Angelicmadrigal's Characters

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Angelicmadrigal's Characters


Resident RP Goddess of Burnout
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-the winter of my discontent-
Lady Sabine

RP: A New Beginning
Themesong: Elegy by Leaves Eyes


Sabine is the daughter of the Duke of Tethys, a country with extensive naval success. Newly married to the son of the Duke of Sarvayl. Sabine had a happy childhood overall and has a good relationship with her parents and siblings. However, her father was often away from the family for long periods at a time, leading the country's navy. She has an older brother that she loves and admires.

Sabine spent a lot of time at the seashore with her family and is an excellent swimmer. In fact, she is even better than her brother Ettrain. Having been prepared for the life of a high noble's wife, Sabine is well trained in all the things that make a fine lady.

Sabine has a very timid personality. She dislikes conflict and will at times put herself in harms way to see it avoided. She almost never raises her voice. Having been raised with high stakes placed on a proper union, Sabine is a perfectionist in everything she does. She is a romantic woman at heart and her emotions are easily the greatest weapon someone could use against her.
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Baron Ambrose von Buellen


RP: A New Beginning

Themesong: Hero by Enrique Inglesias

Ambrose comes from a wealthy and prominent family in Tethys. His father was a decorated naval officer and his mother is the sister of Tethy's Grand Duchess. With such a close relationship to the Grand Duke and Duchess, Ambrose spent much of his time at the estate of his uncle. In his youth he spent his time learning to sail and swim. His uncle also saw to his training in swordsmanship and the art of tactics. He worked along side his cousin Ettrian for many years. They were close as brothers, until Ambrose took an interest in his younger cousin Sabine.

As Ambrose's feelings for Sabine became more apparent, Ettrian became closer friends with the man who would eventually become Sabine's husband. This is the other reason Ambrose dislikes Raulet. However, Ambrose had distinguished himself enough in his naval command that he had permission from the Grand Duke to court his daughter. During the time he was courting Sabine, Ambrose had a string of lovers. While he would never have thought to defile his beloved, other woman were at his mercy. He has a reputation as a womanizer. Eventually, Ambrose lost the bid for Sabine's hand in marriage to Raulet.

Ambrose is a man of many contradictions. On one hand he is a disciplined gentleman and on the other he is a hedonist. These two sides of himself are always in constant conflict. He is a perfectionist. While he is charming, he is also a bit on the arrogant side. He has a fondness for strategy games like chess. Just as he is in battle, Ambrose is conservative in matters of politics. His main weakness is his love for Sabine which he does not hide at all.
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Lenore Gray

RP: Deadlands: Hex Mex II and Deadlands: The Undertaker

THEMESONG: Black Magic Woman by Santana

Lenore is a the local town witch. Married at a young age to a friend of her father's (a "mad" scientist named Ezra Gray), Lenore is well versed in various forms of witchcraft. She is particularly knowledgeable about werewolves, since her former lover (John McAlister) is one. Her husband has since passed, but still reside's in the family home as a ghost with a rather....distinct sense of humor.

Lenore is a no-nonsense woman with what most would consider very little sense of humor. More often than not she is morose, but part of that is merely a defense mechanism to cover up a sensitive heart....or is it?
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Phoenix "Nix" Solomon

RP: Mind Wars (Tabletop Starfinder Campaign)
Class: Solarian
Background: Outlaw

Themesong: Stardust by Delain


Born Victoria Holder, Phoenix "Nix" Solomon was part of Absalom Station's underworld royalty. The Holder family has long standing ties dating back to the early formation of the current government of the station. While her father, a prominent crime boss, maintained an air of respectability his dealing were anything but respectable. He managed to amass a fortune trading in illegal weapons, drugs, and species trafficking all while maintaining close ties with the powers that be on the station.

Victoria was raised walking between two worlds; high society circles and the seedier realm of the Criminal Underworld. Like her father, Victoria is charismatic and found it easy to float between both worlds. As she grew older, Victoria began appearing more frequently with her father and assisting him in various ways.

However, that didn't last forever. Unlike her father, Victoria lacked some of the restraint necessary to run a massive illegal empire. She is well known for making rash decisions and "trusting her gut" leading to disastrous consequences. One incident in particular resulted in her having to flea Verces. In fact, she is still being hunted on that world. Her father's subsequent disapproval, led Victoria to leave her comfortable home in The Eye and retreating to The Spike.

Assuming a new identity, "Nix" has spent the last year or so laying low. While she is under no illusion that her father isn't still keeping tabs on her, she doesn't make any attempts to draw his attention either. "Nix" believes that she has to earn her place back as part of the family, by proving she can make it on her own.

Her peculiar abilities, both as a psychic and her stellar attunement, were both discovered by happenstance. "Nix" herself ties the discovery of both sets of abilities to a drug induced experience. The metaphysical aspects of the whole thing are entirely lost on her and she continues to explore both sets of phenomena on her own.
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Destiny Blaine

RP: Keep Calm and Carry On

Themesong: Heathens by Twenty One Pilots


Destiny was born and raised on the carnival circuit. She doesn't talk much about her life with the carnival except that her ex-finance Sam died in an accident when he was working as a ride mechanic. After Sam's death, Destiny hooked up with Sam's best friend, a Russian immigrant named Viktor. Trying to cling to the last thing left of Sam in her life, Destiny remained with Viktor despite his alcoholism and abuse.

