Another One 'A Them Guerillas From the Forest Country...

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Another One 'A Them Guerillas From the Forest Country...

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Today 7:53 AM
Hello, everybody! Name's Deerfield. I have been roleplaying to at least some capacity since my very early teens when roleplaying was very prevalent on Wattpad (anybody remember those days?).

Since that time, I have seen my roleplaying skills increase tremendously and have rp'd on many a platform...

...I was happy to see this website's layout, as it reminds me of an old fansite I used to frequent that sadly has all but gone the way of the Dodo...

So! I would describe my roleplaying style as literate, but I sometimes will not feel the need to write detailed paragraphs for replies. That's just the way it is.

I love playing chaotic or neutral characters, so don't be surprised as I end up playing the role of a bounty hunter, mercenary, assassin, vigilante, rebel, etc...

Welcome to roleplay pretty much anything, save for the erotic. I don't judge and will not go crazy if it occurs in an rp, but I personally do not feel comfortable doing it.

Up to rp or talk with pretty much everyone. Hit me up if you feel so inclined.

That is all! Deerfield out.
Good day and welcome,

I do hope your able to find what your looking for.
There is a wide range of writers, from those who do it for a living to those who are enthusiastic amateurs.

Problems? Seek out our wonderful staff.
More casual queries may be able to be answered by the long term residents often found lurking around chat.

I look forward to seeing your request thread, hopefully You will find a good match amongst the other requestee's.

May your journey be an enjoyable one.
All the best.
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