Closed Avalon ☆ Online - Isekai Adventure

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Closed Avalon ☆ Online - Isekai Adventure

Character IRL
Name: David Kennedy
Age: 23
Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: American

Personality: An optimist and general goofball, David tries to see the brighter side of any situation and of people.(Even if this sometimes leads to poor judgment choices.) He does become more cold and calculating when strategizing or running the numbers of a situation (a Min/Maxer type of player for sure) but when it comes to the lives of those around him he does his best to minimize their risks.

Appearance: 5' 6" in height, with curly blonde hair, and brown eyes flecked with green, olive skinned. His standard attire could easily be described as slightly more professional than a college student. Jeans and a simple polo, usually covered by a hoodie or similar jacket to conceal his content stomach pudge.

Bio: A run of the mill office worker at an industrial cost estimation firm; David had always had a love for the fantastical and the digital to escape his every day monotony. When Avalon Online was announced he had lined up to get his pre-order for the game the next day, and even scheduled a few days of vacation time around release day. Once he realized the truth of the situation he, like many others, panicked for the first few days about what to do and finally succumbing to the depression that came with their trapped status. Eventually though he decided that if nothing else, this would be fixed at some point, and that he might as well make the most of his situation while he was stuck with it. Even if he was stuck in the vivacious body of a female wizard speaking with a quite obviously low tenor male voice. (How was he supposed to know that their wouldn't be a voice change filter?)

Character Name/Username: Lady Godiva
Class: Caster
Weapon: A small dirk, 2 Wands, and a Staff, and her magics (primarily support based with some offensive capabilities)
Armor: Wizardly Robes

Appearance: 6' 1" in height, with straightened red hair pulled back into a braided ponytail, eyes an ocean dark blue, sun-kissed tanned skin. Her wizardly robes flow about her, loosely framing her figure when she moves. Occasionally she dons a stereotypical pointed wizard's cap for long outdoor excursions.
Character IRL
Name: Natalie Hernandez
Age: 20
Race/Ethnicity: Hispanic
Nationality: Mexican

Personality: Not once in Natalie's life has she been scolded, reprimanded, or punished. Her real life is spent being the poster child for strict morality, never so much as uttering a single curse word in public. Only through the medium of videogames does she allow herself to veer off this path of righteousness, and when she does so, the result is just as absolute. Nobody has a lower karma stat, a status more feared by NPCs, a higher count of crimes racked up than her. Perhaps the immersion of this particular game will make her think twice about her actions, but falling into her usual, virtual habits is nothing short of an inevitability.

Appearance: Natalie is a thinner woman than most, a characteristic that isn't helped by her slightly taller-than-average frame of 5'10". Her jet-black hair just barely reaches her shoulders, contrasting heavily against her pale skin, to the point that her ethnicity is vague to onlookers. Perhaps most colorful about her are her eyes, with their golden brown hue. Their pleasing shimmer do well to distract from the light bags under her eyes from too much screen time, even from behind a pair of glasses.

Bio: Spending all of her formative years in a strict private school, Natalie's upbringing was a privileged, albeit sheltered one. While most of her peers had had tastes of what the real world was like, she was exposed to nothing but the emotionally stable and educationally fruitful environments. In retrospect, she was a prime candidate for the liberating world of video games, where manners didn't matter, morality was for only the whitest of knights, and one was not only allowed, but encouraged to be as bad as you could stomach. And by the time Natalie could get her hands on her own copy of Avalon Online, she already had a well-cultivated appetite for roguish behavior.

Character Name/Username: Gnat
Class: Thief
Weapon: Dagger
Armor: Soft, cloth and leather armor more suited for the lifestyle of a scout than a soldier, all of which is stained black. Added on is a cowl to conceal her face, with a matching dark feather sticking from the side.