When the world fell apart, Vik and Destiny took up residence in an abandoned farmhouse: taking in 'boarders' to help with supplies and making the house livable again. However, as Vik's grip on reality loosened the abuse became more prevalent. Not to mention Vik had a penchant for murder. After their last fight, where Vik turned on Destiny and tried to kill her, she knocked him out. Stealing his truck and some supplies, she set out on her own.

Class: Ranger (Horizon Walker)
Theme: Outlander

RP: A Blue Tide Rises (Table Top D&D 5th Edition)

Campaign Notes Written by Our Gracious DM
Your stories differ in many ways - your homes, your upbringings, your livelihoods, your goals, your dreams, and your reasons for finding yourselves in the thriving country of Malnova in the first place, in the port town of Barvisa, close to the northern border. But today, your stories they are the same in one crucial way: you have all been swept up in the Blue Tide.

Malnova is an ancient country that has known many rulers. It is close to lucrative trade routes, has bustling ports, and a pleasant climate. If that wasn't enough to draw throngs of many races from all over the world, it is also home to world-renowned guilds, prestigious universities, and talented artists. Among these migrants were large waves of Vedalken, blue-skinned humanoids known for their intelligence, ingenuity, and constant strive for perfection in all things. They quickly rose to power, financially, academically, and politically.

In Malnova's elective monarchy, Vedalken Royalty have unsurprisingly ruled for generations. This is because their fabled obsession with perfection has been a valuable asset - each ruler strives for - and in many ways succeeds - in progressing the kingdom as close to a perfect utopia as possible. Basics like water, food, and shelter are plentiful and affordable. The strong military and local marshals easily neutralize threats both external and internal. Both trade and diplomatic ties make for solid alliances with nations near and far. Art has flourished, with many wealthy patrons. Many have even turned away from religion, putting their faith instead on the newfangled lava-glass powered Vedalken machines that continue to revolutionize daily life. The region has been at peace for so long, no one born in Malnova today has known the pain of war, or the woe of its aftermath - this has been, by far, the greatest draw for most refugees from the war-torn regions throughout the world.

The most recent, King Kovelan, however, was chosen by a growing contingent of Vedalken that feel the "Baseborn", a derogatory term for anyone not of their own race, are both indifferent about and incapable of the pursuit of perfection, and that only pure-blooded Vedalken will ever achieve it. The conclusion was thus made that only a nation of Vedalkens alone could even begin to achieve this goal.

And so it was decided, and King Kovelan's First Order of the Blue Tide Decree swept across the land - the expulsion of all "Baseborn" from the realm. While travel was only restricted into Malnova, not out, and with the looming threat of large patrols of soldiers armed with lava glass weapons increasing in number through the country, many left of their own accord.

In the weeks that followed, the once open Malnovic borders remained unbearably porous, so the increasingly paranoid King announced the Second Order of the Blue Tide - to close the borders and ports completely, save for Vedalkens, the Malnovic military and fleet, and those in their employ. In addition, the King ordered that all Baseborn trying to both enter or leave the country into custody, to be deported to penal colonies as far away as possible so it would be difficult for such "undesirables" to return to Malnova. Those who wanted to leave could only do so via one of these prisoner transport ships, to far-flung regions few desired to go to.

What followed was anger. Those that remained did not want to be imprisoned, nor did they wish to be sent to a prison colony. In response to protests, the King ordered the Third Order of the Blue Tide - all Baseborn were to be rounded up and placed in detention centers, and anyone who resisted would suffer immediate execution.

And so, Vedalken soldiers across the nation commandeered whatever sturdy buildings they could find and retrofitted them with secure doors, locks, and automated sentries. They started rounding up Baseborn and threw them into these makeshift prisons.

You were placed in the seventh Baseborn Hold to be established in Barvisa, where you await your fate with several others. And the rumors have not been good; stories of mass graves and lava glass powered death machines have been circulating, and it is looking more and more like detention and deportation is quickly being replaced by ethnic cleansing.

Rounded up by a large patrol of well-armed Vedalken marshals, a random group of "baseborn" have been thrown into a makeshift holding cell in a Dwarven-temple-turned-prison to await their fate. This room has been retrofitted with a strong, secure metal door; this room was created to house those the Vedalken considered armed and dangerous. Amongst those threats are an elven druid named Bario, a half-elf sorceress named Sorsha, and the elven wife of a farmer, who knows a bit of healing magic.

Bario, upon trying to examine the external metal flap covering the barred viewing window, triggers a deterrent trap of spikes hidden in the door's window opening, causing quite a bit of pain. Sorsha, likely rolling her eyes, casts mage hand on the other side of the door to lift the flap so the druid could observe the hall. He could hear the metallic steps of the automated sentry machines patrolling. She used the mage hand to attempt to see if there was a way to unlock or otherwise open the door, but the door was secured with a complex locking mechanisms requiring multiple keys.

The farming couple's children, in the meantime, were randomly touching individual stones on the walls. When Bario asked them what they were doing, they explained that some of the stones were "talking" to them. Upon further observation, he saw that many of the stones had runes on them, and that one of the stones glowed with a faint blue light when the child touched it. Bario decides to touch the stone, and in his head, a telepathic female dwarven voice says a word in Dwarven and its Common counterpart. It seems these stones and runes are some kind of magical stonework dictionary.

