MxM — Avatar rp partner search

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MxM — Avatar rp partner search


I spy with all my hundred little eyes
Welcome to the Sanctum Happy Birthday!!
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Today 6:38 PM
pfp: João Bragato
i've been running laps mentally trying to get around to do this,
and i finally got my thumb outta my ass, so here we go. as of
right now am i elbow deep in one of my childhood favourites:
and i would be over the moon if someone else out here share
the same love for this universes as i do, and want to engulf
in the creative possibilities which it allows and encourages.

i don't have any solid, fully fledged plots, but i came prepared
with a few concepts we can spin off of. would you have any
yourself/something specific you'd want to run with, please
share with me - i'm always interested!

one continual trope through all of these will be this banger:

to me it just reeks of interesting dynamics and a proper
challenge to start from a negative haha.

. . . P L O T ( S )
not the last airbender-series, but the movies by James Cameron. its been among my top
three favourites since the first movie aired back in 2009, with the sequel sparking that
love anew. i love seeing the planet of Pandora getting explored, seeing more of its people,
creatures and lore. this one is for sure is quite the complicated one, as it's been developed
for years with so many layers; both with fictional elements created solely for its purpose,
as well as having roots drawn directly from people and cultures on our own planet. this
will require a bit of homework to be done (from the both of us) to make it feel authentic

and interesting, because I really don't want something that feels messy.

. . . . . . . .
here I have two routes I've thought of, with different takes: . . . . . . . .

CONCEPT A: during the "earlier" stages of the RDA's arrival to Pandora and somewhat
related to the to-be released game A:Reckoning, couple of years before the first Avatar
movie and its plot. yc is one of the people trained and brought to Pandora by SecOps to,
provided their own avatar, aid the cooperation in their dream of exploiting and inhabiting
Pandora - although this information has been heavily shaped to fit a more innocent
narrative, unless told to the most experienced military personnel, so to still attract willing
(and qualified) participants. this base (Forward Base) is located much further into the forest,
near the wetlands, where the main goal is to collect samples, study potential assets in the
ground and collect even the slightest scrap of pottery found around a since-long "abandoned"
part of the swamp clearly having been home to a clan.
. . . . . . . . . .take 1: yc is more trained within the science field (your pic what area; could
be biological science or physical science, any branch you'd like) and is absolutely ecstatic
over this opportunity. he's a tad intimidated by the military focus and somewhat aware of
the gaps in information provided sometimes, but seeing as it was people from his own
faction who ruined the prior attempts made out here, does he brush it off as safety pre-
cautions. what really captures his interest, once deemed used enough to his avatar to go
outside the facility in it, is the abandoned grounds he soon learn having belonged to the
Hulanta clan. the more time passes and the more time spent there, the less sense the
excuse "already abandoned upon arrival" makes; same goes for a lot of things which is
being told. why is it so secretive what other bases are doing? why is there constantly
more and more external issues which lacks proper explanations? why does visits outside
the base become increasingly more restricted - wasn't two guards with guns enough to
ensure their safety? why would the environment become more hostile if all they do is
drawing samples? and what really caused this massive "fire" that took out a whole clan
those decades ago?

