Challenge Submission Autumn in the Concrete Jungle

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Challenge Submission Autumn in the Concrete Jungle


I am creation, both haunted and holy
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Confirmed Responsible Adult 10000 Likes!
Local time
Today 8:02 PM
It started with an autumn breeze… Bodies shoved past her on the busy street, feet desperately pounding around her as people rushed to work or back home. It was six pm, people were heading home or going in for the night shift, but soon enough, the world would be quiet. She had nowhere to be, and she took advantage of that, watching as the trees planted in this concrete kingdom lost their leaves. She took a deep breath and then wrinkled her nose, the smell of exhaust, sewage and someone smoking weed hit her like a truck. This was not what she had imagined for a vacation in upstate New York.. She had dreamed of pumpkin spice lattes and scarves and sitting outside of small little cafes while she watched the world move around her. But instead she got yelled at by angry locals and the typical glare from a barista when she ordered the famed "White girl latte" She pulled out her phone and started to type desperately into the search engine, ignoring the yelling and cussing she received for being in the middle of the sidewalk. The little search engine told her to visit Central Park if she want to enjoy the colors of fall in a city of grey concrete.

Her hand shot up and she ran to the edge of the sidewalk, whistling and waving down a taxi. When the big yellow taxi screeched to a stop, she sprinted for it, not wanting some desperate tourist or even a local to steal this car from her. Diving into the back seat, "Central Park!" She gasped out, shutting the door and adjusting her body to properly sit against the sticky leather seat of the car. The man in the front, one of middle eastern heritage and seeming to be in his upper fifties, glanced at her from the rearview mirror. "Well? Please get me to Central Park!" The man gave her an amused look and nodded, hitting the gas and heading in that direction. Pulling out three twenties, she slipped them into the clear box against the back of the drivers seat and smiled at his shocked look. "Happy Holidays and all that, ya know?"

After about twenty minutes, the man had gotten her to Central Park and she hopped out of the taxi and gave the driver a friendly wave as he drove off. The atmosphere of this side of the city was extremely different compared to the busyness of the inner city life. She adjusted her scarf, and fixed the brown felt hat on her head as a crisp autumn breeze ruffled through her hair. "Fresh coffee! Nice lattes! Only five bucks for a large!" She followed the noise and spotted what seemed to be a pop-up shop. Smiling, she walked over to the young woman. "Hi there.. could I get whatever special you serve for the fall..?" The woman running the shop nodded and smiled "Of course! We do a Apple Spice Chai and you can make it dirty, if needed." She quickly slammed down eight dollars "I'll take it and keep the change."

She walked down the walking path of Central Park, the hot latte pressed snuggly against her lips as she looked at the different colors in all the trees. Eventually, she settled down onto a bench in front of the pond and watched as two swans danced across the water, smiling as an autumn breeze carressed her hair once more.
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