Both Bario and Sorsha begin touching random stones, finding those that glow. Eventually, after touching seven glowing stones and learning the dwarven terms, all the stones glow intensely momentarily before fading, and the stones stop responding when touched. The telepathic voice speaks once more, saying "Speak our truth." Together, they determine a Dwarven phrase (and its Common translation) that seems to make sense based on what words glowed:



When they recite this phrase, a magical door cut in the very stone slides open, revealing a spiral staircase leading down, deeper into the building, and into the darkness. The two proceed, followed by the rest of the baseborn captives.


At the bottom of the spiral staircase is a large gathering hall which has not been used for a long time. A statue of the Dwarven Goddess of safety, truth, home, and healing, Berronar Truesilver, is prominently displayed on an altar, along with her coat of arms, with two interlocking rings. Several statues of known and even unknown races hold hands above the altar, with the words. "GAUHNITH GRIST", or "Safe House", and "DUR BELGOND: NE OC SARTOS. FORMV ANA DURMGRIST", or "Our truth: We are a family, and this is our Home." In proper dwarven fashion, it seems they worshipped via carousing, music, card playing, and merrymaking. But sadly, the layers of dust suggested the temple has not been used for a long time. Sorsha collects some of the dwarven playing cards sitting on one of the tables, then went over to the door, finding it barred shut. A mage hand later, the bar was removed and the group left down a hallway.

Bario took point and snuck down the hall, Sorsha sneaking...less successfully. They came upon another door and a bend; it was then Bario heard the familiar steps of a patrolling automated sentry. The party decided instead to try their luck through the door.

On the other side, they were met by two sentries guarding a room with a couple and their children. The sentries, including the patrol down the hall who also joined the fray, attempted to apprehend the escaped prisoners, but were unsuccessful. The family freed, the party continued on.

Twice more, the group freed other captives - a dragonborn family and an elderly gnome couple - all commoners, although the gnome woman was a little feisty with a hidden dagger.

Almost to the exit, they heard a conversation between a Vedalken and some sentries beyond another unlocked door. Bario overheard that it seemed he was trying to gain entry into the lower portion of the baseborn hold to ensure the prisoners were being treated fairly.

Preparing for the worst, since he was unsure how many sentries and other threats may be waiting behind the door, he threw it open and immediately cast a thunderous wave, utterly destroying the four sentries and knocking the Vedalken back into a wall.

After some convincing, the Vedalken named Tarrien Hubmet explained that he sympathized with their plight and wished to offer some options for escape. The first option was to sponsor them and board one of the few remaining ships taking baseborn to penal colonies - an option only followed for the friends and employees of Vedalkens since the third Blue Tide Order who wished them safe passage out of Malnova. The second option was a network of smuggling points out of the country known as the Subterranean Caravan, to the northern dwarven country of Maghunrigh. The third was to leave on their own into town and try to escape on their own. Half of the prisoners took the penal colony route, wishing to be as far away from this country as possible; the other half, including the Bario and Sorsha, took their chances with the Subterranean Caravan.

Before escorting the others to the ship, Tarrien explained that the statue of the Barronar in the hall had a secret passage behind it, as this temple has been used for smuggling slaves, refugees, and others for various reasons in its long history. He also explained that their guide for the next leg of their journey, their "MEITDER" (dwarven for "Driver") would be wearing a medallion bearing the Truesilver symbol (two interlocking rings) and would only respond to the code word "SANTOS" (dwarven for "family).


On the other side of the tunnel, a small, forgotten, overgrown shrine to Truesilver sat tucked away in an alley of a run-down part of Barvisa. Across the way, Bario sees a Vedalken wearing a hood and a prominently displayed medallion fitting the description. He speaks "SANTOS"; the Vedalken introduces himself as their MEITDER and quickly leads them down a series of alleyways to the back door of a small townhouse, which is their first caravansary, or safe house. The Vedalken man inside introduces himself with the code name FARTHEN (father). They are welcomed to a warm meal and are hidden in the basement behind a false door covered by shelving.

Later that night, a Vedalken patrol is heard upstairs demanding to search the home, since some armed and dangerous baseborn have escaped a nearby hold. One of the children starts crying, and a Vedalken patrol, believing it is coming from the basement, insists he check down there. Before he does, one of the children emerges, crying and holding a broken toy. The patrol is fooled and leave without further upsetting the young family.

The second MEITDER arrives before dawn the next morning to take the group to the next caravansary, a small tailor shop in a middle class part of town owned by an elderly widow going by INGDA (cloth). She has a magnificent spread of traditional Vedalken breakfast food for them to enjoy, and fondly recalls a past where all races were welcome and valued in Malnova. She hides the group upstairs behind some crates full of tailoring supplies while she runs her business below. Some Vedalken clientele are heard loudly speaking about baseborn with slurs and pejoratives.

That night, a well-dressed Vedalken enters the store - their next MEITDER. He informs them this is one of the more dangerous legs of their escape, since they must proceed through some more populated areas of the city. He surveils the road,speaking to a few passersby, before the all clear is given and he escorts them through old river overflow grate, the other side taking them to a wealthy part of the city. He leads them to the stables nearby, where the citizenry keep their beasts of burden, to a Vedalken blacksmith and tinker shop. There, a blue hulk going by TRONJ (giant) grunts a greeting. His wife gives them rations for the trip. The son, storming down the stairs to complain that they risk their lives to help "lesser creatures", trudges off in teenage angst.

