Challenge Submission Apocalypse Company Emails

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Challenge Submission Apocalypse Company Emails


Nerf Herder
Inner Sanctum Nobility
2500 Likes! April Challenge Participant 1000 Posts! December Challenge Participant
Local time
Today 8:47 PM
From: Barry Truworth
Subject: Note to Current Employees

Hello NexGen employees,

As you may be aware, rumors have circulated in certain mainstream news networks regarding the recent disappearances of two employees. As the CEO of NexGen, I feel it is my moral obligation to speak on this--after all, open communication is key in any workplace, especially one of our size.

We live in an age where trust is hard to come by, especially if it is unclear whether someone may be infected with the NeuralRot Plague. Now more than ever, life is precious and valuable, which is why we continue our work on a solution to this deadly outbreak. It is also why I am more concerned with the safety of our missing employees than I am of the social integrity of the company (though I am confident that both issues will be worked out very soon).

In light of the missing two employees, I have paired with local security forces to search where possible so we may bring them back to safety. I would like to remind any commuting employees to avoid taking the West road, as there are concerns of a potential outbreak in that area. Attached is a map of multiple safe driving paths that effectively bypass this road. If there are any concerns about this, please contact human resources.

This coming Friday, we will be having an interviewer for a news report in the main facility at noon. If you see a middle-aged man not in uniform with a briefcase, that is likely him--though please do not hesitate to contact nearby security if you have any concerns. Please do not interact with him unless he asks for directions. Tier I's will take care of any questions he has.

Last but not least, I would like to thank you for all your hard work. Project AntiRot is nearing its final stages, and we could not have come up with a solution so efficiently without such a wonderful team.

Barry Truworth

. . . . . . .
From: Barry Truworth
Subject: Note to Current Tier I Employees (CLASSIFIED)

Hello Tier I employees,

As you may be aware, rumors have circulated in certain mainstream news networks regarding the recent disappearances of two employees. As the CEO of NexGen, I feel it is my moral obligation to speak on this--after all, open communication is key in any workplace, especially one of our size.

As discussed during yesterday's conference, an interviewer will be arriving this coming Friday at noon. I have little doubt that he will have interest in Project AntiRot, as it would prove to be a popular topic for the public. We should not deny answering most questions about the project itself, and must also ensure that the reporter does not leave the facility after the interview.

Should questions arise concerning Project AntiRot, please personally direct the reporter to our human resources department, where AntiRot is being contained in her cell. We are on a tight schedule due to the spread of NeuralRot accelerating, and unfortunately, it does not appear that the two "fired" employees proved to be adequate sustenance.

Offer the reporter to the cell, deemed "off-limits" except for Tier I employees. Do not follow him into the elevator, and do not allow anything to come back up it once it descends. Confiscate any recording equipment the reporter may have. Once the screaming and subsequent crunching/chewing/gulping sounds stop, it is safe to call the elevator back up. Ideally, AntiRot will have developed enough of a taste for human to be considered appropriate to release into the public, where she may devour as many NeuralRot victims as she pleases.

In order to cover up the reporter's whereabouts, advise any outside inquirers that he drove down the West road, where larger numbers of NeuralRot carriers have been spotted. AntiRot devouring these victims will effectively render it safe to travel in once she is ready.

Last but not least, if you are aware of any employees fit for firing, or know of any personnel you may have a grudge against, please contact HR.

AntiRot could always use more human resources.

Barry Truworth
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