Both Needed Astoria Enchanted: Recruitment/Interest Check - Open - Characters Needed

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Both Needed Astoria Enchanted: Recruitment/Interest Check - Open - Characters Needed

Sorry I haven't posted anything yet, I've been busy preparing for school and stuff, but I'll try to get a character sheet submitted tonight or tomorrow!
I'd like to reserve an Air slot, please! If I may reserve a secondary slot, I also would be interested in Water! I have an idea for twins named Dahlia and Fleurelia! My idea is for Dahlia to be within the house of Makani and use baoding balls that may chime together to create forcefields or forcewaves of sound, and for Fleurelia to be within the house of Bahari use a kiseru plus a fan to create illusions! I plan for them to be called the Fleurs Jumelles!
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I'll get a sheet in no later than Thursday night, I've been crazy busy.
Hell, I'll snag the last darkness spot as well.
Hey! Just checking in to see if I am approved.
Hey! Just checking in to see if I am approved.
Hello! I have you down for one water, and one air. You can use the link to the character sheets to get started there!
I think I'll sit this one out. I've been getting way too busy with school stuff, sorry :(
I think I'll sit this one out. I've been getting way too busy with school stuff, sorry :(
No worries! Thanks for letting me know so I can open up that spot :)
This is a great idea! I'd love an Earth slot.
If you are still excepting people I'm interested, I wouldn't mind being apart of the earth house
I should also make sure people know, Sebastian arranged the maps and everything neatly on a table set up off to the side of the courtyard, he no longer has them in his possession.
If you are still excepting people I'm interested, I wouldn't mind being apart of the earth house
Yes, there is room in the earth house!

Also note, for those that haven't finished profiles, I will be reaching out today just to see where everyone is at and if I can open those spots back up :)
We are still open for additional writers! There are also some staff slots that we will consider as well!

Staff will be split into two types, Elder Chosen and General. Elder Chosen are Chosen that have already went through the temple and had been offered a position to help future generations of Chosen. If you play and Elder, your character can not be any younger than 28 (they can be invited to the temple as early as 18, plus stay at the temple 10 years). Elder Chosen are like instructors or guides. They can specialize in something, such as Combat or Herbology, and help future Chosen along their journey. They may also act as guides on Chosen Quests.

General are other staff at the Temple that may or may not have been blessed by a deity. This can include a nurse/doctor... cleaning.... cooking, etc.

Staff profiles are slightly different so be sure to look it over!

We are still having people arrive and are just getting ready to go into the the Commencement Ball Event. Don't worry about coming in late, we can definitely make it work! Overall this is a sandbox adventure style RP.
We still have lots of spots open! Could really use the House of Water and Air the most, also open to some staff positions. The story is just getting started so it's a really easy time to join in <3
We could totally use some more gentleman characters.
@Knobi is taking interest in a House of Bahari (Water) spot!

Lots of spots still open and we've only just begun, great time to hop in. Please note, we ARE a slower pace RP, don't let that discourage you, we are still active <3
Color me interested! Do we need more staff characters? I have ideas for both students and staff.
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