There is no time to waste. They are immediately lead to the basement, where TRONJ moves a large stone slab to reveal a long earthen tunnel. They follow for a few hours until they reach a tall vertical shaft area with a small ledge. There, TRONJ lifts each of them up to the ledge and tells them the exit is beyond the rope ladder and wooden door above. Sorsha pushes the door back and climb out, seeing there is a false rock on the other side of the door. The rest of the group climbs out to camp for the evening in the copse and await their next MEITDER, Sorsha opting to sleep instead up a nearby tree.

Bario asks a chipmunk to entertain the children for a few pieces of journey bread. Sorsha attempts to ask an owl if there are any threats around, but unfortunately, the animal can only hoot back. Bario notices the exchange and offers his assistance. The owl replies generally and cryptically, a proper foreshadowing for the evening.

The peaceful night is broken by loud screeches and squeaks. Out of a nearby bunch of bushes, a swarm of rats carrying two large eggs emerges. Chasing the rodents' newfound feast, two axebeaks burst through the greenery and attack anything and everything in a frantic attempt to get their babies back. The swarm at first attacks the farmer; Bario and Sorsha quickly intervene, allowing the rest of their group to seek shelter from the attacks.

Bario speaks to the animals, attempting to explain that they are going to try and help the birds. Sorsha quickly employs her mage hand and plucks one of the eggs from the swarm, holding it aloft and out of their grasp. The mother axebeak disengages and runs over to where the egg is and, in flightless frustration, tries to reach it. Sorsha lowers the egg into her beak. She does the same with the other egg, allowing the father axebeak to take this one. The rats, dismayed and hungry, flee. The axebeaks, a family once more, return to their nests defensively.

Soon afterwards, an elven ranger, the group's next MEITDER, arrives. She gives the group a small satchel of rations, containing water, pemmican, hard tack and some jerky, and tells them they will be traveling under cover of darkness, so they can spend the day resting for what will be a long night.


Having escaped the racially motivated imprisonment in the Baseborn Hold, Bario, Sorsha, and a few other non-Vedalkens are making their way along the secretive Subterranean Caravan, in hopes they can escape to freedom past the northern border and into the northern dwarven country of Maghunrigh. Since the Blue Tide Order closed off all crossings both in and out of borders and ports except for Vedalkens alone, it will undoubtedly be a treacherous endeavor.

What awaits this group of "baseborn"? Will this Vedalken ranger get them to safety? Is the northern border truly safe? Will the dwarves of Maghunrigh accept them as refugees? Are the Vedalken powers angered that a group of "baseborn" have escaped one of the more secure baseborn holds in Barvisa?

No Notes


The small raiding party of kobolds was easily dispatched by the group. While one of the injured kobolds attempts to flee, the party gives chase, just in time for one of the patrols to catch and detain them.

A distraught mayor visits the inn with a couple patrol guards, explaining that the lack of security in the area is due to most able-bodied dwarves being sent north to fight in the War Under The Mountain, and begging for their help to rid the area of the kobold threat. He informs the party that, along with any reasonable offer, such as transportation, money, silver goods, etc, that there is a local scryer that may be able to help Sorsha on her quest to find her long-lost elven half brother. He uses this information to help further entice the party to investigate the kobold threat.


Using Ari's tracking abilities and Sorsha's raven, the party discovers that the kobolds recently visited the coastal fishing village to the west of Dol Durum. When they arrive, they find the village in flames. They hear a cry from one of the burning homes and discover, under a hatch, two dwarves hiding in a crawl space. The dwarven female, which was on top of the child, is severely burned - it is clear she died protecting her. The little girl is hysterical. She is holding a small crystal, which she says is all she has left of her mother. Sorsha takes possession of the item and hands it to Bario for safe keeping.

Bario asks the tiger, Lelu Dallas, to escort the little dwarven girl to the relative safety of Dol Durum; the girl rides on the back of the tiger eastward.

There are tracks of both kobolds and dwarves leading northward, towards the mountains. It seems, along with food and silver, the kobolds are now taking dwarves for either slaves or ransom...or worse.


The party tracks the kobolds to the foot of the mountain range up north, finding a cave. Bario's puppy, while helping with tracking, comes across some blissroot, and is lulled into a sleepy euphoria. Bario uses his extensive nature and medicinal expertise to surmise what the plant was and what happened to his puppy, and determines that he must revert him back to a figurine, since he is out of commission.

Entering the cave, Sorsha triggers a net trap, which Ari helps free her from. Around the next bend, they hear one kobold sleeping, two engaging in intimate relations, and one watching the spectacle. Bario uses his Misty Step ability to blink amongst them, casting a surprise Thunderwave and, while helping make quick work of the group, also loudly announces their arrival to the others in the cave. So much for stealth!

Through the next cavern, the party discovers a dwarf that is bound in chains. Further in, they see more kobolds, circled back-to-back, armed and ready for any intruder that may enter. Despite this preparation,, the party makes quick work of them as well.

Ari attempts to break the manacles off one of the dwarves, unfortunately without success. Thankfully, one of the kobolds has a key on them, and the party quickly frees them so they can escape.

Down the next passageway, Ari trips a collapsing roof trap, sending rocks falling on her; a foreshadowing of the encounter to come.

