert back to their birth gender unexpectedly.

Although the government offers compensation for the "grievances" and silence the young man turned women struggles with floods of conflicting emotions over the subject.

To top it all off the CIA is preasuring her to join them as an agent. With her they have a unique opportunity to utilize a face that has never been seen by any security agency in the world. She has no background, no history, no name, nothing. No figerprint can track ber, nor retna, voice or security scan of any kind. She is simply not in any system on earth...

After proding the young women joins the CIA and eventually meets a fellow agent who persues a romantic relationship with her.

This is a complicated subject for her. Memories of being a male still weigh heavy on her and she is unsure about the relationship. With time and persuit she finally entertains a friendship with the young man and eventually (with much more pursuit) allows him to engiage her in a romantic relationship.
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