Closed Avalon ☆ Online - Isekai Adventure

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Closed Avalon ☆ Online - Isekai Adventure


Weaver of Stories and Schemes
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 9:57 AM
Tampa, FL
Welcome, New Player!

Corvid here, with a new request thread for a group RP! Do you enjoy isekai anime? Do you love the concept of SAO but hate how it was executed? Would you like to add an extra bit of comedy? Look no further!

☆ An Unlikely Party of Adventurers ☆
At last, the long awaited release of Avalon ☆ Online VR! After a secretive closed beta and delayed release, anticipation of the title still has not died down. The stores are packed for release day but you, you lucky thig managed to make it into line in time to claim a copy before they sold out. Its time to load in and explore a world of Arthurian myth and legend. Still, these new VR get ups seem a bit sketchy...

Let's leave the real world behind and get lost in an Arthurian fantasy! Try to survive a game where there are no re spawns or log outs and defeat the final boss to return to the real world. Choose a class and ban together with a party for best results!

☆ Searching for Party... Please Wait. ☆


The heavy armored powerhouse of the Arthurian age. Wields sword, shield, and lance.



A powerful wielder of magic and chronicler of arcane knowledge. Wields wands and staves.
Lady Godiva

A strong horseback front line unit. Wields sword, lance, and bow.



An entertainer whose art is magically imbued and rife with utility. Wields instrument and sword.



A religious healer patroned by a deity of old who utilizes the elements of nature. Wields staff and dagger.
Ermaer Kinesgrove



An archer adept in stealthily pursuing prey. Wields bow and dagger.



A rogue with questionable morals and deft fingers. Wields dagger and bow.
Gnat - Thief

☆ Requirements ☆
Regular response time, literate responses, well fleshed out balanced characters approved by op.

Please Paste in BB Code and Fill Out the Following Bio

[b]Character IRL[/b]




Character Name/Username:


Let's Play!
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Name: Amagi, Kurogi
Age: 18
Race/Ethnicity: Asian
Nationality: Japanese

Personality: He has always been a shy boy and never really opens up to anyone. Even as a kid he never had real close friends, throughout his schools years he used video games and online chats to truly express himself. And although he may seem distant at first once he opens up you fine a very outgoing and kind person. He will fight for his friends even when hes scared, he never approaches any confrontation rudely and would rather talk things out.

Appearance: He has long black hair and yellow eyes, his skin is more tan than white but not much darker than that. He smiles and has trained himself to keep a smile because he has a major case of resting b**** face, he gets made fun of by some of his friends at school because of it. He's not super muscular but has some good genetics and has good muscle and is 6'1. He takes mostly after his father being built well and having broad shoulders, but he has his mother kind eyes and big smile. He keeps his hair up in a pony tail in the back, or he will slide it back and put a hair pin in.

Bio: Because he was a shy kid and was constantly moving he never made very many friends, this opened him up to video games and the internet. throughout elementary school he moved a lot and his family didn't settle down until he got to middle school. That's where he meet his first real friend. They quickly became attached and they were together all of the time. As they grew and went through school they became like brothers. His friend always smiled and was very kind, Amagi looked up to him and wanted to be just like him. But during the summer of his last year in middle school his friend died in a car accident. He was heart broken for weeks and didn't come out of his room all summer. But he knew he couldn't stay like this so at the start of high school he swore to always be kind and smile!!

Character Name/Username: Kamagi
Class: Hunter
Weapon: Bow and Dagger
Armor: He wears a black and grey coat with leather shoulder and elbow pads, and black pants and leather boots. His quiver his on his back just above his belt line with a latch on his back for his bow. His coat has a hood to hide his bright orange hair.

Appearance: Male, long Bright orange hair and Purple eyes Medium build and around 6'2, He takes pride in his body and tries to base all of his video game character of off himself, he developed his habit as a kid to better picture himself a the hero.
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@61ArgentFeathersSealEvil Welcome aboard!

@CasualAdventurer Fancy seeing you here! Welcome aboard!

@Hodrick Yes! That's what I want. It doesn't have to be you though, it's a character playing the game with their own chosen username, etc. idk if I confused you there haha First and last name is necessary. Please review your IRL appearance, it's a little redundant and doesn't tell us much about your character. Face claims are welcome if that helps. Maybe flesh out the personality a bit, too.
Character IRL
Name: Sylvester Risse
Age: 25
Race/Ethnicity: White/European
Nationality: American

Personality: Anxious, Workaholic, Tired; Sylvester bought Avalon Online as a way to forcibly make himself take a break. He's a successful advertising agent but he often lets his work overtake every aspect in his life. He's lost his long time boyfriend and has otherwise secluded himself from the few friends he did have. This was supposed to be a nice break, a way to take a load off but it turned into a nightmare. Sylvester is driven to find a way out of this game, he misses his life before and he's horrified by the possibility he may lose a very important contract due to this horrible mistake.

Appearance: 5'11, fair skinned and freckly, cropped wispy brunette hair, brown eyes, and round features. Sylvester has a softboi aesthetic.

Bio: Sylvester has always worked hard for what he had. Through high school fighting for scholarships, through college building his portfolio, and as a freelancer vying for contracts; every moment has been a fight and he loves it. But his body doesn't, he's a nervous wreck and his heart suffers for it. Buying the game, setting up a VR station in his home, he thought it would be a nice break. Instead, he's been marooned in Avalon.

Character Name/Username: Thornwood
Class: Cavalier
Weapon: Lance
Armor: Light

Appearance: Male, bunned long black hair, purple eyes, black armor and tunic.
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