Soon, the party is met by the leader of this ragtag operation, Captain Roog of the Seaworn Scales Crew, a dragonborn that has swayed these kobolds into following him. His second in command, Gheepni, a kobold sorcerer, is by his side. It seems this crew has decided to take advantage of the lack of able bodied dwarves of fighting stock in this region (due to the Was Under The Mountain) and pillage the coast and some of the inland settlements.

While Sorsha and Bario take on the Captain and his sorcerer in the front, flying kobolds assail Ari in the rear, raining stones upon her (and sometimes themselves). The fight is grueling, with both sides whiffing and bumbling repeatedly in a comedy of errors. Soon, however, the party proves their mettle and slay all of the flying kobolds, as well as bringing the Captain down to within an inch of his life.

Knowing he is defeated, Roog and Gheepni escape via a prepared passageway in the rear of the cavern. Although Bario gives chase while transformed as a speedy elk, unfortunately, the pair has rigged the cavern floor to collapse, and a large pit stands in the way, ending the pursuit.


Returning to Dol Durum, the freed dwarves of the fishing village once again thank the party for freeing them. The mayor of the village offers the party his prized silver amulet (The Amulet of Shooting Stars), which was imbued with elvish magic. Sorsha dons the necklace.

The dwarven girl freed from the burning house in Dol Emyte is found to be the daughter of the scryer the mayor told them about. Thankfully, the powers of scrying are clearly hereditary in this line of dwarves, and the little girl successfully utilizes her mother's crystal to find Sorsha's brother. The image shows him outside of a large dwarven castle surrounded by a bustling city. Gima peers over their shoulders at the image in the glowing blue crystal and says that she recognizes the location as Castle Stramhalt in the center of Dol Flungren, a major city north of the Tildhold Mountains.


After helping the dwarves with Captain Roog and the threat of the kobold pirates of the Seaworn Scales crew, Bario, Sorsha, and Ari, with the help of the scryer's daughter, have discovered that Sorsha's brother somehow escaped Malnova and has made his way far north, through the Tildhold Mountains and to the city of Dol Flungren, outside Castle Stramhalt. What is he doing there? Will they continue helping Sorsha search for her brother? Maybe they want to investigate the threat of the kobold pirates? What is this War Under The Mountain? And although they have escaped Malnova, are they truly safe from its ominous, xenophobic clutches just a day's travel to the south?


After the scrying vision, a weary Sorsha and Bario retired to their room, while Ari stayed to chat with Mayor Torik, Gima Truesilver, and the other thankful green dwarves of Righlir, finally free of the kobold threat plaguing the foothills. The air is somber but celebratory. The Mayor asks if they will be following the vision that showed the city of Dol Flungren, and offers rations for the journey. Ari asks the Mayor for a map, which he says he recently commissioned from one of the best mapmakers in the area. The map is of the entire continent of Batala, and the Mayor highlights the path north, which heads under the mountains, through the capital city of The Three Thrones. He states that, although there is a war taking place, the entrance to the city and its main road north are still neutral and under protection of all kingdoms, so it should be a safe journey. Ari asks about The War Under The Mountain.

The Mayor explains that the united kingdom of Maghunrigh brought together the three frequently warring dwarven clans of the Tildhold Mountains - the Magmir of the gray mountains, the Hundir of the white mountains, and the Righlir of the green hills. Since then, all have shared in the bounty of their collective mining and crafting efforts, especially when it came to whatever happened to be in high demand at a given time. Currently, it is the lava glass of the Magmir, a valuable commodity fueling the Malnovan alchemical revolution. However, for some reason, the kingdom of Magmir has recently decided they want to separate from the union and profit exclusively from the trade. A bloody civil war erupted, and since it is mostly fought in The Three Thrones - the capital city carved into the mountains themselves - it has become known as The War Under the Mountain.

While talking, a rowdy bunch by the fireplace kept overpowering the Mayor. Ari saw that It was a trio - a human, a tiefling, and a gnome - drunkenly requesting pub songs from a dwarven bard. Ari recognized them as fellow travellers on the last few legs of the Subterranean Caravan. During their requests, the human kicks the gnome under the table as she begins speaking about a university. She tries to kick him back, but her legs are unable to reach. Eventually, the bard begins playing a crowd favorite, but over the singing and playing, a commotion is heard outside. Some of the green dwarves, the gnome, and Ari go to investigate.


A transport of obsidian rolled through the main square of downtown Dol Durum. It was guarded by a half dozen gray dwarves. The cart had a banner - three gray triangles on a black field - that Sorsha recognized as being one of the three flags of the dwarven united kingdom of Maghunrigh, specifically Magmir, of the gray dwarves.


Some of the green dwarves berated the transport, saying things such as "stop the blood trade" and "you are killing us all", among other strong words and expletives in Common and Dwarven. The gnome cast mage hand, using it to scoop up and fling a clump of horse manure at the driver.

The cart rolls to a stop in front of The Truesilver Arms Inn. Five of the six dwarves leave the cart and enter; the driver stays behind. The group take a table near the fireplace. Bario comes down from his rest, noticing the air is more tense. Soon, a green dwarf pours a drink over a gray dwarf, who reacts with a punch - a brawl erupts.

While Bario is flipping over dwarves and sweeping them off their feet with his quarterstaff, and Ari is grabbing beards and smashing heads, Sorsha awakens due to the ruckus. Stepping out of her room, she narrowly dodges a thrown tray before a gray dwarf, running upstairs trying to escape the fray, plows into her.

