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Staff member
Inner Sanctum Nobility
♔ Champion ♔

Evening Sanctum!!!
Small announcement today to officially unveil the feature that a few of you noticed days ago: Moods
These are a Xenforo staple that display a selected mood in various places on the forum. Like your user card or beside your posts. Previously, we resisted this add-on, as frankly, the available moods were both, well, ugly and often absurdly low quality. We realized, however (thank you @Jumbled) that we could not only use custom art instead, but in doing so, we could tailor a set of moods specifically to fit a writing site, from selection to aesthetic
At present, we have quite a substantial list and the plan is for it to continue to grow.
@..Olivianna.. has taken this project under her fin, including a mood for every single member of staff (guess who is who and you get a cookie) and quite a number that are more general, suiting both the writing process and just being on a roleplay site. If you wish to be alerted when new ones are added, follow the art changelog:
You can set your mood using the button on the top bar on site. The Smilie icon persists on mobile.

Now, this is an ongoing project and the limit on the size of the mood list is on the artist on staff making time to make more moods.
If you want to make suggestions below, feel free to do so. However and I cannot emphasize this enough: this is being done by volunteers in their spare time. At present, every single one had been made personally by Livvy.
I make no promises that any specific suggestions will become moods, it is entirely down to her and anyone else she asks to help—I just figured a site of creative writers might have ideas,
Oh and as always, report bugs or issues below or to me directly.
And if anything breaks: