Any Anna's Needs

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Any Anna's Needs


Shy Sweetheart
Local time
Tomorrow 4:35 AM
Hi! I'm new here so I'm in need of some rp partners! :)

Some Background Info About Me:
I'm kind of shy, so be gentle with me!
I've been roleplaying for many years now and I really enjoy it!
I'm currently attending University and am always drowning in homework, but I promise to reply at least once a day!

Roleplay Info:
I'm very open to genres, but some I'm not as experienced in as others!
Preferred Genres: Horror, historical, supernatural, fantasy, mythology, and romance
Genres that Make Me Nervous: Sci-fi, Space themes(I'm scared of space!), Furries(though supernatural creatures can be discussed)
I prefer to play submissive characters, whether that be women or men.
I'm open to any type of relationship; MxF, MxM, FxF, or non-gender specified.
I enjoy rps with lots of details and character's thoughts so I prefer if responses are 2+ paragraphs.

As for Smut:
I prefer stories to have a ratio of 1:3, with more story than smut.
I don't play the dominant character because I'm just not good at it!
In all honesty, I'm not really sure what my kinks are! I only know what I don't like!
Kinks I Don't Like: Scat, Golden Showers, Incest
I'm okay with Non-con as long as we discuss it beforehand!

As for story ideas! I'm still coming up with many but here are a few!
This can either be historical or fantasy! We can discuss it! MC is the daughter of a noble who's made some terrible choices and is now going into terrible debt. YC is royalty and looking for a wife. That's where MC comes in. She is chosen to be YC's wife and her father is paid a great sum to overcome his debts. However, there is a great culture clash between YC and MC, where MC is highly educated and elegant and YC and his kingdom are much more brutish and unmodernized. Will they learn to love one another or will someone end up dead?

The genders on this plot are flexible! It's late 1700s and MC is a lovely singer in the Opera. Your character sees this angelic beauty and is immediately taken by her. Being as YC is a wealthy gent, he offers a grand sum to her manager for her to come home with him that night and perform a private show. However, he had other ideas in mind. YC plans to make a lovely meal of the angel as it's exposed that he's a vampire. However, maybe he decides to keep her as a pet and a grand snack?

The genders in this plot are flexible! YC is a successful pimp of various prostitution rings. MC is one of his workers. However, after an incident between MC and a client, YC is beginning to get a bad name. After meeting MC for the first time, he seems to develop a possessive side over her and isn't quite fond over her newly found inspiration to take on a "normal" job.

Taking place in the early 1700s, the Golden Age of Piracy, YC's crew docks in a Caribbean port to recruit new crewmen, as many were lost during the last voyage. A few lads are added and they depart back into sea. However, little does YC know, but one of the men that thas joined his crew isn't a man at all, but a woman in need of escape and work.

Also, I'm very open to any stories you guys have to share! DM me if you're interested!
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I'm very interested in an angelic meal
I'd be very interested in the For the family plotline. I have a few ideas to augment it.
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