The dwarven bard is heard laughing, relishing the chaos. He climbed onto the bar and started inciting the brawl further with vicious mockery. His performance encouraged those knocked out of the brawl to rejoin. Recognizing that this is only going to get worse if he is allowed to continue, Sorsha drops from the bannister above, landing on top of the bard, and Bario uses a thorn whip to destroy his lute.

In the confusion, only Ari notices a scaly hand opening the door and throwing a small pouch of white powder inside. The white plume of blissroot powder soon knocks out all the brawlers in its intoxicating effect.


One of the peculiar effects of the blissroot is the shared hallucinations. Each being impacted soon sees a vision, a positive version of a situation or event of someone in the room; the owner of that vision then is forced to speak the truth, sharing the reality with the rest.

First, the gray dwarves are shown alongside the white dwarves, working the silver mines and enjoying life in The Three Thrones. One of the gray dwarves speaks their truth, "The bloodshed in our homeland. Brothers and sisters fighting one another. The Three Thrones is doomed."

Next, the green dwarves are shown with their mines full of emeralds, happily mining, trading, and crafting. One of the green dwarves speaks their truth, "Now the kingdom is cracked and torn. The hills are empty and our lives are worn. How can some shards of glass swallow so many lives?"

Next, Sorsha's mother was shown carrying a young Sorsha, and leaving the house of her father. They enter an awaiting stage coach and regally dressed Crown Prince. It then shows Sorsha and her mother moving into the castle, followed by a lavish marriage ceremony, with Sorsha as a flower girl. The scene moves to Sorsha, fully grown, enjoying a joyous royal life in the palace. Sorsha speaks her truth - that she is the illegitimate child of royalty, and instead of being taken in by the prince, her mother stayed with her husband and their son, Sorsha's half brother, living a difficult life of poverty.

Next, Bario was shown living in a druidic utopia of sorts, where animals and plants lived in harmony with other other intelligent beings, and they all respected one another, are more attuned to their mutual needs, and could communicate with one another easily. Bario speaks his truth - that, ever since he was young, he has suffered living in a world where plants and animals are seen as inferior to other intelligent life, and that the thought of ever achieving the druid ideal of his clan's teachings are all but impossible.

Next, Ari is shown walking confidently into the prison of a large city, a shackled female in tow. Some of the patrols are clearly taken aback by the identity of the individual she has apprehended. They call for one of the marshals, who thank her profusely and hand her a fair sum of gold. Ari speaks her truth - that she actually brought back the wrong person for that bounty, and that it was such a ludicrious error that she was laughed out of town.

Finally, Gima is shown crying in a large stone room; suddenly, she looks up, and three dwarves, an adult male and female and a young dwarfling, are before her. She hugs them all, laughing and crying. Gima speaks her truth, bluntly, "They're gone."

The blissroot wears off, and everyone feels the bittersweet bliss of just waking up from a wonderful dream, but realizing it was all just a dream. Quickly, one of the gray dwarves looks out the window and informs the other members that kobolds are attacking the transport, trying to take as much obsidian as they can. Bario notes that this is must be a desperate attack, since kobolds are nocturnal.

The party helps the gray dwarves defeat the kobolds, stopping all but one from getting away with a bushel. Thankful for the assistance, the dwarves give the players 100 gold as compensation. They also decide to resume their transport first thing tomorrow, tired from the brawl, the blissroot, and the kobolds.

Everyone retires for the evening, and enjoy a long rest.


Breaking the calm of the early morning hours are the heavy, syncopated stomps of several Vedalken obsidian powered constructs stomping through the main square of town. Bario and Sorsha watch from their windows upstairs, while others in the Inn head downstairs to look out through the large windows looking out into the square, as a scene unfolds.

The constructs are at the control of Kuya, a marshal with the Malnovic Pezakoro, a famous branch of specialists that execute tasks directly for King Kovelan of Malnova. She is the overseer of border relations with the Kingdom of Maghunrigh, particularly the important trade of obsidian.

The Mayor knows Kuya as a familiar presence in the area, due to this royal relationship, and emerges in his night gown and cap to first address her. Unable to provide the answers she seeks, and powerless to do anything more, he makes haste to the relative safety of Town Hall. Kuya then begins to speak, as if directly addressing The Truesilver Arms Inn.

She states that she had just informed the Major that she is looking for "three dangerous baseborn fugitives", and she has evidence that they fled via the Subterranean Caravan. In fact, the more she speaks, the more the party realize her knowledge of the Caravan is significant.

Hearing the threatening words of the Vedalken, Bario transforms into a bird and flies away through a window in a room on the other side of the inn, where the group of gray dwarves were sleeping. He perches on a nearby rooftop to get a better view, and sees that the Inn is surrounded by constructs.

As a cruel motivation to emerge from the Inn without resistance, and to demonstrate the serious threat the fugitives represent to Malnova, one by one, Kuya describes each Caravansary in Barvisa, explaining how those who helped them escape - the blacksmith, the widow tailor, and the market farmer - have either been killed or spared, based on whether they provided information about the baseborn they helped escape.

Kuya then produces the amulet worn by the market farmer and the first Caravansary in Barvisa, a crucial piece of evidence in her investigation. She compares its two interlocking silver ring symbol to that of the arms of the Inn, confirming her suspicions.


