World Anomaly's Bestiary

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World Anomaly's Bestiary

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The Anurans are a humanoid frog-like species from my RP Legacies of Cedara with @saturnalia

Cedara is comprised of several civilized species including elves, humans, dwarves, and the anurans. The anurans are the least civilized of the races of Cedara, and are the most likely to attack first and ask questions later, if at all. They are incredibly territorial, apprehensive, and distrustful of the other races. They once had good relations with the other races, beginning with the elves, that lasted for several hundred years until the Great Agonias Upheaval, an event that ended their good standing and many lives on all sides. The anurans have long lasting memories, and keep the tales of their ancestors, historic events, anuran heroes and their great exploits alive with their tightly knit communities. They consist of indigenous tribes and can be incredibly barbaric and savage, but also very wise. Their life-spans are on par with that of half-elves: roughly a third of an elf's total longevity., much longer than humans or dwarves. They are considered cannibalistic as they consume their loved ones upon death, despite being insectivores (there are many large insect-like species on Cedara, including some variety of gloom). The other races see this as utterly despicable, but to the anurans it's a way to keep their loved ones with them after death on a spiritual level, and seen as something incredibly sacred. To have the opportunity taken from them is a sacreligeous and unforgivable sin they will never forget. Their worst enemies among their own kind wouldn't deny them this. They even honor their deceased loved ones by utilizing their bones to make a wide variety of things from apparel to everyday tools, utensils, appliances or weapons.

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frog 9.png fem frog 10.png
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