And So Our Journey Begins

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And So Our Journey Begins

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Today 12:29 AM
The Merry Old Land of Oz
Hi names Arthur as is apparent in my profile. I am a rping vet of 14 or 15 years. I have been a member of various sites across the web sci-fi, fantasy, fandom, various assundary. I prefer a DnD style role play mostly fantasy genre. You know Dragons, Elves, Dwarves and dieties. Lets see I tend to post anywhere from 300 tp 1000 words depending on the topic. I excel at Short Stories toping around 4000 or so words. Depends on what I am writing.

I am pretty easy to get along with dont try to cause any trouble though I excel at getting into it mostly for my own amusement. I am a bit of a handful really but you will get use to my humor and wit. I also have what is called a lack of filter. You know that little thing in your head that says you shouldn't say that I dont have it. Comes from my life. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I dont hold back. I am bluntly honest and will say whats on my mind. Most folks find that trait admirable. Mostly I use it for humor. I love getting a laugh out of folks.
About me I am 31 years old, lived all my life south of the Mason Dixon Line. Yeh I am one of them good ole boys from the state that the Dukes of Hazzard was based in.

So I like to hunt, fish, shoot, blow stuff up, and above all read, write, and watch movies. I am the very definition of a Southern Nerd. So thats pretty much me. Hope to have fun here and if I can get into some trouble. But the good kind.
Welcome! I'm sure you'll fit in here perfectly :) Any questions don't hesitate to ask a site operater or anybody who has fancy colours in their name!
Hello and welcome! From one nerd to another, I can say that you'll likely love this site as there are a lot of fellow D&Ders here~
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