And Today On "Newcomers Have Arrived..."

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And Today On "Newcomers Have Arrived..."


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Today 2:19 AM
World's End
Hey there. Yiyel's the name, and speed is the game I'm a newbie that got abducted by someone from another RP website. I've been roleplaying for the best part of ten years, and I've been fluttering for the past 7-8 years from website to website trying to find a new group that would be as awesome as my first one.

I would be best defined as someone who likes innovation. This presents itself twofold in my preferences: one, genre-wise, I prefer genres where creativity is more of a given - science fiction, alternate history, space operas, so on. Time travel, transdimensional shenanigans and other things to which the label "wierd plot shit" can be applied are candy to me. Two, I don't particularly like "plots" or "stories". I break rails if you try to railroad. I'm an universe person - I have several universes to make you experience, and I want to be surprised.

As a player, you can expect me to take notes of everything. And make maps and charts. And stretch your GMing abilities by doing the unexpected and unorthodox. I'll take your universe to places you probably had never even considered.

As a GM/leader, you can expect, as mentioned, universes. By universes I mean that not even all of my RPs have a planned end, and those who do often have multiple endings. And of those endings, about half of them aren't obtainable if you don't poke and prod and go off the track. I don't write stories - that's for books. I write games - interactive places in which you can do almost anything. I have notes for a LOT of scenarios. And if I don't have notes I'll write something up. I highly reward creativity and cleverness.

On the flipside, I'm not afraid of the opposite. Passive characters tend to end up in terrible places where they have to make choices. And straight up stupidity gets karmic retribution, unless it's so stupid it becomes funny.

I usually don't do much fantasy because I feel it's all been done before, but I can still be surprised.

TL;DR: Heyllo!
Wow, just WOW! Lady Lena -curtsies- and welcome to Inner Sanctum! Well, I've only been to three RP sites, and this is my third, but I can safely say, this place is awesome!

First thing I saw was the description of world building? I love it. However my forte is fantasy, historical, romance/drama, and supernatural. But everything is original, I rarely play already established stories and make it into a fandom of sorts. But other than that, I give you brownie points for the creative intro and title.

Hopefully I see your request thread soon, if you are going to make one, and see awesome RPs from you!

Vale , et videre te in circuitu!
What a fabulous introduction!
Welcome to forums, still kinda new here myself - making friends and all that jazz. You sound like an awesome person to write with!
Looking forward to seeing more from you! The name is Sylessae, by the way!
Welcome, to the asylum. Sounds like you will fit in very well. I too enjoy world building. I have skeleton builds posted here as there is currently no place for world builds ( trying to influence tht.) currently they are posted with character bios in character storage. I have a fantasy and a cyberpunk, at the mo, a post apocalyptic , in progress. So it's awesome to have another like mind around. Look forward to seeing you in action. All the best.
Saw you around in chat yesterday. Welcome to the Sanctum!
Welcome tonthe forum! :)

Love your world building ideas, very neat and creative!
hi there! also new here, but welcome! your style sound really interesting. glad to have you here!
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