Another newbie inbound!

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Another newbie inbound!


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100 Posts! 100 Likes! Welcome to the Sanctum
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Today 6:48 AM
Toulon, France
Well, first things first, hello there!

I've been doing petty roleplays on Discord among other chats for years and had a short tabletop game session once, but that's all. I decided to get a little bit more serious into roleplaying and chose to join a roleplay forum. The thing is, I used a forum, like, twice in my life, so I have virtually no experience with how to use and navigate them. I suppose it's easy and with the help of some tutorials (and yours!) I'll be fit to navigate here without any problems.

Out of most of the roleplay websites that I found, I decided to pick this one, simply because the place seemed way nicer, more active, and especially because it's not about Harry Potter or some anime (it's not that I hate those, It's just that I not only have zero interest in those universes, but I generally know nothing about them).

Speaking about universes I'm kind of into anything you want. I can eagerly roleplay in a medieval, modern, or sci-fi setting, realistic (or even hitorically accurate!) or more fantasy-ish, completly serious or totally wacky, whatever, I can be in. What matters the most to me is the details, and the players, but I generally am eager to try new things and play with people I don't know.

Regarding adult content, may it be violence or sexual stuff, I don't mind. I am not actively searching for this, but it's ok if other players want it and if it makes sense in the roleplay. As long as it's not JUST focused on those I mean... I prefer my adventures out of the bed, and not just in ;)

...Aaaaaand I think that's it. See ya in a roleplay maybe!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
*tips top hat * hello and welcome to the madhouse!

If you have any questions about getting around the forumiddle, we have a great staff and a lot of helpful peeps who hang out in chat. So feel free to pop in there anytime!

If you are into historical Japanese storys/romance more then smut. I know a writer for you! (And no it is not me.)
Welcome to Inner Sanctum! I do hope you enjoy it here! :)
Welcome! I'm new to this site as well, though not to forum RP. Maybe we'll meet in a story! I'm pondering starting a group game in the near future; might be it piques your interest.
Welcome! I'm new to this site as well, though not to forum RP. Maybe we'll meet in a story! I'm pondering starting a group game in the near future; might be it piques your interest.

and heck yeah I'm interested! Don't forget to tell me if you start one!
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