Another Introduction

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Another Introduction


Sanctums Certified Stalker
Local time
Today 10:10 PM
Indianapolis, IN
My name is Dream, I am a roleplay nut in my own sense. I've roleplayed for 7+ years possibly and have my own experience. My comfort zones within roleplay is the use of I/my, detailed entries if I'm capable, and No full blown sex (If it gets too intense I just let an intimate night pass). I experience writers block often when constantly replying with long entries. When writers block isn't in play I will most likely reply within a day and expect you to do as well because I am an eager one. I lean more towardsfemale characters with somewhat of either a silent, arrogant air about them or childish and bright cheerfulness. I also LOVE Ecchi Characters!!! OMG, I LOOOOOOOVE THEM!!!

Genres/Settings: Adventure, Action, Romance, Mystery (New Point), Yaoi(Also New), Medieval, Victorian, School, Supernatural, Fantasy, And Fan-Fic (Rarely Done).
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