It is when Kuya speaks of Professor Tarrien Hubmet, who singlehandedly saved hundreds of baseborn lives, that the trio of the human, tiefling, and gnome begin to break emotionally. Reacting to this, Gima Truesilver steps up to the fireplace and places her hand on one of the bricks. It glows with a soft blue light exactly like the ones Bario and Sorsha encountered in the Baseborn Hold of Barvisa, which eventually revealed that the prison was once a temple to Berronar Truesilver.

The brick dissolved away. She reached inside, pulling out a crown. With a faint blue light, the brick reappears. Gima puts the crown on and asks Ari where her friends are. Ari goes upstairs to wake Sorsha, but both find Bario missing. Sorsha lets loose her raven, who starts circling the sky above the Inn searching for the druid. Bario the bird sees the raven and rejoins the party, explaining that the inn is surrounded.

Gima reveals who she truly is. "I am Queen Rasbora Gemcutter, one of the Three Thrones of Maghunrigh and ruler of the foothills of the green dwarves of Righlir. With our best fighters up north struggling to keep our united kingdom alive, we lay vulnerable. But through luck or fate or simple circumstance, you are here, the only ones strong enough to help us with the undead awakening in the ancient graveyard and the kobold pirate raids. I must implore for your help once more. While I cannot explain everything quite yet - and I shall, I promise you - I must dispatch of this Vedalken marshal. Will you lend your aid?"

The party agree to help. They plan to fight within the Inn itself, to hopefully funnel the constructs and prevent getting overwhelmed.

Gima steps out of the Inn, and Kuya recognizes her, accusing The Three Thrones of illegally harboring the fugitives. Gima corrects her, stating that she only speaks and acts for herself and Righlir, not the whole of the united kingdom, and ordes Kuya to leave the city and kingdom. Kuya insists that she will use force if necessary to make her arrest.

Bario, Lelu Dallas, and the Queen fight off the constructs at the front door. Several times, the Queen is almost defeated, but the druid is able to save her.

With the pinch point serving effective at the front of the Inn, Kuya decides to make her way to the back door. Finding it unguarded, she easily enters the Inn, finds the trio of fugitives, and throws shackles on them. With a length of chain interlocking them all, she attaches the chain to her armor and begins dragging them out.

Ari and Sorsha, aware of the situation, engage the marshal. Sorsha starts hurling chromatic orbs and fire bolts at the marshal, and through two Wild Magic Surges, gains regeneration and grows a size larger. Ari starts to wail on the marshal and give chase.

Critically wounded, Kuya removes the chain from her armor and tries to escape; however, Ari deftly defeats her before she can even get out of the alley.


The green dwarf known as Gima Truesilver, known as the proprietor of The Truesilver Arms Inn, the location of The Last Caravansary of the Subterranean Caravan, has revealed herself to the party to actually be Queen Rasbora Gemcutter of The Three Thrones. While her purposes and intentions are not fully understood just yet, the party assists her in defeating Marshal Kuya and helping save the three professors, which appear to be under the protection of the Queen.

Why has a member of Maghunrighan royalty become involved in the escape of "baseborn" from Malnova, risking the validity of several treaties and a formal alliance with their powerful neighbor to the south? Why is the Queen away from The Three Thrones during this tumultuous time of civil war?

Themesong: Let the Bodies Hit the Floor by Drowning Pool

Ari was born in a small village in the mountains. Trained by her father to hunt and forage for food, she lived a simple existence. All that changed when she returned to her village with a hunting party finding it burned to the ground. Evidence of orc incursions was found and to this day Ari has a fierce hatred of orcs.

Ari decided to leave what was left of her village to seek out the perpetrators, but she never found any trace of them. Wandering from town to town, she used her hunting skills as a bounty hunter. In her early years, she had great embarrassment from bringing back the wrong person. Ari vowed to never let this happen again and dedicated her life to becoming the best bounty hunter in the realms, including learning methods of hunting extra planar creatures. Still, one day she hopes to find those responsible for destroying her village.

During her travels, Ari was captured by Vedalken soldiers and forced to work in a labor camp. Eventually, she escaped and met up with her current party; a sarcastic, bitter sorceress named Sorsha and a mellow Druid named Bario. While she could care less about either of them, their quests provide her with enough killing to satiate her bloodlust and keep her rage at bay.
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Carolina "Lina" Theresa de Jericho

RP: The Rapier Arias Song I: The Hooded Coachman

Character Themseong: Spirits by the Strumbellas


Carolina "Lina" Theresa de Jericho
Other Names: La Bruja Negro de Jericho, The Black Witch of Jericho, The Black Witch
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Nationality: Renjuguese Imperium
Religion: The Old Ways (or rather one of them- planning this to be a variant of ancestor worship-)

A woman in her mid-twenties, Carolina would be quite beautiful by more than a few standards. That beauty however, is more the haunting variety. She is much like a statue; something one marvels at from a distance but is cold to the touch. It is no surprise why Carolina is called "The Black Witch". Known for wearing fine clothing made of lace and other luxurious materials, her attire is all black. Her long jet black, wavy hair is almost always pinned up and covered with a veil. While small in stature (around 5 feet 1 inches) with a delicate physical structure, most everyday people find Carolina imposing if for no reason than her odd style of dress, her stoic countenance, unnaturally pale skin, and the fact she hides her eyes behind a black veil. Very few people have seen Carolina's eyes which are very pale green.

