Character(s) Aoba's Character Thread

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Character(s) Aoba's Character Thread


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Story: What they don't know


Face claim: Hugo Silva

Name: Fernando González Hevia

Age: 33 years old

Gender: (Cis) Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Nationality: Spanish, he moved from his own country at the age of twenty to study abroad.

Occupation: Professor (college)

Personality: Calm, empathetic, understanding. Passionate, especially since teaching has always been his main interest and what he has always wanted to do. For him though, his job can't be limited to pass on knowledge. He'll take any chance he has to help a student, even if the help is kind of unwanted. Patient, somewhat insecure and reserved, especially about his own feelings. A bit pushy and obsessed with helping others, not stopping until he manages to get them to improve their situation, even if it can be considered he's meddling where he doesn't need to. Thinks of others first and puts himself always in second place. Relatively low self-esteem.

Background: Fernando studied English since he was five years old. Thus, when he got the chance, he quickly moved from his residence in Madrid and started studying to become a proper professor one day. When he reached the age of thirty years old, he finally obtained a job in one of the universities he had studied in. And met his soon to be spouse, who is the current Principal of said university. As such, despite the constant abuse from his partner at home, both physical and verbal, he's reluctant to leave him. Especially since, being homosexual, it doesn't make it any easier to find someone whom he can share his life with. Or so he thinks. He often tries to immerse himself in work and tries to spend as little time as he can at his own place in return, trying to distract himself from his own problems.​
Story: Down in the West


Name: Frank Jones

Age: 28-30 years old

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Role: Deputy/leader of a criminal gang (robbery, murder...etc)

Personality: Appears gentle, kind and patient, at first. But that's mostly an act. He's actually scheming, selfish and won't stop until he gets whatever he wants.

Background: Frank has been traveling through his entire life. Mostly due to his parents' jobs, at least as a kid. Once he was old enough and his parents died in a gunfire between rival gangs, he started traveling on his own. Getting what little assets he could from stealing and other stuff until he was accepted by a small gang of thieves who taught him everything he needed to survive. From then on, he eventually grew up to become its leader and started traveling to different places, doing as he pleased with the towns he visited, as well as their inhabitants.​
Story: A world we don't know


Name: Fenrir Donnen
Age: 21 years old
Species: Ice elemental/human
Gender: Male
Occupation: Royal Knight
Sexuality: Gay/homosexual

Appearance: Fenrir has short locks of a dark brown hair and light blue eye. He's got a slender figure with some muscle from his training as a knight of the royal family. His height is at 1.70 m and weighs around 65 kg. He normally uses plain clothes dyed in a dark or dark blue color and is not overly picky about the type of outfits he is forced to wear.

Personality: Serious, responsible and somewhat impatient. He usually strikes first and asks later. He takes his own job too seriously and acts in an overly protective way towards those he's meant to protect. He's also quiet and has troubles showing his feelings, since his training as a knight taught him to follow reason before his own heart and to not let his feelings fool him. Somewhat reserved.

Background: As the son of one of the soldiers of the royal guard, his future occupation was already chosen by his parents before he could even think about it. He was raised as a knight ever since he was old enough to be able to handle a sword. And he also received magical training regarding his ice powers, in order to combine them with his abilities as a soldier when handling weapons and indulging in some hand to hand combat. When the enemy finally broke in the palace, he was told to save the prince while his father and senior knights distracted the enemy soldiers. So he grabbed the prince and made sure he got out of the castle unarmed.


-Can control ice
-Can create ice out of thin air


-Weak body, as weak as an ordinary human his age
-Human lifespan
-He broke his arm as a kid during training and it never healed properly. So his strength is less prominent in his left, upper limb, which quickly became his weak point. He can't use it to produce ice either.



Name: Eren (last name unknown), even his name seems to be some sort of alias
Age: 19 years old
Species: Human with powers
Gender: Male
Occupation: Civilian/Mercenary/Rebel
Sexuality: Homosexual

Appearance: He's tall, over 175 cm and thin (65 kg). He's got a lithe figure which allows him to move swiftly, especially when it comes to combat. He normally uses swords, he's a dual wielder, as his strength greatly decreases whenever he's unarmed.

Personality: Tricky, quite the liar, scheming. He often hides his feelings behind teasing and/or jokes of all sorts. Playful, likes putting up an act and pretending to be what he isn't. Protective and gentle with those he cares about, even if he likes to act as if he doesn't care most of the time.

History: Eren was raised in the streets by a noble family fallen in disgrace. As such, when his family finally lost all their privileges, he became a mercenary and rebel openly opposed to the monarchy and royal family, whom he despises to no end.

Powers: He can create swords out of thin air and can control them at will (making them levitate and whatnot).


-The quantity of swords he can create is limited per day (up to five per day).
-He can have them manifest for about an hour and can only control them during that time. Once an hour has passed the sword will banish in thin air and he cannot create more until 24 hours have passed.
-He's lost sight of his left eye after an accident while trying to control his powers, so he's got a crystal eye in that place and his reflexes are somewhat slower in his left side.
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