Arthur Mandraeg

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Arthur Mandraeg

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The Merry Old Land of Oz
Arthur Mandraeg. Dar'Vaeg
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Race: Half-Dragon. Dragon Souled.
Class: Spellwarrior
Occupation: Soldier of Fortune
Element: Fire
Eternal Worshiped: None

Arthur stands taller than most at 6ft4in. He weighs around 210 pounds of pure muscle. He has long blonde hair and blonde beard. He has bright blue eyes that are like a dragons eyes. He somewhat ruggedly handsome. he has a few scars on his person. He walks with the air of a half tamed wolf. He mostly wears his mithril armor over a white shirt and dark pants. He also has a dragon tattooed on his right arm.
In half-dragon form his scales are the purest of blue. He stands erect like a human at 12 feet. He weighs as much as 800 pounds. He is more heavily muscled in this form. His wing span is at least 5 feet. His talons on his feet and hands are 2 to 3 inches wide and very sharp. His tail is at 5 feet in length. In his full dragon form he around 50ft tall and weighs 2000 pounds. His wingspan spreads an impressive 18ft in this form. His talons and claws are about the size of a short sword and just as sharp. His scales are still blue.
Arthur is a warrior by birth and by creed. He is a man devoted to duty as well as honor. A man of extreme dedication when he seeks to achieve something he goes after it no matter the cost. He is a man who does follow orders but will often choose his own way when he knows it is right.
Arthur is a brilliant man with knowledge of military tactics and strategy and fighting skills. As such has a six sense in battle. He has been known to lead people but his attitude on this is as follows. Lead me, Follow Me, or get the hell out of my way. He has no tolerance for cowardice nor stupidity. He is however truthful and will tell you what's on his mind but he has been known to tweak the truth or bend it without outright lying if the occasion calls for it
He does have his other flaws. He is no diplomat as he prefers to get things done through actions than words. So he has no patience for politicians, or even nobles whom he has an intense dislike for because they see themselves superior through birth rather than action. He is also quite aggressive believing in always being on the attack never letting up for a single moment until the enemy submits or is dead. And sometimes because of his dedication to seeing a task done he does not often let anything or anyone distract him. And the limits of his mercy only extend to the innocent or the weak everybody else he will cut down if they do something that hurts people or gets in the way of his path. He is guided in life by 14 rules and then one law that ultimately says Cut. Once Committed to Fight Cut. All in all that Arthur is man who loves a good challenge in life and roams from one place to the next all in the name of helping people who truly needed and stopping people who ultimately want to do harm.
Food, Women, Fighting, Chivalry, Good Dragons, Reading, Performing.
Bad Music, Evil Dragons, Unchilvarious conduct, rude people, bad food.
Combat Style as a Human: When fighting in human form his favored weapon is the sword, Arthur has a dancers grace with the sword,and with him its an art form as well as a dance, his mastery of the sword makes his movements smooth and undeniable. Think of Arthur as a Master of Kenjutsu. But not just that as a master of the blade he can handle any blade with ease axe, knife he is deadly with any bladed weapon. With him his sword is not just part of him it is him he is the weapon. He has does throw his magic into battle against multiple opponents or even against one if the situation calls for it or it gains him an advantage over his opponent. Art uses what his opponent has against him, striking where he is unexpected and relentlessly flowing through any gaps.
When hand to hand combat his style is a mix of Aikido, and other various unarmed styles, though he does have a brawlers style that he does use as well, but that is mostly for strength against strength.

Combat Style Half-Dragon: When in Half-Dragon form Arthur is a wrecking ball, a force of nature and destruction unleashed, often very little subtelty in how he fights, but he can fight with cunning and guile, mostly his dragon form is for intimidation in a fight, after all who wants to fight a dragon going full bore, but he is faster, and stronger in this form, his muscles and reflexes honed by the blood in his veins. His style in dragon form is mostly unarmed, using tooth and claw and flame to take out an opponent. But he has been known to wield a sword in this form, mostly against a large opponent who also has a sword, think giant or some other large creature like a troll.

Combat Style Full Dragon: This is the part where the opponent hears Morgan Freemans voice saying," It was at this moment he knew, he done fucked up" Art has rarely gone Full Dragon form, if he does so it means its a no holds barred fight to the finish, this style is more about muscle, weight, power, tooth, claw and flame, magic, and sometimes anger. If he was a force of destruction in half-dragon form, in this form he might as well be Destruction itself in this form. Think that scene from the Hobbit where Smaug destroys that city and you have a good general overview at the destruction capable of a dragon, but within the limits of Mana and this site so not as a bad as all that. Basically Art in this form is a freight train going 100 miles an hour and your character is the vehicle stuck on the tracks.