While one might expect Carolina to be quite somber in manner, she is in fact quite capable of pleasant conversation and normal social interactions. Due to her mannerisms it is easy to see that she came from a noble upbringing. She is not one to rush eagerly to action, instead Carolina prefers to reflect on a problem before discussing a solution. Finding solace in the wisdom of her ancestors allows her to draw on their experiences to influence her own decisions. Despite her charming personality and attempts at normalcy, she occasionally slips into odd habits: sitting or standing stone still, speaking in only whispers, or seemingly completely disconnecting from reality. Of course, when you are a bridge between the living and the dead, strange things are bound to happen right?

The daughter of a prominent members of the Renjuguese Imperium's royal court, Carolina was born into a privileged life. However, it was evident almost at the moment of her birth, that something was amiss. Born with almost completely white skin and a strange coloration to her eyes; her parents were alarmed. Things got worse very quickly as her mother reported hearing whispers instead of crying coming from Carolina. Her parents tried to deny the oddity, but denial only works for so long. By the time Carolina was a few months old, the distressing phenomenon became so blatant they had no other recourse that to admit that their daughter was clearly a mageborn of some type. At that point, she was offered up to the state. Raised on a luxurious estate in the Capital of Renjus, "Lina" as she was called by her caretakers, was free to pursue academic studies and courtly etiquette with the help of tutors. However, learning to exercise her rather rare abilities was mostly on her own. She was constantly talking to people that were not there, but as she grew older, Lina kept those conversations to herself.

She was a regular fixture at court by the time she was a teenager, along with her handler, Eduardo Mauricio Justus, an older man who Carolina looked to as a father. The duality of her gift…. or curse…depending on who you asked, was often utilized as a bargaining chip for the state. Her ability to heal others, soothe the souls of the dead, and other unusual abilities were from time to time loaned out to prominent allies in other states; when traditional methods were of no use.

Her appearance at the hooded coachman is marked by tragedy. While on her way to Galdoris on a diplomatic mission, her handler was killed in an attempt to kidnap Carolina. Carolina was able to escape but has no idea who or why the kidnapping was attempted. She made it to the Hooded Coachman without an escort. Currently, she is looking for someone to escort her to Galdoris to complete her mission; then from there find a way back home.

Mageborn: Yes
Magic Domains: Eldritch Arts
Valenne Loray
Class: Bard (College of Lore)
Theme: Haunted One

RP: Scion of Oblivion (Table Top D&D 5E Campaign)

Themesong: Let Us Burn by Within Temptation

Parents: Captain Varek Loray of the Port Treachery Naval Forces (Ship name: The Seeker) AND Lisette Loray (vanHolder), granddaughter of the retired Vice Admiral of the Port Treachery Naval Forces.

Siblings: Valeria Loray (age 28): Storm sorceress stationed onboard The Glory Vivianna Jimson (Loray) (26): Storm sorceress, ran off to Morton's Deep- remarried Violette Loray (24): Storm Sorceress -deceased-

Valenne's family is a well-known, wealthy, and prestigious family. Prior to his installment with the navy, Varek was a successful privateer and her mother came from a family with long standing involvement in both the merchant marine and Port Treachery's navy. The family home is located in the same district as high ranking port officials, wealthy merchants, and others of status within the town. Valenne's three elder sisters are colloquially known as the "Storm Sisters" and work aboard various naval vessels. Like Valenne, the sisters resemble their mother (petite and pretty with dark hair and blue eyes). Valenne shares one trait with her father that her sister's do not; dark, almost black, eyes. The sisters are considered well-educated, well-bred, and talented; and are well known in Port Treachery.

Valenne was raised predominantly by her mother in what by most accounts was a loving, yet strict household. Like her sisters, she was educated by private tutors. While her sisters excelled in many subjects, despite her intellect, Valenne struggled. Valenne's true passion was music, which set her apart from her sisters. The divide only grew as her sisters began to manifest magical powers that she did not share. As the years went by and her sisters grew closer to each other, Valenne fell more and more into her musical studies. When he was home, her father made special effort to encourage Valenne in her studies and spend time with her away from her sisters. Sadly, this created further separation from her sisters and jealousy. In fact, at one point the situation was so bad between the sisters, her parents sent her to live with her viol instructor for two years. During this time, she began her studies as a bard. After Valenne returned from living with her mentor, one Merran Holstein, her sisters Valeria and Vivianna no longer lived at home. While not on good terms with her sister Violette, the situation was tolerable. During this time, Valenne began playing in local venues, parties, and weddings to make her living.

Life was going well. Valenne was on her way to making a name for herself, away from the shadows of her father and sisters, when one day she noticed a strange new object in her father's study (an intricately carved spyglass). Valenne knew all the items in her father's study were off limits without open invitation to touch them, but this one was far too interesting. After taking it down and studying it, Valenne made the mistake that would change her life forever. She looked through the spyglass…..and was forever changed by the horrors she witnessed and the possession of an entity that she still does not fully understand. Valenne spent another six months at home, plagued by terrible visions, nightmares, and compulsions to look into the spy glass. Hiding her condition from her parents, and her frequent trips into her father's study was becoming impossible. Eventually, she couldn't take it anymore and decided to leave home, but not before stealing her father's spyglass. She left Port Treachery in search of answers, even as more ominous secrets were revealed to her. Strange powers began to manifest, and her realization of the cost, came all to soon.

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