Appearance: Despite any soft disdain for her physique in real life, "Gnat" is strikingly similar to Natalie's real body, with only a handful of changes. Dark blue eyes replacing her brown ones, as well as the necessary muscle tone to parry attacks and preform the athletic feats synonymous with the role of thief.
Character IRL

Name: Aniyah Baggs

Age: 19

Race/Ethnicity: African American

Nationality: American

Personality: Overexcitable, inappropriate, and often times snarky, Aniyah doesn't have many friends in real life. She is a self-proclaimed otaku and rpg-connoisseur, and as anime and video games are her main passions, she tends to stick her nose up at people who aren't into either. Even when she finds someone who has her hobbies, she gets very judgmental over their taste in characters, plot lines, and anything else she could think of. She isn't really affected by the fact she's trapped in a game and is less worried than she should be, she's just annoyed and wants to get this over with.

Appearance: Chubby, 5'5, large under eye circles, locs and an ever present snarl on her face, she looks like a panda bear with anger issues.

Bio: Aniyah has always been a semi-lonely girl as she grew up in a not-so-great neighborhood and school. Both of her parents were workaholics, so she was forced to grow up faster in terms of self-sustainability than most. When she was fourteen and her parents finally moved to a better neighborhood, Aniyah found people wanting to interact with her more often, which confused her and subsequently caused them to snap at whoever tried to interact with her in an act of self-isolation.

This turned her to making loads of online friends who has mostly the same opinions as herself. Eventually she started to make a YouTube channel where she would critique various anime and rpgs, and from there, she became semi-famous/infamous for being unapologetically harsh.

She goes to community college so she is often at home and has easy access to play her games and record her videos.


Character Name/Username: Viola
Class: Bard
Weapon: flute and a small sword
Armor: light

Appearance: Long blond hair, green eyes, dark skinned and a whopping 4'11, she looks like the worlds least threatening thing.
Name: Alice Miller
Age: 19
Race/Ethnicity: Probably-mostly-Caucasian-ish
Nationality: United States

Personality: A bit scatterbrained, with a habit of overfocusing on and overthinking whatever catches her interest. Somewhat impatient.

Appearance: Tall, thin build; kind of a stick. Short straight dirty blonde hair, gray eyes, pale skin tone.

Bio: Alice had been interested in martial arts for as long as she could remember, stemming from a love of novels, video games, anime, and pretty much every form of fiction. She studied mainly studied European martial arts due to the availability of English material online. However, she had few chances to actually practice it due to the cost of equipment and a lack of others to practice with.

Avalon Online – a combination of fantasy, video games, and martial arts – was basically a perfect storm of everything Alice liked. Alice saw Avalon Online as not only a fun game, but as a chance to practice the art she had long been fascinated by, even if it would be somewhat altered by game mechanics. Thus, she chose the class that most closely matched her interest, the Knight, and her favorite weapon, the longsword, and set out to become the best swordsman in the game.

Character Name/Username: Dame_Swordsalot_VIII
Class: Knight
Weapon: Longsword
Armor: Full-body plate armor with helmet

Appearance: Tall, slim build with somewhat more curves than her natural body. Short straight white hair, blue eyes, pale skin tone. Wears form-fitting plate armor and a burgonet with the face usually kept open.
Character IRL

Name: Julio Manuel Rodriguez

Age: 16

Race/Ethnicity: Mexican

Nationality: American

Personality: Borderline neck-beard, has a hard time handling his internalized misogyny, shy around nice people, snippy, adaptable, impulsive, curious.
More likely to be in a team and fill in rolls than to go off on his own.
Has the snappy sarcastic humor of an up-and-coming streamer.

Appearance: 5'6, Disheveled brown curly hair, caramel skin with acne and eczema, dark brown eyes, Little Shit™ aesthetic, hoodie with jeans and sneakers fashion, chapped lips, etc.

Bio: Grew up with a super misogynist single dad who divorced mom at age 2. Goes to a shitty highschool and gets by with his tight band of buddies who play games with him. Spent his past 3 allowances on Avalon, which apparently wants to kill him, so he can (try hopelessly to) make a few bucks over stream.


Character Name/Username: Ermaer Kinesgrove

Class: Druid

Weapon: Staff & Dagger

Armor: Light

Appearance: Tall elderly white man with flowing grey hair and a powerful aura. A long nose and piercing ice-blue eyes.
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