mc is part of what's left of the Hulanta clan; one of the few who survived when "stars
from far fell down upon them", leaving their home nothing but a burning wound. he was
too young when it all happened to remember much and due to their losses and lack of
understanding what occurred, is it still left a distressing blur. they've lived hidden after
this, hiding away from everything and everyone while rebuilding what they once had.
stories of "sky people" and the destructions they have brought has reached them in
whispers, but the segregation in which they now live in has left them rather uninformed;
especially unaware of how these sky people can impersonate a Na'vi.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1 biological: if yc's focus is biological science I thought yc and mc
to meet when yc might have strayed a little too far - away from the guards eyes - and
mc gone a little too close to the ruins. yc is unaware of the destruction humans have,
and are, causing, much like mc is unaware of that yc isn't a Na'vi foolishly working for
these people from the sky; both unaware that the military force are actively trying to
find and eradicate any remaining natives in the wetlands to finally access a "clean"
area to expand upon as it's beginning to prove that the natives are becoming less and
less willing to cooperate. their meetings aren't exactly any secrets - yc being thrilled
to meeting a Na'vi who, slowly, lets him into a part of this world he could've never
accessed even with all the tools known to man. yc's new goal becomes to get mc to
follow to the base; sure they've managed to create convincing clones, but proper studies
on a living cooperating Na'vi? despite mc's nonexistent knowledge of english, and yc's
very limited Na'vi vocabulary, do they slowly bond. more so than planned, causing
internal conflicts; yc slowly realising the impact it would have if his human body
became known, that the higher-ups eagerness regarding his "find" might not be as
harmless as they want him to believe and the actual situation unfolding on Pandora;
mc torn between the safety of his clan and this deep pull towards the stranger, drawing
connections of his own between yc's clan, what happened to his and what's happening
all around them and his home planet - wondering what these sky people really are doing.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.2 physical: similar as above, but with the changes that mc will
slowly introduce yc to his peoples way of living; how they appreciate the life around them,
their craftings and everything else which falls under yc's line of interests. here the military
becomes eager to grant yc allowance to venture out without a guard provided he carries
a tracker, hoping mc will eventually lead him to the last of the clan they prior tried to
. . . . . . . . . .take 2: yc is trained in the military field and part of the squads sent out to
explore, map and discover any potential hindrances which need to be "removed" in
favour of the planned expanding. he's well aware of what's going on, why they're there,
what happened to the natives that used to live not far from the base and has heard about
the failed attempts already made to integrate with the blue aliens at another base. he's
not very interested in the life here or what will happen to it; he had his reason for going
here, and that's all that matters. manoeuvring the avatar is a bit more exciting than anti-
cipated, but that's pretty much it. during a task/mission/patrol (our choice) does he end
up a little further out than planned and ends up gun to face with one of the natives (mc).
while nothing about this first encounter is ideal, does the reactions from his higher-ups
upon telling them about it speak clearly: he has something to gain here; find out where
the rest are hiding, and he's guaranteed a status boost. this one will be rockier than the
ones above and needs more fleshing out.

CONCEPT B: I thought this to play out either during early stages of RDA's arrival to Pandora
or during the RDA's return to Pandora in 2169 (when A:TWOW take place) - whichever you'd
fancy the most. since each choice comes with quite different angles (
our characters know-
ledge and opinions on humans, lived experiences with them on Pandora and so on.) will this
"plot" option also be quite vague and need some proper work, but roughly; yc and mc are
both Na'vi but from different clans.
. . . . . . . . . .take 1: if settling with a storyline played pre:jake sully did I envision mc and his
clan seeking refuge with yc's clan, after the humans having bombed their old home in favour
of clearing a broad area and building a base. this comes with both the clash of very different
ways of living, as well as opinions about the "sky people" and how to approach it all.
. . . . . . . . . .take 2: if going with a story running alongside TWOW did I imagine something like
one of the clans actively trying to sabotage the industrialisation that's happening, inspired
by the Omaticaya's and driven by past hurt and anger, indirectly pulling clan 2 with them as
their actions doesn't stop the humans, but rather forces them to branch out elsewhere and
see less and less reason to spare anything living throwing a fit.

1. these might not be the most unique ideas, but with the complicity of the universe by itself, would I rather us making it unique by how we portrait our characters than with an overly complicated plot.
2. we will both be required to play multiple characters, although the focus should be on our two main ones - just that side characters will be needed!
3. to be extra clear: this will be a mxm rp with romantic elements, violence, dark themes, futurism, fantasy, dystopic as well as utopic ideologies while keeping our language respectful. swear as much as you'd like, knock people out or write as rude a character as you please (within what fits the story) but don't go see this as an opportunity to excuse bigoted behaviour simply because the story will take place in a made-up universe.
4. I will require of you to have understood this universe to an extent where you can help drive the planing, plotting and story forwards with me, adapt your language when writing to fit the perspective you're writing from and stay above 1.5k words per reply - I want a very litterate rp; to get immersed, know what your oc is thinking and feeling.
5. mostly plot/story driven, I'm just not that big on smut. intimacy is 100% fine and encouraged, but multiple replies in graphic detail about full-blown intercourse will most likely not happen. if this is a deal breaker then I completely understand.​

. . .also please read here :). . .

I hope someone else out there is as eager for an Avatar rp as I am, so please drop me
a dm if this tickle your interest! let me in on any ideas you yourself might have, thoughts
on the ones I've written out etc - I'll be keeping my fingers crossed haha.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .HOPEFULLY HEAR FROM YOU SOON :D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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