--Description of Race—
. A dragon's magical nature allows it to breed with virtually any species. This sort of conception usually happens when a dragon has been polymorphic or had its form changed in some way. Half-dragon's features are reptilian, with scales, horns, elongated faces and exaggerated teeth and claws. Some have wings and some can have a human form and switch in between. When engaged in combat Half-Dragons are formidable creatures and can be nearly invulnerable to weak adventurers.
Half-Dragons appear as humans with Dragon King traits, similar to beast men but less savage in appearance. They have thick skin rather than scales, their faces are flatter and smoother, they have hair and five fingers and mammalian characteristics. However, their hide is of the colors of the Dragon Kings; their eyes are slitted, they have claws and fangs and tails, and they sprout colorful feathers upon the shoulders, elbows, knees and spine.
The physical qualities of a specific Ancient Kindred are dependant on the Breed of their prehistoric parent; Half-Raptok is the most common, slim and lithe and quick and deadly. Half-Pterok are light, for their bones are hollow, possess many more feathers than others, and have leathery flaps between arm and torso or, rarely, full-grown wings. Half-Anklok is large and muscular, with a thick hide and the heavy clubbed tail of their ancestry.
And Half-Mosok are adept in the water, with webbed fingers and toes, and powerful rudder-like tails; sometimes, they possess their parent's voluminous lung capacity, allowing them to remain underwater far longer than normal humans.
Arthurs birth does not begin as most do for Arthur is not like most people. He is half-dragon and that alone should interest you enough to hear the tale. Arthurs mother was elven, here name was Serene Mandraeg one of the younger daughters of King Alkair Mandraeg Heir of House Mandraeg in the Woodland Realms of the elves. His mother was out riding one day when was happened upon by a vile cult who kidnapped her with the intent of sacrifice. These cults took her into the mountains where Dragons were known to live and in fact it was Dragons they were intent on sacrificing her to.

Now it happened as the days went past and they reached the point of sacrifice that a dragon had been watching their progress. Now this dragon was a very noble dragon, a very strong and very old dragon. Now this dragon did not like these cultists and decided it was high time to deal with them. So this dragon swept and killed them all. He released the elf Serene and told her to return home. However she did not know the way out and was very weak from the ordeal.

So the dragon whose name she learned was Nar'Vaeg took her to his home and looked after her until she was ready to return. Now the elf was scared of this dragon for she had heard tales of them. But as time passed her wounds healed she found that the tales held little truth at least with this one. So she decided to stay if only to learn about this dragon that defied the tales. The dragon of course was glad for the company for he had been alone for ages upon ages. Most of his kin had died or had abandoned him. She also found out he was a War Dragon..

Now War Dragons are quite possibly the most dreaded of their kind and for good reason. For their kind was created by the gods for the purpose of War. War on who you might say, well knowing how very powerful dragons can be, the gods designed the War Dragons as a check on Dragon kind. And so thats what they did wage war on their own kind. However that did not last and the War Dragons rebelled against the gods and lost. And since then the War Dragons have been seen as traitors to the gods and worse sometimes to their own kind.

As time would pass feelings between the two grew. Of course neither knew them for what they were until one day Nar'Vaeg didnt come back from his hunt. And so Serene worried. He did not return for days and when he did he was hurt. By another dragon. That another dragon could hurt Nar'Vaeg might be saying something but that dragon did not live to tell about it. Of course Serene returned the dragons kindness and nursed him back to health and both realized that they did love each other.

Now dragons are known for their magical abilties and one of these is shapeshifting and that is usually how half-dragons are born when a dragon shapeshifts a mates with another species that is not dragon. And so that is how Arthur came to be. Of course he would not be the only child of the two people.There would be a younger brother years later, followed by a Sister. They lived a good life a simple life high in those mountains. Arthurs father taught them everything a dragon should know and then everything besides, from fighting and magic to things they needed to know about life, and various languages as well. Time passed and at 18 Arthur left home with his father giving him a gift of a sword named Narinlor that bore a heron on it. He said once that sword was recognized as a masters sword. now prove to be my sons and earn it. Arthur left home and adventured across the land for many years finding various peoples and cultures. Even getting into spots of trouble more than a few times. He earned himself a reputation as a wandering swordsman and then eventually a sellsword.

Now at 28 he is still a sellsword with a bit of reputation of taking the hardest jobs that most bounty hunters and sellswords wont touch because of the danger involved. And that is what he still continues to do and may continue to do for awhile.
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